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Aaron Swafford

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  1. https://youtu.be/XXbaPluR7pU thank you for your help
  2. Yea their eating just fine and appear to be acting normal it did not stay attached it just seemed odd that it looked exactly like a worm
  3. I had taken a 10 second video of it but I don’t know how to link it
  4. I want to start off with I have been feeding a lot of live black worms. But I am not sure if this is just an undigested black worm or a living tape worm
  5. I want to start off with I have been feeding a lot of live black worms. But I am not sure if this is just an undigested black worm or a living tape worm
  6. I’ve dosed 5x the recommended amount and let it sit until the next day before water changing it out to kill algae before I don’t know what kind of plants you have but I had Java fern and frogbit in the tank the Java fern seemed to be unaffected but the frogbit did suffer quite a bit but was not killed off completely and I also did remove the fish before hand I did not want to risk them over dose at your own risk but it did kill the algae
  7. I assume these are aphids I first ran into these things about 2 years ago when I took some water hyacinth from my local river they came in on them they soon infested all my other floating plants I had in the house in which I tried to use diatomaceous earth to get rid of them but could not so when I moved I threw out all my floaters and it was several months before I got anymore floating plants and they are back I was wondering if anyone has ever dealt with these and got rid of them
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