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Steph’s Fish and Plants

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Posts posted by Steph’s Fish and Plants

  1. I’ll fix the repashy tonight after work, thanks for the tips! I’m worried about the salt with my plants, I have ammania gracillis which was just in transit a week and is starting to come back, same with s Repens, I’ve got scarlet temple, a Crinum, lots of crypts, super red ludwigia, and a rotala (can’t remember which one). Oh and some val. I’ll move the other plecos back to the tank today as well bc they’re looking a bit better. They’re currently in salt and ichX in the bucket. 

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  2. I will dose IchX and erythromycin in the morning. I imagine the temp got fairly cold for them in the bucket during transport, I didn’t have any heaters that would work (where’s that USB heater at…? Lol) I did make some kana repashy that I’ll feed off as well. I won’t be dosing salt per the plants unless I get real desperate.

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  3. Does anyone know if kanaplex is plant safe? Or should I dose tank with erythromycin? I made up some repashy with kana but it needs time to settle and stuff. The plecos in the bucket definitely look better than the one in the tank; not sure if it’s bc of the salt or the IchX. Should I dose main tank with ich x? 

  4. Here’s a pic from the 397 in the tank just now. I turned the heater down to 80, I’m gonna dose with ich X and feed kana repashy. Gonna pull and check one of the bucket plecos as well. Any other advice or help would be greatly appreciated.



  5. Meds i have access to: Ich X, kanaplex, erythromycin, maracyn, Prazi pro, para cleanse, and general cure. I do not have the space or capacity to setup a QT tank, just a QT bucket. Tank is planted. I can do salt in the bucket. I have non cycled sponge filter I can throw in the bucket. I do not have focus, but I do have repashy . It is only the plecos that seem affected.

  6. Buckle up this may take a minute. I recently moved 4 hours away and left several of my fish boarding at my LFS from where I used to live. Once moved, I setup a 40 breeder, cycled for a week, got 6 silver tips, then a week later went back for all my fish. In all I had 3 super red bristlenose plecos, 2 L397 plecos, a pair of apisto viejita, and 3 male halfbeaks all in a QT tank at my lfs to board. I also had a schoutedeni puffer at my friends house and got a yellow spiny eel. I drove 4 hours back with fish in buckets with air. I didn’t get a good look at the plecos before they went into the bucket at the store. After drip acclimating for over an hour I added the halfbeaks, apistos, and plecos to the tank and was about to add the eel when I noticed what I initially thought was ich on the big male bristlenose. Pulled him back out and into the bucket, and noticed similar spots on the other plecos and pulled who I could along with deco. One of the 397s was too crafty so he stayed in the tank. In the bucket I put salt to 1.003 and a heater which is currently at 83 degrees F. In the tank I didn’t salt bc I have live plants, but I did turn the heat up to 83 as well. The 397 that had stayed initially only had a few spots on his face and fins, but today is covered. Bucket has an airstone and heater, tank has 2 heaters, a coop sponge, an aqua clear 20 and an aqua clear 70. Yesterday I dosed 2.5 mL of IchX to the bucket but not the tank yet. After 3 days, no one else in the tank seems to have it but it’s gotten worse on the 397. Pictures are from night 1 and then today. Pics of water test from just now as well.

    so, is this ich? Epistylis? Something else? And if so how do I treat it?






  7. I placed an order a week ago and my package only just now arrived and was in transit for 6 days. I got S Repens, Ammania Gracillis, and Scarlet temple. The scarlet temple is loving life but the ammania and Repens melted back HARD while in transit. I got them placed as soon as the package arrived. I’ve got a fluval plant 3.0 cranking out a lot of light and use easy green ferts. Tank has a decent fish load and is still pretty new but I cycled it really well. Plant experts, is there hope? I know plants can bounce back but I don’t always have the best luck 😅 but I only recently got the fluval light and upgraded the tank.




  8. That’s what I would do, throw em in the breeder box at first. If you can setup a small temporary 5 gallon with a sponge to raise them once they outgrow the breeder box will be your best bet. They’ll get too big for the breeder box but probably won’t be big enough to avoid getting eaten by the parents or the honey gourami. Live BBS, vinegar eels, I had em on the CoOp fry food and Hikari First Bites as well. I ended up getting lazy/overwhelmed with life and only ended up with 1 fry surviving after a month, and then lost the female so I’ve only got males. Good luck!!

  9. A lot has happened just in the last week alone much less the last few months. Didn’t realize I hadn’t updated this in so long!

