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Posts posted by Nik_n

  1. On 8/19/2021 at 12:19 AM, Crabby said:

    Probably about a year on average. It could be done quicker though. I just really enjoy having fry around, so I wanted to keep them as long as I could.


    That should be good then!

    It totally depends on the supplier. They can come in fully mature, or still as juvies. 

    So they would need a year before they are ready to be sold? I thought it was much faster than that, that they could be sold 2 months after they hatched? 

    Is this the case with all types of appisots? I assume it is. 

  2. Today I got some new plants from a friend. He has an established tank and wanted to get rid of some plants. I took them, as I will use them in my new project. 

    I did a salt bath (15min) with the plants to kill off any pests (he has pond snails in his tank). After the salt bath I washed the plants in freshwater, lest them in a bucket for a couple of hours. Now I noticed some weird baubles. They feel like hard jelly. I will include a picture. 

    The fact that they feel jelly like and look like snail eggs makes me think that they are snail eggs after coming into contact with salt? I have no idea if that's true or not. 



    On 8/18/2021 at 12:06 AM, Crabby said:

    So you can definitely keep them with bristlenose cats. I’ve bred my BNs with the apistos in the tank, and the apistos with the BNs in the tank. No problems there. I think cories should be fine as well, but I haven’t tried it. I’d definitely give it a go if I had space.

    I think Fish Folk is probably right about the softness thing. I always attribute the spawning to my pH because it seems so extreme, but my water is super soft too.

    I wish I could say that apistos become sexually mature at X age, but I’m not quite sure I can. My oldest juvies are now a year and a half old, and I think there’s a chance they could breed if I moved them into a different tank, but I’m not sure. They’ve grown quite slowly due to the amount of fry they had to compete with, and they’re only just speeding up that process now that I’ve sold the rest. Whereas some people will grow out their fry in a crystal clean environment with baby brine 3 times a day, and they could be sexually mature by 9 months. I’d say a year on average would be about the age of maturity, though. Sorry if that isn’t very helpful.

    Thanks a lot. How long did you grow the fry out until you sold them? I went to my local fish store yesterday and asked about the apistos. They said they are getting a new shipment in on Friday, but they don't know how big the fish will be. Dose anyone know how old are the fish when they first get in. I would probably need to grow the fish out for 6 months before mature, but thats fine too. 

    The ph of my water is high but the water is very soft, so I don't think the gh and kh would be a problem.  

  4. On 8/17/2021 at 12:15 AM, Crabby said:

    Hmm I’m not sure if you could trust the angelfish. But the gourami would be fine. The parenting instincts in apistogrammas (as described by Irene’s experiences) are very strong, and for such a small fish, a female Apistogramma sure knows how to keep her babies safe. If the angelfish are fully grown I probably wouldn’t risk it, but if they’re still young then I think you could try.

    I’ve heard of people breeding some types of apistos in neutral water, even in stuff a bit over neutral, but that probably means you can’t do some of the less common or more exotic types. 
    I think lower pH should be fine for the gourami. If it’s a slow transition, most fish handle it really well.

    In terms of size, I’m not sure what size they can breed at. I never measured mine, and they’ve grown a bit since they first spawned. @the other Irene has a younger pair I think, she would be able to give you a more accurate measurement.

    The angelfish are fully grown, that was one of my biggest worries. It would be complicated during feeding times. I wanted to ask if I could keep apistos with corydoras or bristlenose catfish? 

    I wouldn't be breeding or keeping any exotic types in this tank, maybe sometimes in the future. 

    About the size: the ones in my LFS are usually pretty small so thats why I wanted to make sure. Also, at what age do they start breeding? 

  5. On 8/16/2021 at 5:20 PM, HH Morant said:

    I am not sure why they are not breeding. The ways of love are indeed mysterious.

    That is why breeders often put a large group of angelfish together and let them pair up on their own. Choosing your own pair is challenging for two reasons: (1) because of the difficulty in sexing the fish and (2) because sometimes the fish don't cooperate. And when the fish don't pair up you can't be sure which is the reason.


    Yea it can be complicated to get a pair. In the future I would love to get a bigger tank and put around 6 angles in there and hopefully get a pair or two.  

  6. On 8/16/2021 at 4:59 PM, anewbie said:

    Btw male angels do not fight for the female; they fight for pecking order. The female picks her mate.

