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Posts posted by tzahroxi

  1. On 4/28/2022 at 11:59 PM, Cory said:

    If I had to guess, it's run down immune system from the low PH. Is your pH above 7 now? How is the hardness in the tank? I'd probably move em to quarantine if you had it and dose aquarium salt and let em sit in that with extra minerals and a ph above 7.

    normally my pH is a little above 6.5 but not 7. i have drift wood in there which was the likely cause but i added a new piece about two weeks ago and my pH was 6.3, which was a bit too low than i think they could handle so i added some small bags of crushed coral to the filter box  to help with it. i normally have hard water with a moderate KH, but when i checked my pH just now is was around 7.2-7.5. ive already moved the worst one the panda to quarantine. and ive added salt to both my main tank and the quarantine. what should i do from there?

  2. I had a fish last month that had dropsy that I put down. I come home tonight and check on my tank and two of my fish look like they could have dropsy. I did a water change yesterday and all my fish looked fine then but today they looked like this. The panda one suddenly got very skinny me had a raised portion around the “hip” area. The bumble bee suddenly has a large growth on the mouth and their left side is raised, she is active and eating fine though. What should I do?

    I recently added some crushed coral to the filter cause I was having a drop in pH to where is was  around 6.3





  3. I noticed during the last day that my sword tail developed a white patch on her tail. I don’t know what it is. It might seem a little raised but not much. I’ve been feeding the tank bloodworms soaked in kanaplex lately cause I received some surrender fish and one of the guppies had an area where it looked like it got scraped in transit (the scrape is gone now). But the guppy is oddly shaped, I thought I was bloat but I’m not too sure.






  4. On 2/27/2022 at 7:27 AM, Colu said:

    You can add a high level of Aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 1 gallon as well as keep treating with kanaplex or salt bath 1 table spoon for 1 gallon for no more than 15 minutes 2-3 times a day @tzahroxi

    I was too late. The rest were dead. There is only a honey gourami that hasn’t been affected by all of this left. What do I do with them

  5. My cherry barbs have gotten worse. Several have died. They are covered in  epistylus and some of their tails have rotted away. I’ve been treating with kanaplex but it’s not getting better. I have been doing water changes every other day as well.

    My cherry barbs have gotten worse. Several have died. They are covered in  epistylus and some of their tails have rotted away. I’ve been treating with kanaplex but it’s not getting better. I have been doing water changes every other day as well.




  6. On 2/20/2022 at 4:28 PM, xXInkedPhoenixX said:

    @tzahroxi I'm sorry you are going through this but it can take several weeks to fight an outbreak like yours with double illnesses going on. Ich can be stubborn and understanding the lifecycle of the ich helps make it seem not quite as hopeless. Understand all the scabs you see are eggs laid and protected by the scab, they'll fall out as eggs- hundreds (protected) and fall into your substrate, then depending on temperature and conditions of your tank hundreds of the Ich come out to find your fish again and do it all over....now THIS is the ONLY time they are vunerable to the medication. So just think about that. With tanks in the 70s this takes days for the vunerable part to happen and you don't want to raise the temp if you are also battling Epystilus which can spread FASTER in higher temps. 

    Think about the hundreds upon hundreds of little Ich you are battling. This isn't easy, but it's possible- you can't give up. So what do you do? Water change, dose meds, water change, dose meds, water change, dose meds. 

    I've used API Super Ick on my Otos- it works fine for them so as far as the pleco they should be ok- however if you are indeed concerned about your inverts and can't move them- don't dose it, just keep with the Ich X and/or salt. Only you can make these decisions- only you can see what's going on in your tanks and what your fish/inhabitant need/behaving/eating etc. 

    i wouldnt be feeling this way if there was any improvemnt. it is either stagnant or spreading. i upped the salt content to 1 tablespoon per 5 gallons and increased the temp to 84, normally in the 80-82 range depending of the day. i moved out my snails but the shrimp will be hard to move, there has to be over 20 assorted shrimp species

    also the epistylus was in a different tank. unfortunatly i only think one of the neons will make it. the spots cleared up on them but there is still one more that looks a little bad. my normal qt tank isnt big enough for all this fish and is currently occupied

    • Sad 1
  7. On 2/20/2022 at 1:54 PM, Colu said:

    It says invertebrates maybe sensitive to api super ick cure  so they could have a reaction to the medication I was just looking up ich medication and ick x is the only one that fully invertebrate safe that I could find you could try using salt with  the ick x 1 table spoon for 5 gallons shouldn't harm your plants

    i normally keep the tank salted due to livebearers, unfortunatly its a planted tank with lots of fry and shrimp. i can move the snails easily but the shrimp or fry would be super hard to catch and move. my qt is already full with cherry barbs that im having trouble with and the only other cycled tanks have fish in them that i dont want ich to spread to.


