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  1. Thank you very much for the kind words! I do have some sharper rocks that may have caused some damage, I've since sanded them down and will likely be replacing them with river stone that my family ordered for a backyard renovation, I'm sure they won't miss a couple of them lol. I will keep up with the water changes and get my boy some new decor
  2. I know the pictures aren't high quality, but I tried for half an hour and these were the best I could get. I posted the same question on reddit with video bit can't post it here. His top tail fin has been torn like this for a month at least and I'm worried it's progressing to fin rot. Can anyone tell me if it is fin rot and if so, what else can I do about it? I'm using API Stress Guard and indian almond leaves at the moment Ammonia and nitrites: 0ppm Nitrates: 40ppm (doing water changes to get this down over the course of a couple days) pH: 8.2 Edit: added pics from when I brought him home for comparison
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