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  1. Thank you so much @xXInkedPhoenixX and @Patrick_Gfor the super fast replies. You were both absolutely right . Luckily I've just purchased the test kit so I'm hoping it didn't affect the accuracy of future uses. this poor tank was and still is in pretty bad shape. The water and side of the tanks were completely covered in algae and the anubia is covered in black beard algae. I guess the previous owner just ran out of time and wasn't keeping up with water changes. I've already performed 2 25 percent water changes since the move on Tuesday but I'm worried about stressing them out even more. I think the tank might be overpopulated as it has 3 adult mbuna cichlids 2 cuckoo catfish about 10cm long and a 10cm bristlenose Pleco and a 15cm bristlenose pleco. Can I ask your thoughts on whether that's too much? thanks again in advance
  2. Hi everybody so this is my first post I have a Cichlid and catfish tank that's 130litres (36 gallons) that I purchased secondhand and moved to my house a week ago. I've been running tests and I'm getting very mixed results on the nitrates results for the two testkits and don't know which one to follow. Looks like the tetra is showing a ppm of 200 and the API is showing around 20ppm Is anybody else experiencing similar issues? Thanks in advance
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