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Posts posted by Averus

  1. Candy cane tetras!  They are overlooked a little, but a lovely peaceful species that have  a pretty pink, white and black color scheme.  They are also very extremely peaceful and get to a nice medium tetra size.

    My candy canes happily get along with my lemon tetras and black neon tetras, and all three get along swimmingly.

    • Like 1
  2. I have noticed with my khuli loaches that the do have their own personalities.  One of them, who was the really tiny one when I got them, is way more adventurous then the rest, and often comes out during the day regularly.  Usually the others will follow him if they feel safe, but they are a bit more skittish.  Hopefully they will get comfortable for you and a few will decide to be a little more outgoing.

    I give them a wafer at night, but they also do seem to have no issues finding stuff  from leftover food to micro organisms on their own as well.

  3. Crypts are one of the plants I have had amazing luck with, and I have never cut them.  The numerous ones I have planted were done so and managed to adjust fine, with little to no melting at all.  In my case, the fact I have hard water may be a huge help here, as I have heard Crypts really do like that.  This is even in situations of completely new tanks. 

    Two months ago I started a new 10 gallon with Cryptocoryne Balansae, and the plants  are all doing fantastic.  What I did with them was plant them, and then carefully monitor them.  The worst that happened were a few got a little droopy, but those leaves eventually picked themselves up.  They did way better then the micro swords I got which died out.

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  4. I am going to piggy back here, because I am setting up a little planted 10 gallon that will be a betta tank, and am trying to figure out some tankmates for him.  Right now I am really curious on options for a little group of schooling fish, as they will be the first thing added once I finish the cycling. Harlequin Rasboras are on the potential list, but what about Glowlight Tetras, would they work instead?  Any nice options for the little school would be good to hear.

    Also thinking of going for Khuli Loaches for the bottom dwellers.  The tank has a lot of nice nooks for them to hide with the rockwork and wood.

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  5. On 6/28/2022 at 11:12 AM, Chris2022 said:

    The tank is 160 days old. I added the ottos in at ~3 & 4 mo when the tank was really full of algae on the glass and on the plants (brown diatoms everywhere). They still didn't survive except for one. I re-scaped the tank a couple of weeks ago, bc the flourite substrate wasn't working for me. Plus the sponge filter and the fake decor took up to much space and was difficult to clean. I made this alot more simple, and added more plants. There is still not enough algae to add more oto's however, I would be very hesitant too considering my past experience. 

    How do you like that co2 system? Did you notice a significant difference in your plants? It's been in the back of my mind.

    The CO2 system is a simple one, but I have seen some pretty big results from it.  All the plants love it, even the slow growing Anubis have been sending out leaves more often, and my Tiger Lotus pretty much exploded in growth.  I had heard adding it would cause my Cryps to have melting, but the opposite happened with them . That may be because they really like my water, I have had no issues at all with them.

    It has caused a little more green algae to show up, but I don't mind it, as it stays in the back.  It is a nice food source for the pleco and snails.

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  6. I am in a similar situation right now with my 55 gallon, as I have been wondering if I can get any more fish.  Right now I have the following:

    • 3 Keyhole Cichlids
    • 3 Pearl Gourami
    • 4 Varitus Platy
    • 8? Peppered Cory (They may had had some babies)
    • 6 Candy Cane Tetras
    • 6 Lemon Tetras
    • 10 Black Neon Tetras
    • 1 Bristlenose Pleco
    • and a small batch of assorted snails

    The tank is a year old and heavily stocked with plants, along with a CO2 system.  My nitrates stay around 35, I was doing weekly water changes, but I had to skip a week once and noticed the level didn't change at all, and now I just do them when the level goes a little higher.

    Can my tank take anymore fish? I am happy keeping smaller fish, the Keyholes are by far the largest animals in there and they still are not that large.  Everyone is also super peaceful, so no worries there.


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  7. I was wondering if anyone have some advice for me.  I received a few months back a co2 kit that uses Baking Soda and Citric Acid to make the co2.  I will eventually get pressurized co2 set up, but this is what I have now.

    So the system is working fine since I got it in February, but I end up with a bunch of residue in the co2 tank from the chemical reaction.  Anyone know any easy way to remove it?  It is really solidified in it, so just washing it out is not a good option.

