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Posts posted by llmgtab

  1. I used a similar container for a patio pond outside last year. I have platinum rice fish and cherry shrimp in it. I think it's about 18 gallons. I used a second container as a base so it was high enough that my dog could not drink out of it. 

    Last November I decided to bring it inside. I love it there so will have to make another this year for outside 


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  2. I am setting up my first large tank (largest is 20G long) and I am taking my time trying to figure out the setup before putting in water. I had decided to stick with the Tidal HOB as it works for me since we have frequent power outages. My plan was to supplement with a medium sponge filter

    I only seem to like the placement of it on the left of the tank, and the plan for the sponge filter is on the right corner. My worry is this places the intake well to the left of the tank. Do you think the flow will be OK with this?

    Still playing with the hardscape so this may not be final but my favorite so far - the plan would be to mound the substrate a bit on the left.



  3. Thanks again for all your advise. I have decided for now to leave Adolin (the Betta :P) in his 3 gallon and start up a new 5 to transfer him to soon. He is already making bubble nests, maybe he is happier on his own. And at least I just found out I will be able to still work from home 2 days a week (just started back in the office) so I can interact with him more. 

    The rest of the group is still settling, so think I will keep it betta free and after some time try increasing the neon group again.

  4. On 9/12/2021 at 8:41 PM, Keeg said:

    You could take the substrate and decor from the cycled tank and see if the tank could handle the bio load, but to be extra safe I would add some of the filter media to the new tank. if you want to try adding the betta back into the 20, you can try rearranging the tank a bit making a lot of eye sight breaks to further persuade the betta that he is in a new territory. Im surprised the betta could catch the neons in the first place.  

    Thank Keeg. I know on catching them! I put them in and stepped away literally for 5 minutes and came back and saw the tail fins of one of them sticking out of his mouth! With those long fins its not like he is that agile. Not sure on the second - does not seem possible he could have ate another after that large meal! He could have just found a good hiding spot.

    And yes I was just thinking that if I was to get that 5 gallon (my LFS has one in stock I believe) I would put the nano sponge filter I am using in the 3 gallon in there for sure. Basically just dismantle the 3 gallon into the 5.

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  5. I have a 20 gallon long tank that housed 1 betta veil tail, 6 albino tetras, 5 pygmy corries and a mystery snail. They have all been together for at least 6 weeks and the betta has been very well behaved. Lots of plants and plenty of hide spaces for all

    I wanted to add a few more tetra's so they would have a better group, but could not find any more albinos. Yesterday I bought 3 neon tetras - this seems to have turned my betta into a monster. I do know now I did a few things wrong. First, I could have moved the betta out for a bit to let the other settle. Second - I think its the color that is driving him made (he is a blue betta). But its too late now. One neon got swallowed whole immediately. Not sure how the betta even fit that guy in! A second one seems to have disappeared over night.

    So only one extra fish, but the betta is still constantly flaring and turned the tank into a battle ground. The tetras are very stressed - he is even chasing the cory!

    I still had the 3 gallon that was his home before with just a few CPD so I just moved the CPD out and the betta back in. 

    I guess I have two choices, can let this guy chill a bit and try adding him back in, or just get a new 5 gallon tank for him. Can't keep him in a 3 gallon anymore! The main question I had on that for you experts - if I get something like the fluval spec 5 and populate it with the substrate/plants decorations from the 3 gallon (and maybe some from the 20) could I move him into that quickly without doing a cycle? 

    Sorry for the long post, can't believe I made a mistake like this! Never imagined 3 little fish would disrupt the tank so much.

  6. I have a 20G long tank that currently houses 6 albino neon tetra, 5 pygmy cory's, a betta and a mystery snail. I believe I have room for few more fish, and wanted to add 3 more of the tetra's to have a larger school. But I did not realize when I got them its an unusual stock for my LFS's. 

    Would 3 regular neon tetra's be close enough to be able to add? I don't think I have room for another school of a different type. If not I may just add more of the cory's,!


  7. On 8/16/2021 at 12:19 PM, DarthRevan said:

    I’ve been trying to go light on the fish food, but my betta hasn’t been getting any, by the time he realizes there’s food it’s mostly gone. 

    Does your betta interact with you? Can you maybe feed him some pellets on the side? My betta was in a smaller tank by himself before the community so he was used to that. But now that is is in the bigger tank - he will still swims up to me and I can just drop a pellet right in front of him. 

