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  1. I will use this advise. Thanks
  2. Some how I made two post. I put an update on the other one and I'm going to try to delete this one. Thanks for your help. I plan to lightly clean filter tomorrow and add more crushed coral. I also did a test with api and got 7.4 to 7.6. I added a air stone. The Fish are doing much better. I thought this tank was on auto pilot.
  3. Thank you for all the advise. Checked temp is good 75. Did a 25 percent water change and added air stone, fish all seem to be back to normal. No more dead fish. This is last test results below. TDS down to 700. I did do ph test with api and got 7.4 to 7.6. I will test again in the morning. Then do a 25 percent water change and lightly clean filter and add more crushed coral. I think this will increase flow and I have spray bar pointed towards surface. Thanks to everyone who responded. I sometimes feel like I'm in over my head and your responses are very helpful. I think I will also go donate a bunch of platies, as this is not the only tank of them.
  4. Wow thanks for the quick reply. I do have crushed coral in water storage and filter. I will add an air stone and some salt. Will salt hurt the plants? I will perform a water change until nitrates lower. I will also clean filter in a couple days to increase water flow. Thanks again. I'll let you know how it goes. Do tanks lose oxygen over night?
  5. Hi All Thanks in advance Here's what I've got: I checked on tank at 0800 4 pregnant platies are dead 2 don't look so good. The rest of the fish are at the service gulping for air. Snail even crawled out. 37 gallon tall with small sponge filter, 307 fluval with under gravel input and spray bar output. Gravel substrate 9 inches in the back 3 inches in the front with bags of fluval stratum aquasoil. Medium planting. Heavy stocked due to platies breeding. Lights on for 11 hours mounted 4 in over tank. No lid. 1 year old. Coop test strip: No chlorine I'm on a well. Ph 6.4 Kh 40 Gh 300+ Nitrite 0 Nitrate 50 to 100 No ammonia Tds 850(not sure I believe this going to order a new meter) What I've done recently(3days): I did a normal water change 25 percent. I use rodi water. I reminiralize to 200 tds and aerate with sponge filter for at least 24 hours and heat. I trimmed a bunch of stems out. I added 40 blue dreams from another one of my tanks. I removed dead fish. I'm happy to supply more info. What should I do?
  6. Hi All Thanks in advance Here's what I've got: I checked on tank at 0800 4 pregnant platies are dead 2 don't look so good. The rest of the fish are at the service gulping for air. Snail even crawled out. 37 gallon tall with small sponge filter, 307 fluval with under gravel input and spray bar output. Gravel substrate 9 inches in the back 3 inches in the front with bags of fluval stratum aquasoil. Medium planting. Heavy stocked due to platies breeding. Lights on for 11 hours mounted 4 in over tank. No lid. 1 year old. Coop test strip: No chlorine I'm on a well. Ph 6.4 Kh 40 Gh 300+ Nitrite 0 Nitrate 50 to 100 No ammonia Tds 850(not sure I believe this going to order a new meter) What I've done recently(3days): I did a normal water change 25 percent. I use rodi water. I reminiralize to 200 tds and aerate with sponge filter for at least 24 hours and heat. I trimmed a bunch of stems out. I added 40 blue dreams from another one of my tanks. I removed dead fish. I'm happy to supply more info. What should I do?
  7. My well has not tested positive for Ammonia but I will continue to test it seasonally. I have added a cycled sponge, pond basket full of cycled pea gravel and crushed coral. Over night it has lowered the nitrites. I also have a pathos coming out the top. This is not how I invisioned this water source but is what I like about this hobby. That is a great thought for emergency QT tank.
  8. I didn't mean to have 5 stages, I missed ordered but I sure do like it. I don't have container sealed off. I may need to try this. Thanks for reply.
  9. I tested well for Ammonia it was negative.I tried an api test kit same results. High nitrite. I put some prime in. I also put a cycled sponge filter, a pond basket of cycled pea gravel, a pound of crushed coral and a pothos growing out the top. I will give a day and see if that will process it. Not sure if this new process will work long term. Maybe back to drawing board. I may clean it out completely and get an additive with gh and kh. I appreciate the advice and this forum.
  10. Ammonia test have all been negative. Although I have not tested my well water for Ammonia. I will try that. Thanks for your feed back you seem to be qualified in this type of thing. What nano fish do you currently breed?
  11. Hi All Not a disease. Water issue. I have set up a water storage, 45 gallon Grey trash can. I fill it with RODI water, it has a heater and an air stone. I have been using equilibrium and mixing tds to about 200 in 5 gallon buckets. I recently added a transfer pump and started mixing in Grey trash can. I also started adding a little well water to get some kh back. It is now testing between 1 and 5 nitrites on test strip. ANY IDEAS? My well test strip is PH 7.6 KH 80 GH 300+ nitrites 0 Nitrates 30 TDS 360 My storage tank test strip is PH 6.8 KH 40 GH 150 nitrites 1-5 Nitrates 10 TDS 150 My RODI PH 6.4 KH 0 Gh 0 nitrites 0 Nitrates 0 TDS 0 My concerns I used brass fittings on transfer pump. I am using my well water to get KH but I quit using it due to high nitrates likely from orchard pesticides. I tried crushed coral to raise kh very slow process I think. In closing, it helped me to write this out. Also I wish I just put water in the tank and never tested. Ignorance is bliss. In my house this is referred to as my mid life crisis. Thanks for reading if you made it this far and input is appreciated. Lester I'll put some fish tank photos for fun.
  12. @Colu hi thanks for your help. Update white cloud is doing well. White fungus went away and swimming normal. I know it's just a white cloud but I'm new and I got them to learn from. I plan to treat again in 3 weeks just in case parasites hatch and return.
  13. Thank you I will give this a try. Will this spread to other fish? I have 12 otos 1 hill stream loach and a Siamese Algae Eater in this quarantine tank.
  14. Maybe 4 to 5 days. The one with in the picture looks like it is struggling with equilibrium. Not sure if that's the right word. I'm guessing swim bladder problems too. I have them in the med trio now. Other fish seem to be OK.
  15. Hi All I purchased 6 white clouds in early December. I put them in quarantine tank and treated with med trio, but I did each med 1 at a time with breaks in between. They have been doing just OK. I have lost 1 a week for three weeks. I have moved them back to quarantine and noticed white spot behind gills of one male. Also noticed gills are red. I noticed gills would get red and the spine would start to bend before the previous three died. I am new to hobby and just learning. My tanks are not seasoned but are cycled. I test water regularly and change water when I think it needs it. I am an over feeder but I'm working on that. Last water check was: Ph 7.2 Kh 80 Gh 300 No nitrites or ammonia Nitrates are 40 to 50 My well water is hard lots of calcium. Comes out at ph 6.6 to 6.8. After discovering low ph I set up water barrel and aerate and heat before water changes. After 24 hours ph runs 7.8 to 8.0 I added some bags of fluval stratum to help lower ph. It now sits between 7.0 to 7.4. I know this is a lot of info. I'm open to any constructive feedback you've got. I'm enjoying this project and know success comes with failure. The WC were purchased with the idea that I am new and have some learning to do. I hoped to put them in a wine barrel pond this summer. If they make it. I have 2 wine barrel ponds, 2 20 gallons tanks 1 grow out and 1 quarantine. I also have 45 tall. Thanks in advance Lester
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