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  1. Thanks for all the input! I will be checking everything. I did find a video on YouTube for the light I have and apparently, lol, it was in way to bright for way to long. Gonna check the tds and hopefully the algae will go away, might get more snails too 😀🤞
  2. I removed all the frogbit and floating plants, found little hopping bugs on the water. Did a 50% water change. My tap water is soft with 1 kH/1 gh so I have crushed coral in the filter which brings it to 4 kH/8 gh, ph is about 7.4. My parameters are currently 0/0/20. I’m gonna change my light timer to 8 hour days.
  3. I removed all the frogbit and floating plants, found little hopping bugs on the water. Did a 50% water change. Fingers crossed!
  4. The light is pre-programmed, so it’s on at varying degrees from 6-6. I move the floating plants around, just recently to the one side to get away from the HOB. The penny wort looks the best out of all the plants. The swords and crypts are covered in algae. No direct sunlight, my living room is actually really dark
  5. Hello, first time posting here. So I have a 40 gallon cycled tank that I messed up somehow. It has eco-complete substrate on half the tank. I added plants with some root tabs, added thrive fertilizer and got the normal melting. I also have a fluval plant spectrum LED. I added some snails to help with the algae and got a some loaches. My tank is green, and the plants are struggling and dying. I turned off the light for 2 days. There is even some hair algae growing on the wood. It has a Tidal 55 filter. So here are my questions: - can I get 2 large aquarium coop sponge filters to replace the HOB? Will that be enough filtration? Or should I get a canister? I prefer sponge filters, the HOB makes too water agitation for the floating plants I think. I also think my tidal 55 is not enough. - why are my floating plants dying? I have 2 other tanks that I pull handfuls out of every week. The only difference is the HOB and ferts. - how do I get rid off all the algae? My plan is to do a 50% water change and pull up some of the root tabs, and clean as much as I can. Might pick up some nerites. Thanks!
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