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Posts posted by bryanisag

  1. Hi all, I'm trying to buy an inline water dechlorinator for my fishroom. The one the Ryo Watanabe has is my inspiration. But I can't find that one for sale even online. I do not want a RO system or particle filter. I would love it if I could get one that uses loose activated carbon because I already have that stuff by the bags.

    My tap water is just fine except for chorine. I currently fill up a bucket and let it off gas for a day but I'd like to have dechlorinated water for my sink in my garage that I could also use for water changes. 

    Does anybody know what Cory has in his fish room? I know he is on a well now so maybe he doesn't have one at all but he must have had one in his old fish room.


  2. On 4/19/2024 at 11:48 AM, anewbie said:

    One nice smaller central american fish is the rainbow cichild; another very attractive fish is the elliot. There are a lot of nice fishes in central america (not all cichild); they just don't get any press. 

    I'd start by testing the hardness of your tap water and then pick what is appropriate; it is a pia to constantly change tap water chemistry though people do it all the time. Also you might have some personal interest so you might have a natural love for a specific type or species of fish.

    Also just be aware that from time to time aquariums to spring a leak so try to put your new aquarium in a location where a leak won't cause $20,000 of damage.


    Definitely a perk of having my fish room in the garage!! 🙂

  3. Wow this forum is coming in really helpful. Well I guess I now have convict cichlids...

    Funny because every time I hear about them in a Livestream I think to myself "there's a fish I never want to keep" 

    Coming soon in the buy/sell/trade thread:

    WTS: convict cichlids just pay shipping lol

    There is one fish in with them that looks a bit different. I will get a picture of it tonight or tomorrow. 

    Thanks for all the help.

    After I get all of the fish from my coworker I will try to figure what all I have. He clearly doesn't really know his fish lol

    On 4/19/2024 at 11:10 AM, AtomicSunfish said:

    BTW - Yes, it's true that convicts are easy to breed! They are a monogamous substrate spawner, and tend to pair off quite young (well before they reach their full size of around 4 inches for males, less for females). Convicts are an aggressive fish anyway, but when they are defending their brood, they become even more fierce. So, make sure they either have lots of space, or else transfer them to a breeder tank to rear their offspring.

    And is there any way to stop them from breeding? I definitely don't want to get over run with them

    • Like 1
  4. Hi all, I'm getting into African cichlids for the first time. My coworker is getting out of it and is giving me his fish and 75 gallon aquarium. Any clue what species this is? How can I tell if it's a hybrid. He says they breed like rabbits. I have one bucket full of fish already with more on the way. They seem very healthy.

    Also I'm not new to fish keeping, just new to African cichlids. They are currently living in a 100 gallon sink in my garage with a cycled sponge filter and random rocks for decoration. The biggest fish is around 4 inches but most are 2 to 3 inches. All fins look good.

    I bought hikari cichlid gold mini pellets for food.

    All advise and insight is welcomed


  5. First of all that looks like a ton of fun!!

    The placement of the pump and over pressure valve don't really matter. They can go in the loop anywhere. The key is to truly make a loop though. Some people will just run a line across the wall with drops for the tanks where they need them. But really the pipe needs to form a giant donut of sorts. This allows the pressure inside the line to equalize. Otherwise your first drop will have high pressure and your last drop will have low pressure. 

    Also depending on how confident you are with PVC you might want to watch some videos on how to cut that pipe, prep the pipe, and "glue" the pipe.

  6. Go back to your local fish shop and buy plants that are in a cycled tank. That should get some bacteria going quickly for you. You could also ask for any cycled media they could give you or sell you. Even a bit of gravel would do the job. The amount of ammonia that one betta produces is quite small so by getting some bacteria in your tank you should be able to have a cycled tank quite fast. But after it's cycled do research on "seasoned aquarium" 

    • Like 2
  7. I guess I could count on you corry to be helpful when I was being satirical. That is true I believe but this is quite temporary and I have not seen problems in my 2 goldfish living outside in a similar pond. Thanks for responding anyways and thanks for all you do

  8. Please help, I have a question. If you are in the middle of building a sink for your fish room and you don't fill it all the way up and put fish in it while you are waiting on parts, do you even have a problem?



  9. I don't think it's a false juli. The pectoral fin has no black spot and all of my corydoras trilineatus have that spot. Im no expert but I'd say you have something else perhaps. The other way you can tell if it's a true juli is the price lol

  10. You can tune it yes but it will always need further fine tuning. Either run a dual outlet pump or 2 single outlet pumps. Also "work as well" is perhaps not the right way to think of it. You likely will have more than you need with one side completely off so I'd say it's more a matter of aesthetics or personal preference. Maybe try to ignore bubble count and just ensure the bubbles never completely stop

    • Thanks 1
  11. Hi hive mind, at the San Diego zoo yesterday I found these in a bird display acting as mosquito control. I will guess they are live bearers as I could not start to count how many there were. Any idea what type they are? 


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