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  1. oh, wow. so is it ok to keep increasing my dosing until i start to see that there is residual iron in the water?
  2. i did do the test kit calibration, and all is fine there. i typically test a couple of hours later.
  3. update. i've been dosing daily for four weeks. i'm still not measuring any appreciable iron in the tank. is it just that my plants are absorbing it all? could there be anything else in my tank absorbing the iron? I'm planning to start increasing the dosage again this week.
  4. Hi All, I have started dosing my tank with EasyIron about a week and a half ago (1 pump per 10 gal, 3x/week). I just ran an iron test and it's showing pretty much 0. Validate the test is correct. Was just wondering if there is a safe level to add to the tank until I get the iron levels higher than my plants are absorbing them. Is daily dosing ok? More? Less? Thanks, Jay
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