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Posts posted by Razberry910

  1. On 2/29/2024 at 3:24 PM, TOtrees said:

    Do they move around with the point end leading the way, sort of testing and probing where to go, with the point end changing length and shape, like reaching out and drawing back as it goes? If that's a good description, then yes to leeches. Not all are terribly bad for tanks, but the fact you have that number in just one part does suggest a population boom, and you don't want that. Short of tearing the tank down and discarding all the substrate and mulm and starting fresh and clean, I don't know how to get rid of that many. I wonder if something like No Planaria would work on leeches. Do you have snails or shrimps in the tank, or any other desirable inverts?

    Yes, snails and shrimp.

  2. On 10/26/2023 at 1:56 PM, Fish Folk said:

    I generally use liquid AMQUEL by Kordon. But I have _seen_ squares of these in bags shipped up from FL fish farms. I'd definitely add a square. Most important is oxygen, unless you're using breather bags.

    I'm not shipping quite yet. I'm just bagging for a local auction. standard plastic bags, I don't have oxygen just air.  I imagine the longest the fish would be in bags is around 12-14 hours.

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  3. On 9/24/2023 at 6:10 PM, MN-AQUARIST said:

    To my eye you definitely have a trio,  the one with the notch in the anal fin is the male. A few things to consider with the lack of fry could be the parents predating them,  certain insects could eat them, temps were to warm for them to breed,  maybe not enough food for the females,  or possibly just bad luck with fry surviving.   What kind of filter,  if any,  did you have on the pond? 


    Just a large sponge filter. water temps between 58-79 throughout the summer.

  4. I have a trio of Trout Goodeid that lived outside all summer in a 300 gallon pond with tons of plants, cherry shrimp, and snails. I pulled them today and drained the pond no baby/juvenile goodeids. I suspect they are all females. I took pictures of each. please help me sex them.







  5. Has anyone delt with waternet algae before? Several of my summer totes have a large amount of it. I've found live and dead fry/juviles stuck in it this summer. I'll attach pics. This Algae makes a perfect little net in the water. I did manually remove some today freeing little fish as I pulled it out. According some research from Tennessee it forms in High alkaline ponds. I did add a bit of crushed coral to the totes this year I'm not sure if that would make much difference.






  6. On 6/19/2023 at 6:57 PM, Fish Folk said:

    Decapsulated Artemia nauplii are often mixed with a brine solution + aeration for ca. 12-16 hrs. and  the cysts actually _hatch_ into live brine shrimp. It just occurs much faster.

    https://aquaculture.ugent.be/Services/newsl/2001/nl136/a2.htm#:~:text=There are several advantages for decapsulating Artemia%3A&text=The procedure disinfects the cysts,eliminates bacteria (Vibrio spp.)&text=There are no shells that,digestive tract and kill larvae.

    There may be some practice of feeding the decapsulated shrimp right away too. In that case, I assume the concern is just about softening the serving for tiny fry.

    Interesting. These are listed as non-hatching I could always experiment with hatching them. 

    • Like 1
  7. On 5/2/2023 at 6:34 AM, Andy's Fish Den said:

    I've been hatching BBS several times a week and noticed that it seemed my sieve was getting slower one day as I was straining the BBS out. After I got that batch strained and into a container to feed, I took the sieve and rinsed it out and I could see a film across it, so I took a little vinegar and poured it in a dish, and set the sieve in it for a few minutes then gently scrubbed with an old toothbrush I have to use in tanks, rinsed it out and the next time I used it, it worked much better. I think it got a thin film of build up on it, even though I always rinse it out after using it, but I have hard water so I'm sure there was some thing on it. 

    Thanks I'll try this tommorow

  8. On 5/1/2023 at 3:34 PM, AllFishNoBrakes said:

    Here’s my set up:1ADDD8E7-B72F-4AC5-BDDF-387DDA2714A1.jpeg.a111e0197ff79728eb91277a48bd047d.jpeg4679ADB9-768B-4950-B64A-1C9BB3AF00B8.jpeg.5d21246bf74be9fc101cf0283e14dd3e.jpeg

    Sieve came from Amazon. Don’t know the micron, but I love this thing and even more love hands-free harvesting. 