  8. Right now I have three tetra schools in my tank, which are black neon, lemon and candy cane.  Of them all, I really have grown to like the candy canes the most. They are a nice pink color with white on their fins and are very active, peaceful, and a decent size. They really compliment my lemon tetras well.  Its great seeing them swimming around the plants and investigate stuff on the substrate that catches their eye.

    Nobody seems to talk about them much, which is a shame as they are just a wonderful fish that is a great community tank member.

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  9. On 5/23/2022 at 10:56 AM, TheBlueBeetle said:

    In my 125g, I have one big, old, bristlenose and 8 pepper corys. The pleco will make a brief " beat it!" run at a cory occaisionally, but in several years together, no real violence. There is plenty of cover and room for separation which probably helps. Snails, on the other hand, are blugeoned to death on sight by the pleco, so I guess it also depends on the individual plecos personal predjudices.

    I have a 55 gallon with a similar set up.  The bristlenose nose is a super red and a little less then a year old, same for the corys.  They all get along great, so much that they are the only fish he will not chase away from his algae wafer, he has no issues with them nibbling on the side.  Now the platys and keyhole chiclids he will chase away immediately.

    My pleco actually ignores the snails and fortunately decided not to much on my Amazon Swords.  He is an extremely mellow tank member, as long as none of the big fish go after his wafers.  Even then he will just chase away the fish, grab the wafer, and then swim to a little areas so he can munch on it.  He is also surprisingly outgoing, I will see him swimming around midday sometimes.

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  10. I recently set up a CO2 system to my 55 gallon tank, and so far so good.  I currently have a low/medium light set up, and will not be upgrading that for awhile.  The CO2 has been running for three weeks now, and my current plants, all low tech ones, are growing faster.  Even the Anbuias have been sending out new leaves quicker, and my Crypts had no melting either from the change, they are still happily spreading like they did before.  It also obliterated the the Black Beard Algae I had in my tank, so very good thing there.

    I was wondering, does anyone have good plant suggestions for a tank with CO2 injection, but not the high powered lights?  My current plants are the usual types for a low tech tank, and most were purchased from Aquarium Co-Op, but I am trying to find some more good candidates that that can take advantage of the new CO2 system that is in place, but don't need powerful lighting.

  11. About six weeks past, I was at my LFS and picked up an orange Bristlenose Pleco and six of what were labeled as Candy Cane Tetras.  All the fish have been doing great, and I am really loving the tetras, especially with how vivid they are and the fact they get along with everyone else in my tank.  They have managed to gain a little in size too, and seem to be very happy.

    Since I got six and enjoyed them so much, I was thinking of getting some more to give them a little larger school.  These guys school a lot more then my Black Neon and Lemon Tetras.  Here is my issue.  I was looking around and noticed that these could actually be Rosy Tetras.  The online resources are a little confusing about this, so I took some pictures and figured some of the knowledgeable people here would know what these guys actually are.

    I tried to get as bets pictures as I could, but they do tend to like to dart around.  Also a couple of shots have some of the tank Platys, but I do know what they are at least. 🙂






  12. The above are all good choices, but I would also like to add Tiger Lotus, Pogostemon Stellatus 'Octopus', Moneywort and Frogbit.  I have reasonably hard water here in North Jersey, and all are doing great.

    The Lotus took a little bit to establish itself, but is really growing now.

  13. With everyone being so helpful in the past here with my stocking questions, I have come back with another one.

    So right now my 55 tank has been progressing along well, and I figured my janitor team could use a new member(s) to help with the green algae.  I am trying to figure out what would be a good match for my tank.

    Right now I have a small school of Black Neon Tetras, a small school of Lemon Tetras, four Varitus Platys, three Pearl Gourami and a school of Peppered Corys.  I also have  seven Nerite snails.  Everybody gets along pretty well and thriving, the Tetras have actually gotten larger then I expected they would

    My temp is 77.2, PH is 74 and hardness is 10.  Tank is a heavily planted low tech set up with tons of driftwood.

    I do want to avoid Otocinclus.  I saw Cory's video on them, but they still feel like they are a bit delicate to deal with, especially since there are lots of good options out there.

    I see some stuff on twig catfish, which made them look very interesting, but I am open to all ideas.

  14. They mostly seem to be to be swimming around in genera, I haven't seen them stick by the plants.  Now that I think about it, they did seem to be in groups of three...