    On 2/20/2022 at 1:21 PM, Colu said:

    Ich is getting more  resistant if ick x isn't working sometimes switching to ich medication with a different active ingredient like API super ick cure  will have the desired effect

    Is it invert safe. I have shrimp and snails in there

    What should I do in switching from ich x to super ich cure

  9. the ich is still ongoing, the neons definitely had epistylis but the others were ich. still been using ich x and nothing has improved. some spots will go away and them more appear later on more fish. the spots are only on the fins. ive been feeding them food soaked in kanaplex throughout this but nothing is helping

    its been about two weeks and ive never had this much of a problem with ich. the fish dont seem stressed but i know its only going to get worse

  10. This is their quarantine tank. I have been treating for ich and now I’m treating for epistylis with kanaplex in the food. They won’t eat and they just move in place at the bottom. Been trying to take a good picture but my phone just wont




  11. also i heard that you can treat the epistylis with kanaplex mixed with foom but i can hardly get the neons to eat at all. they have only eaten a small bit of fry food. frozen foods are to big for them, otherwise i would have tried already


    On 2/12/2022 at 11:13 PM, Ken Burke said:


    I’ll second @Colu.  

    try adding aquarium salt. If you follow directions it can’t hurt, and is good for a lot of different things



    i have been adding salt, i normally add some with the livebearer tank cause it just good for them in general

    how long does it take for improvments to start showing. im affraid things will get worse and worse and ill lose all my fish in several of my tanks. i dont know what to do. ive treated ich before many times and it normally clears up pretty fast with ich x if i catch it early like i did but its only getting worse


  12. On 2/12/2022 at 11:08 PM, Colu said:

    The spots look raised on your neon tetra could be Epistylis he how you tell the two apart


    the thing though is that the spots are uniform, raised, pure white, all over the fish, none on eyes so far

    with the others its only on the fins, translucent, appears flat

    each fish has symptoms of both. im pretty sure the swordtail and the guppy have ich based on past experience but the neon is new, i havent ever seen ich have raised spots

  13. I have several tanks with ich like symptoms right now. I’ve been using ich-x to treat them and I have been following the treatment exactly. But they’re doesn’t seem to be any improvement. 

    tank one: the neons in the pictures. Been treating for a week so far. Temp is at 78. No improvement. The dots are raised.

    Tank 2: my quarantine tank. The guppy pictures. Couldn’t get him to ever hold still so I can’t tell what it is aside from white dots. Been treating about 5 days with the disease only spreading more. Temp 77.

    tank 3: main tank with the female swordtail. Been treating 2-3 days but what started with one fish has now spread to several with no improvement. Temp at 81

    I don’t know what to do. Things are only getting worse and not better

    update 2/20:

    the ich is still ongoing, the neons definitely had epistylis but the others were ich. still been using ich x and nothing has improved. some spots will go away and them more appear later on more fish. the spots are only on the fins. ive been feeding them food soaked in kanaplex throughout this but nothing is helping







  14. On 1/30/2022 at 5:48 PM, xXInkedPhoenixX said:

    Ah gotcha, my mistake. Have you thought about Rasboras? My Harlequins are really great, and tight schooler. Or just want Tetras? I've heard good things about Serpae Tetras and they are pretty. I was going to get some and others here say they're great fish and not typical like say a Neon. 

    ive though about harlequins, i they were one of the species i was thinking about but i dont know much about rasboras as i do with some tetras but if they are peaceful im open to try them. i dont want to test temperament between species. i have already dealt with some jerk platys and guppies and im thinking about separating them cause my male platy decide it hate the subadult males and killed them

    ive seem some really pretty serpaes lately but i heard they are fin nippy, what is your opinion on that?

    i am going to put a picture of the tank (wip aquascape) at the top post

  15. On 1/30/2022 at 5:42 PM, xXInkedPhoenixX said:

    Not that I have any personal experience with that I would trust with my CPDs. I have Black Neons I affectionately call them Murder Fish so they're in a tank by themselves. I think my Harlequin Rasboras would do ok with them but they are so much bigger than a CPD. 

    Have you thought about maybe Endlers or Guppies?

    these arnt cpds (D. margaritatus), they are plain pearl danios (D. albolineatus). they get about 2.5 inches long

    im trying to get some guppies in my main tank so ill see how that goes but i work with a lot of live bearers and want to branch with schooling fish

  16. i have a smaller pea gravel with some crush shells to help with ph cause i tend to have acidic water. there are somewhat larger rocks in the gravel that may be a bit rough

    On 1/30/2022 at 5:37 PM, xXInkedPhoenixX said:

    I would recommend Ember Tetras they're nice little schooling fish super small and not as jerky as some tetras can be- I really love mine. 

    are there some other small tetras aside from embers?

    On 1/30/2022 at 5:35 PM, bettta999 said:

    no they dont !!!! what gravel do you have ??

    ok maybe hillstream loaches

    i like the idea of hillstream loaches, i havent had them before

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