    Maybe it's this one? https://www.amazon.com/MEIMEI-Collect-Artemia-Copepod-Hatchery/dp/B092TPH9QL/ref=sxin_16_pa_sp_search_thematic_sspa?content-id=amzn1.sym.ea7393e3-de5f-4d19-84a5-8c5fb5c68d5f%3Aamzn1.sym.ea7393e3-de5f-4d19-84a5-8c5fb5c68d5f&crid=2O65YGN4KJFL3&cv_ct_cx=brine+shrimp+sieve&keywords=brine+shrimp+sieve&pd_rd_i=B092TPH9QL&pd_rd_r=3b9ba6fa-0152-45f5-af64-17a686d95ab7&pd_rd_w=eL1jl&pd_rd_wg=T8jjt&pf_rd_p=ea7393e3-de5f-4d19-84a5-8c5fb5c68d5f&pf_rd_r=9AW1MPZZ4X7DECD23C11&qid=1682971627&sbo=RZvfv%2F%2FHxDF%2BO5021pAnSA%3D%3D&sprefix=brine+shrimp+seive%2Caps%2C215&sr=1-3-2b34d040-5c83-4b7f-ba01-15975dfb8828-spons&psc=1&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUEzRVVDUVZONzlXQzM2JmVuY3J5cHRlZElkPUEwNTQ0MDc2SlFYM1lCMFpYNVYmZW5jcnlwdGVkQWRJZD1BMDI2OTc5OTM1RzVDOEtaNTJBTUEmd2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9zZWFyY2hfdGhlbWF0aWMmYWN0aW9uPWNsaWNrUmVkaXJlY3QmZG9Ob3RMb2dDbGljaz10cnVl


    On 5/1/2023 at 3:53 PM, TOtrees said:

    In case anyone is interested, the small size of Python gravel vac tubing (not the airline tubing, but the smaller diameter siphon tubing) fits on the bottom spout of the ziss hatcher perfectly, should anyone want to carry the drained mix from the hatcher to something that isn't directly under it. 

    You folks in the states have no idea how great you have it with plumbing fixtures. I look at that great DIY rack/holder, and I see like $50 in parts. 😤

    [Edit: Maybe you do know how great you have it, I don't know. And I'm not judging. But that doesn't change my curmudgeonliness. Which is a word.]

    Good to know I stuck a piece of airline tubing into the bottom spout but a larger diameter tube would be nice.

  9. On 5/1/2023 at 3:01 PM, TOtrees said:

    I use these generic brine shrimp nets:


    Here's a link from the .ca side of amazon (not sure if it's what I've bought in the past or not, but it's similar). https://www.amazon.ca/brine-Shrimp-Filter-Artemia-Collectors/dp/B07GFC1DGR/ref=sr_1_7?

    The key for me (and I hatch bbs every other day) is separation rate (underlined and in bold). How well do the live bbs separate from the hatched and unhatched eggs after the hatching period is over? The bbs eggs I use have GREAT separation. I've never used the coop brand so can't say if it's in line with what I buy/use. 

    After a 40-48 hour soak, I turn off the air, remove the bubbler (I use the ziss hatcher), and let it settle for 5-10 minutes. In that time 99.9% of the hatches shells and unhatched eggs rise to the top. Then I pour off or decant the ENTIRE contents of the hatcher via the bottom valve, into a similar sized container. Gravity does this job for me, since the hatcher is attached to the wall above the collecting pitcher. I simply avoid collecting the last final bit at the top where all the eggs and shells are.

    Then I pass the 99.9% clean hatched bbs through the sieve/strainer above, and it's ready to feed. 


    One thing to note: I'm not saying I have great hatch rate here, but rather the separation of the hatched eggs from everything else is what's great. For all I know I might only be getting 70% hatch success. But if so, the unhatched 30% is rising to the top with the hatched shells, and it doesn't come out the bottom when I drain it off. The end result is minimal time/effort on my part, and a very very clean final product for my fish kids. 

    Does each sieve/net in that set have different size holes? Your harvest process is almost identical to mine but the water/shrimp mixture isn't flowing through my sieve. 

  10. Hi all,

    I'm using the coop brine shrimp eggs and the standard square sieve from BSD. The water takes forever to drain through the sieve it seems the mesh holes are too small/fine. I believe the mesh is 120micron. Does anyone use a different sieve that has slightly bigger holes? Maybe Coop is looking to make one?



