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  1. That’s good to hear I don’t have enough tanks yet to be separating a lot of different shrimp lol. I don’t want to mix up several and end up with several different colors so I’ll just have to wait and see these babies grow up a little bit.
  2. It had to be a cherry shrimp unless there's one in here that isn't a cherry and I haven't seen in 5 months. I originally bought yellows but that didn't end being what I mostly got but I got those all sorted and separated 4 months ago so it has to be a cherry.
  3. As I'm not really a shrimp person and just getting more into them now this would be considered a chocolate shrimp and not black rose correct. Now the next thing that has left me kinda confused is the only thing in here is cherry shrimp so what exactly can I expect as this is a female with eggs please don't tell me I'm about the get some random combos with that please no skittles lol. First picture is disgusting sorry about that I leave this tank alone fore the babies for the most part.
  4. Thank you for the help, My last guess was the snails for some reason but I'll get on that maybe it's the perfect excuse to get some pea puffers that I've been hesitant on owning for awhile now.
  5. I have a few questions about my dwarf aquarium lily, In the first image you can see tiny holes in the leaves which I'm pretty sure is a potassium thing but my bigger concern is the what looks like chunks taken out of the leaf(s). I used to use three root tabs a month but as it's grown I use six a month maybe I'm still not using enough or I need to use a liquid fertilizer as well. I'm not sure what the cause of this is whether it's something with my water, Not enough fertz or if it could be my amano shrimp beating the crap out of it. I have had water sprite in this tank before that they quite literally shredded they would pluck the leaves off of it and cause damage to the stems that eventually killed off the water sprite. I also have god knows how many snails in here and I'm not sure what kind they are. I have six Amanos and too many snails to count in a 10 gallon tank, thanks for any advice/help you can provide.
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