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Golden Rams

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  1. Good to report I have baby multi's everywhere. Also, I set-up another Bookcase aquarium with Lamprologus Ocellatus or Golden Ocellatus. Just as comical, love to bury themselves in the sand. LOL
  2. The big box stores will get the tanks for you. Or order online for instore pick-up.
  3. Yes, they are great little bulldozers. I have some baby Gold Mystery Snails in the tank, which they pick up and move away from their homes. Amazingly they never injure the snails.
  4. Well, I have baby multi's now. I haven't enjoyed the actual fish keeping hobby so much in years. Almost as much fun as when my first pair of Convicts bred back in 68. lol
  5. I feed mine live brine and snails. I have blue shrimp in with them although they tend to eat the baby shrimp.
  6. Could just be a small version???? I took a photo of the floaters that cover to top of one of my 40 breeders, yup they have flowers. never noticed before. Old eyes.
  7. Yes, but they are about the third of the size floaters. I also have never seen floaters bloom. The bloom is so small that it can only be seen in the magnified photo.
  8. Anyone know what this floating plant is? looks to be some kind of mini floaters. Note the flower on the topmost plant.
  9. I have been breeding fish now for over fifty years. Its time lots of time. Time learning, feeding and cleaning. The most important item is cleanliness and I cannot stress this enough. Others may have a different opinions then me, but a clean tank is a healthy tank, it has work for me and that is the key. Now that I'm up to 93 tanks it great to have so many grandkids. LOL This hobby takes time, as I have heard Dean say people fail because they don't put in the time. Never a truer word spoken. IMHO
  10. I have Fluval Plant 3.0 lights on all my tanks, could be why they are such a beautiful bright red. Don't really know as I am not a plant guy.
  11. Your Ph is extremely high for oto's, nor do I feel that they will live at this high level. I keep mine at 7.0 which is still a little high, but most of mine are offspring from my breeding pairs. They are in a tank with twigs and lots of leaf litter. I feed Repashy(available @ Aquarium Co-Op) Super Green, Bottom Scratcher and Soilent Green and Zucchini and Green Beans. They seem to enjoy these types of food.
  12. If you have albino, red or super red plecos try some boiled carrot. In my case it intensifies their color.
  13. There is a red leaf root floater . Phyllanthus Fluitans .They are high priced around $10 but they multiply.
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