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  8. On 8/16/2021 at 11:00 AM, sudofish said:

    Was your mystery snail allowed to keep its antennas? When I put my betta in the tank she made it her mission to remove all antennas from all the snails. Now she just occasionally knocks them off glass or driftwood.

    That was actually the scariest part of the introduction. Was not too long before Adolin noticed those 'worms' coming out of the Snail :). I almost took him out right at that time. He did get just a little bit, but has not tried again since. Trying to keep a close eye. The snail seems to know now and if he gets near he hide them in his shell. 

  9. On 8/15/2021 at 7:58 PM, PineSong said:

    Last weekend I added my betta to a community tank with platies, endlers, guppies and otos. 

    I put him in a breeder box for a few hours and while he was in there, he was flaring and looked like he would go after other fish at first, then he calmed down. After he was calm/bored for a couple of hours I released him into the tank and he showed minimal interest in the other fish, flared gills only at a platy that got in his face, and then relaxed.

    He has not chased anyone since that I've seen and none of the fish show any fear of him. The bossiest fish in the tank at this time is a tiny male Endler. Because of his long tail, my betta is the slowest fish in the tank and I don't think he could catch them if he wanted to, but he also does not appear to try. I do make sure to put food right where he can see it and to feed when he is at the front/top of the tank. He never seems to mind the other fish going for it, too.

    I hope your fish settles in well with the others--it's so nice to see bettas have so much room.

    There has been a lot less chasing, and yes he cannot catch them either. The long fins hinder that. The other fish don't appear impacted by it, the cory's are so cute, the are curious and will swim up to him. He will then chase them off but not very far. I am waiting for the light to come on to see how it went overnight, but see normal activity so I think its going to work out.

    So great to see him swimming around in such a large space!

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  10. I have a 20G long planted tank with 5 pygmy cory, 6 albino neon tetras and 1 mystery snail. The intention was this will be a community tank for my Betta who was in a 3 gallon cube tank. He is a vail tail standard boy I have had about 6 months.

    The other fish have been in the tank for a few weeks. I just introduced Adolin (Betta)  30 minutes ago. I first floated him in his cup for 45-60 minutes to acclimate him to the tank and also get everyone used to each other.

    So far its not going great, he is chasing everything. I did have a nirite snail in his other tank just to see how he reacted to other living things and they did well. I know not all Betta's can work in this type of community. How long do I give it before giving up? I am sure he is a bit frighted with the new surroundings and could settle - but also hate to be stressing the others!

    I have got him to come up and take a couple pellets from me so he can know he is still getting fed.

    Anyone else go through this and have any suggestions?  If this does not work out I will probably look into  getting another 5 gallon to give him more space.



  11. On 8/8/2021 at 12:51 PM, CalmedByFish said:

    @llmgtab In the pic of the sword, is the plant in the background the parent sword? I was thinking swords had to get huge before they reproduced. (Asking because I have a sword slightly bigger than the plant in the background, and a baby sword sounds really exciting. 🙂 )

    Yes that is the parent plant. I bought this at my LFS about a month ago and it already had this started. I got lucky the associate that helped me found this one in the back of the tank for me. 

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  12. I have a java fern and amazon sword that are nicely supplying me with new plants! Have a couple questions on how to use these properly

    For the amazon sword, I have let this go for a time and the roots are pretty long. If I want to separate this and plant in substrate, should I coil up all the long roots, or maybe trim a bit?

    For the java fern, I have a few rooted offshoots on this plant. Since this is a rhizome plant I know to  not plant it in substrate, but if I removed these should I just attach to a rock/wood like I would a full plant? Or should I wait until more it develops more. 



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  13. I have my Betta's tank right next to my work desk and all I have to do is turn my head toward him and he swims over to see me! I was surprised how quickly he started doing this, never afraid and started engaging with me right away. They are such fun fish,

  14. Hi, glad to find a forum like this with so much great discussion! I found the forums after watching many of Cory's great videos. My name is Laura - LLMGTAB had just been my default internet handle from the beginning.

    I used to keep a tank 15-20 years ago, but surprised how much I had never learned back then! I have also kept Goldfish/Koi in ponds we have had in previous houses. 

    I started back in the hobby early this year after getting a small betta tank for my work from home setup. I just setup a 20 gallon long with the intention of Adolin (my betta) moving in to join the crowd after they all settle. Currently is stocked with 5 pygmy cory and 7 albino neon tetras (just got them yesterday!)

    I am having so much fun researching and setting up this tank. I'll be sad when I have to go back in the office and not get to see it much during the week!

    Here is my 20 gallon so far, not to great an image with the reflection, need to practice taking photo's of tanks!


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