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Posts posted by FishPlanet

  1. On 11/9/2021 at 9:53 PM, Ken said:

    The last several years I went on the deer hunt all I did was make sure the grub in the Dutch Ovens was up to snuff. There was a rifle nearby, just in case, but I didn't have to clean a deer for years. 🙂

    When I had less white hair however...




    On 11/9/2021 at 10:06 PM, lefty o said:

    nice mulie! makes the last whitetail i got look kinda tiny.😜



    They are both really nice bucks! 

    • Like 2
  2. Neptune. I will forever remember your sweet name, personality, and just who you were.
    I hope you are enjoying swimming under the rainbow bridge.

    May 3rd, 2021. I walked into the pet store 2 months after I lost my first boy, Saturn, and I saw you. Short fins, small body, and strong personality. I decided right then and there to get you.

    You lived in a 10 gallon for a week or so with fry on the other side of the divider and with a female. I am so sorry.
    You then lived in a divided 10 gallon with your brother Atlantis on the other side.
    Once Atlantis died, you had the whole tank to yourself.

    I also enjoyed seeing you grow up into a handsome betta, with long flowing fins.

    When I added in platy juveniles for you, you put up with them and they became your best friends.

    I remember you used to hide in the java fern, enjoying a little peace and quiet, but when you heard me coming to your tank, you would swim out of the java fern and stay with me until I left. You always listened to my troubles, you stuck with me through some tough times. You were my best friend when I did not have any friends.

    I wish that fin rot and dropsy did not claim your live so suddenly from me, but I am sure that you are enjoying the life with Calisto, Jupiter, Saturn, Pluto, Atlantis, and all the other bettas that have passed away.

    Neptune, I will forever remember you. I will miss you, my little scaled, finned friend. I love you.

    Your mommy


    • Sad 9
  3. Pinkey, I will forever miss you.

    I remember coming into the pet store, looking at the wild bettas, and seeing you, going crazy every time you saw me. I remember you looking like you were sticking your tongue out at me, and I just had to get you.

    I'm sorry for every time I put you in with a male betta, and when the beat you. I did not know better then.

    I remember being so excited that I had just gotten my first female betta. And I decided when I got home, that I would name you Pinkey, because of your pink fins.

    You went from tank to tank, putting up with me, whenever I hurt you because of me being a fish noob.

    When you were in a tank with fish that did not like you, you put up with them. I tried hard for you to get better. I'm sorry.

    I would say more, but I just have a huge lump in my throught right now, and I just want to sob.

    I will miss you, and I will forever treasure the 10 months I've had with you.

    Your mommy.

    • Sad 12
  4. On 11/2/2021 at 3:20 PM, Colu said:

    What I would do is keep the water level as low as possible so she get to the surface more easy and  add a small amount of aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 5 gallons and I would treat with kanaplex it's a great antibiotic for when they not eating as it's adsorbed thought the skin and gills

    Should I put the water levels lower even when there is shrimp in with her? And can I use aquarium slat with shrimp? And how much should I put in a 1 gallon?

  5. On 11/1/2021 at 9:03 AM, Guppy Guy said:

    So sorry to hear about that. 

    Unfortunately, a guppy dying of dropsy isn’t unheard of if not common. What’s weird to me is that almost all of my guppy’s die from dropsy. I have them for 2 or 3 years, and then their activity suddenly slows down, they start hiding, not eating and pineconeing, and unfortunately dies within a week.

    How old was Chamomile before she died? If she was between 1 and 3 years old, it was likely a natural death. Either way, don’t feel bad, as I’m sure someone near you breed guppies and I’m also sure that one of them is just waiting to be named Chamomile jr. (or another garden plant. Peppermint? Rosemary? Berry? I love a good garden names theme like the one you started.)

    My best advice to you is to not give up on the hobby, and keep going. If you don’t accidentally kill some fish, how will you learn to keep other fish? The best part about this forum is that people can help each other learn from each other’s mistakes, and I’m sure someone has had the same problem as you, and in my case, many times. Good luck with your next round of guppies!!



    Thank you. We found her as a fry in a 10 gallon earlier this year. We don't even know who the parents were to this day. We still have another female guppy and a male guppy (I don't know if he is a endler or a guppy. People argued over which kind he was) and we have had bad luck with guppies. We really love the platies, bettas, shrimp, and snails too. 

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