    Oh wow I didn't know that. Thats very very interesting thanks!

    On 8/16/2021 at 7:36 PM, anewbie said:

    Do you know how old the fish is that you think is a female...

    Both fish are a bit over a year old. I would say a year and 3 months

  7. yea I said that based on their behaviour. There used to be a diamond white anglefish (also male I think) who were often competing for the female. At least thats how it looked like. The koi "won" but didn't harm the other too heavily. It just refused to eat after that.  

  8. I have joined a few weeks ago but was away so I couldn't upload the pictures. Here are some quick photos of the tank, I will add more later when the lighting is better. 

    Little bit about it: It's a 50gallon planted community tank, inhabited by two anglefish (koi and scar diamond) and one blue gourami. There are also 3 assassin snails, 2 nerites and heaps of pond snails. 

    The 4 smaller amazon swords are runners form the bigger one. It produced 10 more a couple of months back.

    I'm currently deciding on what new fish to add.     



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  9. I have no plants in the fry tank, thats why I do so many water changes. I'm planning to add moss and other floating plants to the tank tomorrow. I have an EHEIM liberty 75 HOB. It doesn't produce much flow but I can always make the flow slower. 


    ph-7.6, gh-53ppm, kh-268ppm (18°) NO2-0, NO3-15mg/l ppm

    Here are the pictures of the fry. Most of them have good colour but the size is what concerns me.  




  10. On 8/14/2021 at 12:13 AM, Crabby said:

    @Nik_n Why pull the eggs? It’s so much of a hassle. I prefer to let natural selection complete its course. You’ll still get a bunch of fry, and you get to watch the amazing parental behaviours too!

    I’ve successfully spawned apistos countless times in a community tank by using this method:

    Feed loads of frozen foods. Have some dry stuff too, but mostly frozen and live if you can. Also feed some tiny foods like microworms, vinegar eels, BBS or hikari first bites so they know the fry will have a good food source.

    Drop the pH below 6.5. I’ve had best success at 5.5 or 6, but at least get it down to 6.5 using driftwood and almond leaves. Use a couple caves, and obviously lots of plants, but you said your tank is already planted.

    Temperature should be in the high 70s to very low 80s, but it’s okay if it’s mid-70s.

    Then just sit back and watch the magic, and if you feed BBS, get them ready.

    I thought that the fry would get eaten in a community tank, with two angelfish and a blue gourami. However if its possible to get the fry to survive I would love to try the natural approach. 

    I'm not sure if I can get my pH to be that low. The ph of my water is 7.6. I have driftwood but I could always add more and almond leaves. Would the lower ph affect the gourami?

    I keep my tank at 80°C. 

    I will go to the fish store tomorrow and decide on which pair I would get. How big do they need to be in order to be a ready to breed?



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  11. I had my pair of blue gouramies spawn in my community tank back in January. I pulled the eggs out and decided to hatch them out in another tank. The tank is an 20 gallon plastic tub with a heater and hang on the back filter. I have been feeding the fry live baby brine for most of their lives, high protein flake, frozen cyclops and marine mix etc. 

    The problem is that they seem to be tanking FOREVER to grow. They are putting on size incredibly slowly. I perform a 50% water change 3 times a week, and these guys are barely growing. I was told that fry can reach sellable size in 2-3 months but these guys are about 8 months old and nowhere near being ready to be sold.

    Am I doing something wrong with the fry??

    I had to leave the tank on the auto-feeder for more then a month and lost about 6 fish. I expected to sell them way before but I had no idea they are growing so slowly. Is this just a species thing or is it my upbringing??? 

    I would like to get into breeding fish but if these isn't working and the fry take forever to grow, despite my best efforts I feel really discouraged.    

  12. Well this makes my decision even harder now 😅. I never kept any of the spices, and I would love to try them both.

    But because this is my first time setting up a non filter, non heater nano tank I will probably go with a more forgiving and cheaper option and whats available at my local fish store. 

    Also how many of each could I possibly get (i was thinking about 4-6)  

  13. The temp of the tank is 27°C. I will be able to get you the pictures in about 2 days time. So if they aren't a pair, there is no way of breeding them? But how come breeders can switch their angelfish around and they breed even if they are not an original pair?

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