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Everything posted by Oreganoodle

  1. I had planned to start up a new tank, and had gotten as far as filling it up and de-chlorinating - bringing it up to temp etc. The plan was to start cycling the next day (fishless cycle). And then the dog ran into me and dislocated my knee. For about a month I've not even been able to get to the floor that the fishtank is on - so I just let it sit and unplugged the filter/heater. There was no bacteria or anything besides de-chlorinating chemicals added. Now that I am able to get back to the fishtank - there is a film/scuzz floating along the top of the water. It is off-whitish and gelatinous, but relatively thin. A bit like pudding skin. My thought is that is just to turn on the filter and let it run for a day while the tank comes up to temp and then proceed. Any reasons that might be a terrible idea?
  2. My oldest (the now 7 year old) visited us in the hospital when her sister was born, and though she'd been potty trained for awhile still had an accident because it was all very overwhelming (I guess b/c I didn't get her a fish tank then) so she went to the hospital in underwear and went home in maternity diapers >< . I guess I shoulda got her a tank years ago...
  3. No worries - she actually liked them a lot. I did too. They would swarm the food hole in the lid whenever I'd walk up to the tank. The reason I was avoiding them this go around is that I read they are fin nippers, and if she wants to replace the neon tetras with a longer fin fish I didn't think they would work together. She does like the lyretail molly in place of the guppy; so I might head in that direction. I know for sure that she'd like the rainbow fish - but I never see them on beginner lists so I haven't shown them to her.
  4. I tried the pearl danios and endlers, but she was disappointed at the fin length. I'll try lyretail tomorrow. I had mollies in high school and loved them. What do folks think about dwarf neon rainbow fish?
  5. Is the plastic tote clear to let light in or are they in there for such a short duration that you don't worry about it? Do you cycle the quarantine tank before adding fish to it - or no because it's already got the good bacteria from the sponge filter?
  6. Thank you for your thoughts. To be fair to her - she actually handled it much much better than I thought she would. She was really interested in the science of it - and wanted to see the dead fish. She even - for some disturbing reason - wondered what they would look like frozen. Kids are weird. She loves the idea of the fish having babies - and I warned her that they would eat them and she was fine with that. I will try to talk her into your celestial pearl danios though - thank you for the suggestion.
  7. I kept a tank in highschool/college for about 6 years; and so when my daughter got into learning about fish at school I thought a fish tank would be a great birthday present. But then - as some of you already know - I let the petstore and said 7 year old talk me into fully stocking the tank - and everything died. I'm committed to going slower this time - but I'd like your feedback/advice if you are willing to part with it. With the first tank I had several neon tetras, zebra danios, and a bristlenose pleco that was quite young). The tetras and pleco died within 24 hours. The Danios slowly petered off over 7 days. Testing showed some ammonia the first day; so I did a water change. After that the water got cloudy and then I saw nitrites and then nitrates so I thought things were going to recover until the Danios died too. I tested 2x a day with api strips and ammonia stayed 0. Details: 34 gallon tank; Fluval power filter; Rainbow Gravel substrate; plastic plants - don't judge those last two too harshly, she is 7 and I let her get what she really wanted. Desired fish: she wants something very colorful but because of the neon tetras dying last time she doesn't want those. I also tried to talk her into a Beta - but she doesn't like the idea of only one. She is pretty keen on the idea of guppies and shrimp. I went down the pictures/list of best beginner fish from the forum and nothing struck her fancy from that. My plan this time: buy a better testing kit. Do a fishless cycle with Dr. Tims bacteria + ammonia - wait until I can add ammonia and watch it cycle and only then add fish. I plan on getting them from the nearest local store (which is about 40 min away); rather than going to the box store that is 10 min away. Question: Given that I don't have a quarantine tank and these will be the first fish going in the tank - what if anything should I do to preventative treat without wrecking the good bacteria? Question: Any other advice/things you think I should reconsider? Thanks!
  8. That was precisely it. I got swept up in the surprise birthday present element and lulled into a false sense of security from my success with two other tanks - one that was almost 20 years ago and I have no idea how that made it without killing the first fish. The other was an established tank that was moved to where I was living - and in retrospect makes sense that it was ok.
  9. It's a 34 gallon tank. The tree location is non-negotiable b/c it is the only place in the living room that is tall enough for a tree (the cons of living in a triangle shaped house). That said we picked a new fish tank location last night after the very good point of Zenzo's that every move is a risk. I'm not sure I want to lose 34 gallons of fish and water on my white carpet the month before christmas - so I'm glad you encouraged a rethink on that one.
  10. 34 gallon tank. I added 5 zebra danios, 8 neon tetras, and a pleco. Clearly too many. I knew enough to add bacteria, and test at least daily. I even knew enough not to add that many fish - but I let the lady at PetSmart and my 7 year olds sweet little face talk me into it. I must have gotten really lucky when I started my first tank back in high school - b/c I had no bacteria and no tests. The tank I had in college was an existing tank from a friend that was moved to my dorm room when he was going to flush them (shh..don't tell b/c I definitely wasn't allowed a tank 😆) so since that was established and I kept the same gravel etc it makes more sense that I didn't have issues. Well - thank you all for your thoughts. Clearly I'll hang out here for awhile
  11. Even though I tested before adding fish and there was 0 chlorine, and I tested 1 (sometimes 2x) a day for amonia/nitrite/nitrate? Why not bleach? Other than it brings me back to the very beginning?
  12. My ideal fish tank location is also where we keep the Christmas tree. I'll need to move the tank once a year to a less ideal location. I know to empty the tank all the way, to not change too much of the water, etc. Is also like to know what breeds are tolerant of being moved like this once a year.
  13. I had a tank for about 6 years when I was younger, so I'm not a total newbie. I decided to start a tank up for my daughter who just learned about fish at school. I don't have a great local store anywhere near me, so PetSmart was my only option. I made the mistake of listening to them when they suggested just filling the tank so the way instead of starting small or doing a fishless cycle. Needless to say I'm starting over. I tested twice a day, and watched a cycle. I'm not sure if I lost the fish to a disease (two dead danios had red gills, and the pleco who died was pretty white). I'm going to bleach and scrub the tank, then start over and go slowly this time. Thoughts/advice on a fishless cycle?
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