    Lets dive right in. About a month ago I tore down all my tanks, brought my fish back to the LFS I used to work at, and moved several hours away into the city. I upgraded to a 40 breeder freshwater tank, and cracked and upgraded my saltwater tank to a UNS 60A or 20 gallon all in one. After a week of cycling the 40 I got silver tip tetras, threw in some crypts, and another week later I have returned with half of the fish I had before. I now have 3 super red bristlenose (1 male 2 female), my viejita apisto pair, 3 male wrestling halfbeaks (my 2 original males and my 1 remaining fry) and 2 L397s. I also FINALLY took my Schoutedeni Puffer named Domino, who was chilling at my former managers house till I could move and upgrade. I also grabbed some plants and a yellow spiny eel. And my mantis shrimp and corals.

    As if the 8hour trek there and back weren’t enough, as I’m adding fish to the tank I discovered the plecos had ich 😔 and now so do the halfbeaks, and 1 apisto. I’ve got the majority of the plecos in a bucket with salt and a heater and an airstone, I’ve got the heat turned up, and I’m getting IchX tomorrow. First time dealing with ich in a personal rank and I’m not looking forward to it. Hoping the eel and the puffer will be ok.

    The mantis shrimp is settling in very well tho, and I’ve got a skimmer coming later this week for that tank.









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  10. Well guys, just over 3 weeks later and we have another spawn! Just woke up to some babies, initial count is 12. Depending on when the male spawned the female after last time, she was pregnant for 3 weeks to maybe 3 weeks and 4ish days, or anything in between there. Gonna get her moved to the main tank and get some BBS in with the babies and get em eating. Here’s some pics, first set of babies is today’s and then there will be the mom, then the first round of babies which are about 3 and a half weeks old.








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  11. I’ve got everything moved, I unfortunately lost one during the move 😞 but everyone else seems to be doing perfectly fine! I expect the female to give birth within the next 5ish days, tomorrow will be exactly 3 weeks from when she last gave birth and was moved back to the main tank. Now unfortunately I don’t know when exactly her and the male did the thing once I added her back, but he was pretty much right by her side again as soon as I added her in, and they seem to cruise the tank together, the male always right behind the female









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  12. Alrighty, lots of light shuffling is occurring in the fishroom rn. The planted 3.0 has been running just over a week and I’m getting some great growth on my plants and my Val absolutely exploded. I mounted it using zip ties to the underside of the shelf above, and I’m not sure how I feel about it yet. The workroom is really nice being able to see and not worrying about dropping or bumping it, but I’m getting wayyyy too much light spill into the room and the black strip in the lid is cutting out the entire middle of the tank. I may end up either finding a new solution for the lid or taking the light back down. 

    here’s some pics of the tank before I moved a bunch of plants and deco around.







    And here are some photos from after. I moved the caves around to give the apistos some better, easier to defend areas to spawn as well as removed a pleco cave to have more room for plants, which I also shoveled around. 





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  13. 3 weeks ago today is when I originally pulled the female, and she’s looking pretty round once again. Gonna try and get the fry moved tomorrow to the 5 for growout and pull her to the breeder box again. If I’m right that puts them at somewhere around 2/12-3ish weeks for pregnancy. Time will tell.

    In other news the babies are getting so big 🥺 there’s a couple that are smaller that are being outcompeted a bit, I’m hoping when I upgrade them that’ll even out since they’ll have more space.












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  14. I’m in an apartment too with less tanks than you but I do have baby fish right now. I have one San Francisco Bay Hatcher with a 1 liter bottle and I have the ziss hatcher that I run on an off schedule, so I start one then the next day I start the other. Since I’m feeding babies I’m feeding throughout the day small amounts of brine, and I’m hatching small amounts of brine. I’ve kept extra in the fridge and just out in my fishroom and it seems to do fine for about a day or two, but not much longer. It is more work than hatching outa lot and saving but I’ve only been able to get survival to about 3-4 days in the fridge doing that so it’s not worth it imo

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  15. I work at a rather large fish store with a robust freshwater section and a robust saltwater section (each have their own staff). For freshwater we have an upstairs room with two 1000 gallon bins that we fill. There’s a temperature gauge, a hot water and cold water thing, and a sprinkler timer with some sort of RODI canisters it goes through before entering the bins. Each day we fill whatever bin we were pulling from and swap to the other one in the evening. Once the bin has been refilled we dechlorinated with Alpha, then crash and rebuffed Kh with white vinegar and baking soda. Then the next morning we test Kh and pH and temp of both bins. We try to always have at least one bin full and aging for a day because we use at least 1000 gallons each day, sometimes more if we are filling our indoor koi river and or outdoor water feature, or if we sold a lot of water that day (customers can purchase our water so they don’t have to worry about buffering and dechlorinating or if they have contaminants). The bins supply water to several parts of the building, including our downstairs breeding room, quarantine room, 4 houses on the floor near various racks, our indoor koi river, and hoses inside and outside the building for customers who are buying water. I’m not sure however how we supply pressure to those hoses, gravity certainly plays a role but I’m sure there’s pumps as well. Your best bet for what you’re wanting to do would be to consult some reef keepers with particularly large aquariums (several hundred gallons) who store large amounts of RODI and saltwater in a mixing station and even some automate it for auto water change. I believe they use carbon block filters to strip chlorine but I could be wrong on that.

