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Lauren G

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  1. Thank you James! It’s inspiring that Hugo survived his fin rot ordeal and I commend all the work (and emotional energy) you put in to save him. I will certainly buy some maracyn tomorrow and will hope to post some good news shortly.
  2. Thank you. I posted some photos. The ph looks to be about 7.2 and the ammonia is in the “safe” zone. I don’t monitor nitrogen, but maybe I should? I am new at this type of tank!
  3. Hello all, After keeping a Betta alive in a large, simple bowl for four years (many years ago) I have a new-ish Black Orchid in a tank with filter, heater, and ph and ammonia monitoring. He is solo. I thought this was a great environment for him, but within the last week, he developed small holes in the centers of his dorsal fin and tail fin which have progressed into large tears. I have read internet info for hours and I can’t find an explanation (or cure). Is it an injury that is worsening (maybe his fins got sucked into the filter intake?) or a type of rot that affects the middle of the fin instead of the edges? Thanks for any input.
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