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Everything posted by GraveCompany

  1. I come with good updates! I can say for sure you do have to really shake those API bottles to make sure you get accurate results. Luckily my results have also been promising. I did 30-50% water changes almost daily since I originally posted and it made a huge difference. My ammonia plummeted more and more every time and slowly my Nitrites and Nitrates both started to build. Now I am showing less Nitrites and my Nitrates are on the rise! Were doing good. I DID pick up some SeaChem Stability and that aided in the process. I could see results with Nitrates building very quickly after using it. And I occasionally threw a little SeaChem Prime in to make sure whatever ammonia is in there, doesn't harm the fish. I also have been growing natural greens on my driftwood! Very excited about that. Not sure how, but it sprouted on its own! I snapped a couple pics. My fish were very curious as I was taking pictures, including one of my Bronze Cory's in the last pic.
  2. Awesome alright I was already considering some Java Moss and I know where to get it locally. My driftwood is also growing some greens naturally which I am wicked excited about. I also did another water change yesterday, 10 gallons. AND TODAY I got some new numbers. Just under 1ppm Ammonia .25 - .50ppm Nitrites 0-5ppm Nitrates So probably should continue with another 10-gallon change and keep it up till ammonia hits 0?
  3. Ahhh, I knew this forum would be the right place! The replies are fantastic. I will NOT add more fish for sure, and I was already entertaining the idea to add plants - I will do so! It seems as though it is suggested to keep up with daily water changes as well, maybe I'll start with 5 gallons daily? What should I be looking for on my water tests to know when to stop doing water changes?
  4. Hello world (I'll try to keep this as short as possible!) I had been itching to start a tank for years, and with COVID came new opportunities since I now work from home. So I redid my office and found some space to put a nice 45-gallon tank. I threw water in, let it run for a few days, and then added some fish. I have been struggling to get the parameters good ever since. I am aware now of my mistakes and wish not to be pointed and laughed at (haha). Believe me I feel guilty for them. Below is my rough timeline. 1. Added water from the hose, which was probably a bad idea. It was murky from the get-go. 2. Added fish to "jump-start" the cycle. 1 Rubber-lipped pleco and 2 Bronze Cory's. 3. Proceeded to over-feed said fish. And after a few days, I added 6 Cardinal Tetra's. 4. The driftwood that i soaked for days ended up getting white algae that grew like wildfire, I was told its natural and to leave it. 5. White algae became too much so I scraped as much off as I could, and did a 15-gallon water change with some RO water I bought at a local fish store. 6. However I rinsed the filters, and all the decor with tap water not knowing I am not supposed to do that. 7. I then capitalized on this mistake by adding some Seachem Purigen, but I goofed and didn't rinse one of the packets before putting it in my HOB and it re-clouded my water. 8. I then sat and stewed for a few days as I was advised to let it cycle. 9. Water did somewhat clear up, but the algae was back again on the driftwood and I decided it was time to try another water change. This time I used my tap water with some API Tap-Water Conditioner. I did however, rinse the decor with tap-water again (I know, I know...) 10. At this point I started to really see my mistakes and was lucky enough to get some GOOD information. I added foam filters to my filter water inlet tubes, and some Pinky-Floss as well inside the canister. These were huge additions and made big differences in water clarity. 11. I exchanged another 15-gallons of water (conditioned tap water). This time I was smart though and all the filters got rinsed in the old tank water that I took out. I felt like a pro lol. Water was looking really good. Fish were all still happy. 12. I felt bad that the Cory's were alone, and added 2 Albino Cory's and 2 Skunk Cory's. They're all pals, and love schooling and goofing around. 13. Finally stopped being a dummy, and got an API Master Test Kit. My parameters weren't great. The entire time I had been testing with the API test strips, and was showing 0 Nitrites and 0 Nitrates. Now with the master kit, I see my Ammonia is at 2PPM and still 0 Nitrites and 0 Nitrates. Now I feel bad for my poor fish who were still somehow happy. I grabbed some PRIME and threw some in to insure their livelihood. 14. Scraped the driftwood AGAIN and did a 50% water change. Water was now looking as clear as ever. Fish still happy. Tank looking clean. Wait a day and test again - I am now at 1PPM Ammonia, and still 0 Nitrites and 0 Nitrates. I waited till I hit about 24hrs and added another small dose of PRIME, again just to insure my fish dont get sick. AND HERE WE ARE! So been up and running just over 6-weeks. I have two Marineland HOB 200's running at all times, 2 air stones, and a small powerhead. Heat is always around 78. Full spectrum light on for 12hrs a day. The HOB's have a sponges on the intake, a carbon filter, then Pinky Floss, then the bio-wheel and I threw some Fluval Bio-Rings in some empty spots as well to increase the media thats in there. This morning it still says 1PPM for Ammonia and 0 Nitrites and 0 Nitrates. I added a half-dose of PRIME to insure livelihood. The driftwood has also finally stopped growing insane amounts of algae and is naturally growing some greens and plants. What do I do? Another big water change? I feel like I never fully cycled. I just want a healthy tank!
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