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Posts posted by WJP

  1. i had a Bandit get that cotton-like stuff on his mouth .. he ended up passing away within a couple of days   i saw one of my Juliis, who is huge, swim hard and fast at him, and i think he pierced the Bandit, allowing an infection to take place ...

    i treated the whole tank (30 gallon) with salt and nobody else (14 other Corys, 4 guppies and 1 BN pleco) got it.  

    i have every medication known to fish mom and dads (because i just know the day i really need something, it’ll be at 1 am and nobody will be open) yet i always turn to salt first. 

    good luck and hope your little guys make it. ♥️

  2. YES. 


    i’ll record it and try to attach .. i have to do it through the lens of my magnifying glass.  it’s actually quite funny when i go to war with these buttheads .. lots if YAAAAA yelling .. kind of like a sunday football game. 😂 

  3. @ARMYVET: i did read a thread from a 2006 forum and the OP stated they sucked her Guppies dry .. BUT i also read in that same thread - from every other poster/replier- that leeches in their tanks did not eat their fish ... 


    i took out my magnifying glass last night and spotted numerous babies in my small shrimp tank so i’m doing an overhaul on it today ... or i may take one of my puffers, acclimate him in and let him get to work.


    to be specific, my leeches are the Barbronia weberi species AKA the Asian Leech. 



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  4. Hi!  Have you had any other issues with the leeches?  I’m having an infestation in two shrimp tanks ... I pluck out a couple a day but caught one sucking one of my shrimp last week. 


    They’re truly the spawn of the devil  😂



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