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  16. If you’re wanting to hatch brine the brine shrimp hatchery and coop eggs are a must have. I also really like the easy planters for root feeding plants if you have fish that like to dig or knock plants around. I second the test strips as well, they’re great for testing quickly and accurately and you get a Lot of tests (if you cut em in half you can get 400 in one pack 🤯) get the multi test and the ammonia strips. Also, grab some stickers! You’ll get one automatically with the order but grab some others (especially Murphy) to deck out a water bottle or a fridge, laptop, aquarium rack, the options are endless. Finally I’d grab the towel, we can always use more towels in this hobby 😂😂

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  17. The babies are 13 days old now and growing fast! I have 10 and I’m feeding live BBS and vinegar eels. Still in the HOB breeder box but I have a 5 set up and cycling to move them to once they outgrow the breeder box. There’s occasional squabbles but nothing bad, and their beaks are starting to develop. That gold color is also coming in and I can sometimes see them from across the room when the light hits just right.









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  18. Hi all,

    I got the 36-48” Fluval plant 3.0 yesterday and am setting it up on my 20 long for right now. Eventually I’ll be putting it in a 40 breeder (hence the size) but I wanna use it for my 20 long for rn. I have some questions regarding scheduling as well as placement

    due to the size I would like to mount it up underneath the shelf above the tank rather than on top of the tank, this will allow me to turn the intensity up as well and give light to my plants growing out of my HOB. What is the best way to do this? (Pics at the bottom)

    im also including a picture of the schedule I just put together, I’m very much open to advice on tweaking that as well. I want it to get more “yellow” as the sun sets and be lord of a cooler white earlier on and I tried to reflect that in the programming. I don’t currently have it but i might set up injected CO2 in this tank sometime in the future.

    thanks 🙂 





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  19. On 1/13/2022 at 12:56 PM, Andy's Fish Den said:

    How neat! When you were gone for the three week period, did you have anyone feeding or taking care of your fish? 

    Nope. My gf popped in once but didn’t do anything other than look for a minute. I had auto feeders setup and I did some good sized water changes before I left. My schoutedeni puffer is at a friends house so he was feeding him the whole time. None of the fish I have rn (except for the new fry now) need anything other than dry foods.

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  20. Hi all,

    My friend has a freshwater tank with some mangroves that are rooting and establishing well, and she picked up some new fish a few days ago and now all the fish in the tank have ich. She has paraguard on hand but she’s not sure it’ll be safe for the mangroves. Does anyone have any good alternative medications or experience with paraguard and know that it’s mangrove safe?

  21. Let’s kick off 2022 with some full tank shots and some updates!

    Biggest fishkeeping update: I have baby halfbeaks! They were just born today, I started a thread in the fish breeding section so go check that out for more info.

    Also fish breeding related, my one remaining super red Bristlenose fry is now almost an inch and has great coloration! I’m hoping to source a new female this year so I can get that project going again.

    I also have a pretty big move coming later this year, it’ll be the second time I’m moving across state lines and I’m excited because I’ll be upgrading when I move but I’m also nervous bc it’s gonna be a big task. 

    I also want to be more active in the online fish keeping community on this forums and on social media in general this year but this is a pretty big semester for school so we will see.








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  22. I’m starting this thread to catalogue my adventures with breeding gold wrestling halfbeaks, and I’m starting it now because I have fry! 

    A little backstory, I acquired 4 back in roughly October, maybe September, and have had them in a 20 gallon long community tank with some pencil fish, some CPDs, some corydoras, and a super red bristlenose. I lost one in I think late November early December from what I think was competition/bullying because I have 3 males and 1 female and lost one of the males. I went out of town for 3 weeks for Christmas break and New Years, and just returned this past Sunday.

    Monday this week (Jan 10th) I was doing water changes to catch back up after being gone, and I noticed my female was Very plump, so on a whim I threw her in an external HOB breeder box. I did this on the off chance she was pregnant because halfbeaks can be very predatory to fry. She didn’t really seem to eat once I moved her.

    Today (January 13th) I was harvesting some live BBS (I started hatching some to condition my apistos and just in case I was right) and I was looking in the breeder box, and low and behold there’s fry! I’ve been paying very close attention the past few days so she must’ve given birth during the night or Very early this morning. I have roughly 7-8 fry and have moved momma back to the main tank. It’s possible she could’ve had more throughout today but I was worried about her going and eating the fry since she hasnt eaten really since I moved her on Monday. 

    The babies are fat and happy on BBS and I’m also offering some of the CoOp fry food as well. Momma is swimming around the main tank and seems much more active now, the more dominant of the 2 males right behind her.

    Now for the fun part: the pictures 😁









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