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  11. About a year ago I won a plant at the local auction. if I recall I got it for a couple dollars. the plant was a tissue culture and was a donation from a Florida based nursey. the plant has done awesome providing hiding spots for shrimp and the snails don't eat it. today I pulled it out and transplanted about a third of the plant to a different tank. can anyone help identify from the attached pictures?

    Thank you



  12. one of our Blued lemon plecos seems to have a fin issue. A while back we noticed a slight pink/red spot on the tip of its side fins. today I noticed there seems to be a fin issue. see attached pics.   any help appreciated 

    20 gal. 75 degrees  other tank mates similar sized lemon pleco( I believe both girls), 5 juvenile green plecos, black shrimp




  13. Hello everyone. I have a small tank with male and female bristle nose plecos both around 4 inch in length in a tank with some black guppies, snails, and baby plecos about 2-3 months old. When we first got the male and introduced him to the tank the pleco breed within a week and we have like 100 baby plecos swimming around growing. Soon I'll have a 40 breeder open to house the plecos. 

    Anyway, yesterday the plecos breed outside the cave and left giant egg piles. The male doesn't seem to be caring for them. Should I remove them, leave them, put them in a breeder box?  

    Any ideas why they might have laid outside the caves? Maybe they need a bigger cave?

    pleco egg2.jpg

    pleco eggs1.jpg

  14. On 2/20/2023 at 6:55 PM, AllFishNoBrakes said:

    I add the tiniest little dash to my Hatcher per I think it was @Irene as we are in the same area and it works great. Good tip!

    I tried the baking soda on one batch. I'll try again but this time I'll add baking soda to water and let it bubble for a day then check the PH level. Once I have the desired amount which I think is 8.0 I'll add salt and eggs and let em bubble for 24-48 hrs. 

  15. A quick update I handed out three samples of the XXX eggs to members of my fish club that hatch eggs on a regular basis. I received a text and picture that the XXX eggs hatched out just fine. I'll try getting my water from another source as my well water can run a bit acidic. Even if I can figure out the correct steps for the XXX brand I think I'll be switching back to Coop as they worked for me and were simple.  Since the XXX brand eggs are good I feel I can donate them to the club auction.

  16. On 1/28/2023 at 8:32 PM, dylaneff1 said:

    I'm going to take a wild guess that XXX is Brine Shrimp Direct because that's what all of this taken together sounds like to me. No need to say one way or the other. I personally like both companies. In my experience, BSD's eggs require higher aeration and temperature to get a good hatch rate and are less consistent than the Co-op's. The Great Salt Lake is going through some pretty serious ecological changes that seems to be affecting the quality of the eggs. I'm switching over to the Co-op's eggs exclusively, but if you want to try to get a good hatch rate from the BSD eggs, I would try more air and higher temperature. I can just let the Co-op's eggs go for longer to increase yield at a lower temp, but that hasn't worked for me with BSD's. I have to get them above room temp for at least part of the hatching cycle.

    thanks. I've agitated them pretty well. I've also tried heating to 82. and the last attempt room temp ~72 with salt add a half a teaspoon of baking soda. 48 hours later. still a sad hatch. I'll email the company maybe there's a bad lot or at least return thet hree un opened cans.

  17. On 1/23/2023 at 4:40 PM, Cory said:

    Ours are another source, and ours are actually a higher hate rated guaranteed to us, but we put lower on the can because we want to under promise and over deliver. I doubt most places are doing their cold storage correctly because its quite costly and in general, the cost of eggs has gone up a decent amount over the last few years. We pay to get the highest hatch rates possible. People like Dean rely on these eggs every day and so do his fry. We extensively tested vs every other major egg  we could find. Dean has been hatching brine shrimp daily for 40 years. We simply used him to make sure we had the best thing on the market. We focus on best, not on cheapest. In a day in age where we have less time than ever, a batch of brine shrimp needs to work. A failed hatch is sometimes the difference between life and death of a spawn of fish. Something we don't take likely.

    It's unfortunately you're not having luck with the other company, I never want another hobbyist to have wasted money. I do hope you find a good outlet for them. I wish we could bring the price of our eggs down, but really we are fighting the price going up. If we can find a way to scale it down, we will pass it along to customers.

