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Everything posted by robm74

  1. Thank you both for your note. I have Kanaplex and will try it. Not sure how I would measure the above into his food though - because 1 tbsp of food seems to be a lot more than I would normally feed him.
  2. Ammonia: 0Nitrite: 0Nitrate: 0pH: 7.4-7.6 (both before and after water change - this has been relatively constant for this and previous fish)Hardness (GH): Do not have this info - did not test.Alkalinity (KH): Do not have this info - did not test Tank is Mini-Bow 2.5 gallon with Aqueon aerator and filter. Our son's betta, named Curly - for the curl that we noticed in his dorsal fin when we got him in January 2021 - seems to be having a problem with his fins. And his behavior has deteriorated. He is spending most of his time at the top of the tank and has labored breathing.You can see attached a photo from August 11th, when Curly was healthy - nice color, full fins. And then a picture from yesterday. More photos and short video here: https://photos.app.goo.gl/ckLwuPx4jRqTSSnM9 As you can see, dramatic fin loss - especially the reddish ones under his chin. He has looked like this since about 3 weeks ago. Water parameters are stable and as of right now, there isn't a loss of appetite - he's still eating (NorthFin Betta bits about 4-6 pellets daily, though I just bought some frozen shrimp to try. In addition to the fish's physical appearance, his behavior has changed too. As mentioned, he's spending most of his time at the top of the tank, not moving around much. When he does try to swim, it looks like he's having trouble - just yesterday when he was trying to swim down, he kind of rolled over - and then decided to come right back to the top.On the advice of some others, we've been changing about 25% of the water daily - and treating with Kordon NovaAqua Plus and Fish ProtectorWe are under the operating under the assumption that he tore his fins on a plastic plant - not seen here, we took it out - and then rot set in.Aside from the water changes - and more frequent vacuuming of the gravel - we have not introduced any other treatments or medications. We did include some aquarium salt on the first couple of water changes, but backed off that because there was a difference of opinion on whether that would help or hurt.If anyone has any other thoughts it would be appreciated. It seems like we may be running out of time based on the behavior - or maybe this is start of a long road to recovery? Given the deterioration in behavior, would it be time to try a medication - like a Bettafix (though we know there are lot of thoughts on that), an antibiotic or anything else? Thank you!
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