    Thanks Cory. I just told my wife "speaking of Cory he just commented to this post".  

    I appreciate all the content you've put out and going into the third year of my own business (totally not fish related) I've adopted the philosophy to offer top notch work and charge accordingly.


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  18. On 1/23/2023 at 2:13 PM, Andy's Fish Den said:

    I have used eggs from the company that is probably the biggest and most well know company for brine shrimp eggs, I'm sure you guys can figure it out. Anyways, I have never had the hatch rate and egg separation that I get with the eggs from the co-op. I would buy the eggs that are supposed to be 90% hatch, but I don't think I ever got over 75%, and the eggs did not float to the top like the co-op eggs do. Even though they cost more initially, I will buy the co-op eggs to use just because I feel I get better value, because of the hatch rate and the eggs floating, and its so much easier to strain the BBS out without getting eggs in with them. 

    Sounds just like my experience 

  19. On 1/23/2023 at 11:49 AM, Schuyler said:

    If I remember correctly there are two main places that companies in the US source their eggs. I think it's like salt lake and San Francisco Bay? One of them is larger than the other.

    If you look up the competitor do they say where they get them?

    I'm 99% sure XXX brand comes from salt lake.  As for the Co-op eggs I don't know

  20. I posted this elsewhere on the internet and I didn't get any response maybe I'll find help here. Also this isn't supposed to be an Ad for Co-op eggs and I'll remove the name of the competitor.  

    I had been using Aquarium Co-op brine shrimp eggs(I'll simply call them eggs from here on out). I assumed co-op was simply sourcing its eggs from the same place and adding its name and logo. Once I ran out of coop eggs I ordered several cans of premium eggs from XXX. I keep the unused can in the freezer and the current can in the refrigerator.

    My hatcher is the ziss hatcher, API aquarium salt, no heater water is around 70-72.

    With the coop eggs. I would add two tablespoons of salt and one tablespoon of eggs and let it tumble for about 48 hours then harvest. The egg shells would float to the top and be rather dark. The shrimp would be in the bottom and mid-water and harvest easily. The harvested shrimp would make a bright orange slurry. All the fish loved them I could watch the BBS wiggle in the water until a fish ate them. The eggshells would make a mess of whatever they touched when cleaning the hatcher. If I rinsed the hatcher in the tub a fine layer of shells would need to be cleaned up.

    On to the XXX eggs. At first, I tried the same ratio. 2 tablespoons salt one tablespoon egg. This made a hot mess I assume way to many eggs. So I looked up the XXX directions. In my setup, it called for just over 3 tablespoons of salt and two small scoops of eggs. I've tried this for a week or so letting the eggs go for 24 hours checking their status and then letting them go for a total of 36-48 hatch time.

    When I turn off the bubbler and let everything settle very few eggs seem to be at the top. A layer of brownish/orange coats the bottom of the hatcher. I can see brine shrimp wiggling with a light in the hatcher but they seem few and very small. I'm ok with them being small but I think most of the eggs aren't hatching. I try to draw the shrimp down with light then harvest, rinse, and feed. The harvested egg/shrimp mixture seems to be brownish orange vs bright orange. When I add them to a tank the fish seem excited and I think they are eating shrimp and unhatched eggs. Once the BBS hit the tanks I don't notice and wiggling they just look like brown/orange dots floating around.

    I watched several YouTube videos comparing the two brands. My XXX hatches never look like the ones from the YouTube video. Which makes me wonder if I'm doing something wrong. I have a ton of XXX eggs so I'm hoping to get this figured out. I can add pictures in a few days if that helps.

    I checked my PH at the end of a hatching and it's around 8.0 I also placed a small heater in the hatcher set to 82. I checked the eggs at ~26 hours and they still seemed to mostly unhatched and sink to the bottom. I let the hatcher go another 12 hours and still the same result. 

    So I have $200 worth of brine shrimp eggs from XXX that aren't hatching for me. I might contact XXX and see if they have any ideas. I might try selling my XXX cans to my local club.  I imagine I'll be going back to the Co-op eggs which have worked great I thought I could save a bit of money but that didn't work out. 

    If anyone could give me some advice I'd appreciate it. 



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