    Are they old enough to actually do this?  They are just so tiny right now, I expected them to get larger before I saw anything like that, plus they were just added last Saturday.

  15. I recently added seven C. plaetus to my 55 gallon from quarantine, and all seemed to be well with them.  They have been doing the expected Corydora stuff of swimming around on the bottom, running after wafers, following each other and hanging out on the Anubias.  They are not shy, though I don't constantly see them, this is a large tank with lots of plants and driftwood and these guys are less then an inch right now.

    Last night I noticed they were all swimming around in the mid and top of my tank.  They mostly do this as a group, though a couple do it on their own. Water parameters are fine, no issues there, and their tankmates are all very peaceful.

    Do I need to worry about them?  They are active during the day when I look at them, but nothing like I saw last night.

  16. On 10/5/2021 at 2:32 PM, JettsPapa said:

    My water sprite initially didn't do well either.  I had bought some, separated it into several plants, and planted them in several tanks.  While I wasn't looking a piece broke off one of them, floated to the top, and turned into 3-4 thriving plants.  If yours is planted in the substrate, and isn't doing well, I'd suggest floating it instead.

    I actually tried that as well, I put one of them in my quarantine tank to add some greenery to help the new arrivals feel a little secure.  That one just petered out too, and that tank has a much more direct light on it too. 😔

    At least the bushy one by my HoB does seem to be doing fine, it just isn't the rapid grower I expected it to be.  I went on to replace the Water Sprite that didn't do well with the Water Wisteria, and that plant seems to be doing so well I need to propagate it about a month after I got the original batch!

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  17. On 10/5/2021 at 10:04 AM, JettsPapa said:
    • I haven't read all the replies, but I have four species of tetra (serpae, lemon, black neon, and pristella), three species of Corydoras (trilineatus, panda, and pygmaeus), pearl gouramis, and Lake Kutubu rainbowfish, along with invertebrates thriving in my 8.2 pH hard water.  I've never made any attempts to adjust the parameters.
    • If you're having problems with stem plants it might be due to lighting instead of the water.  Water wisteria, in particular, does well for me.
    • I also have good luck with guppy grass, hornwort, crypts, swords, anubias, and pearl weed.

    My water is not has hard as that, but it is still up there, and my experience so far is very similar. I have Lemon Tetras and Black Neon Tetras, and both are doing great in my tank.  The Lemons even got the nice yellow coloring. Both tetras have gotten pretty large and are always active, so they do not seem to be upset by my hard water at all.

    I have read that Red Eyed Tetras have no issues with hard water either, they are a pretty tough species with a wide range in the wild, so they are very adaptable.

    Other fish are Varitus Platys, Peal Gourami and the newest additions, some Plaetus Corys that look like they have adjusted with no issues.

    As fort he plants I have had great luck with Cypts, after the initial planting and melting, they grow a ton.  Anubias has been hit or miss, for some reason I can't keep A. Bateri "Gold Coin" alive, yet the standard one is thriving.  A. Nana and A. Nangi also have done great. Bucephalandra do very well, as do my Tiger Lotus and Dwarf Water Lily.  Frogtbit grows so vigorously I need to remove the new plants.  Java Ferm does okay too, but I suspect that is because of the phosphorous in my tap water.

    Then for the stem plants.  Water Wisteria, Anacharis and Moneywort have worked for me, as has the one Ludwigia Repens I own, though it decided it wanted to be orange instead of red.  Pogostemon Stellatus 'Octopus' does grow for me, but not at the rates it seems to for other people I have seen online.

    Water Sprite has been iffy for me.  I had a bunch of plants when the tank started up, but they just withered away, except for one plant that is by my HoB that has spread out, but is not a super fast grower.  It is pretty healthy at least.

    Since the Moneywort did well, I am going to be trying some Bacopa Caroliniana next.

  18. Would the Corys be okay with the bottom dwelling cichlids? I don't want the little guys to get stressed out.

    Keyhole Cichlids were on my interest list, but I can't seem to find them anywhere these days. I may just go with a Bolivan Ram, my tank's temp is a bit too cool for the German ones, or one of the Apistogrammas.  I am really looking for the most peaceful choice, everyone in the tank gets along great at present.

    I was just going to go for the single Angel, but with these choices, it looks like they need a group for them to be happy, so at least I have the room.

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  19. Got a quick stocking question.  Right now my 55 gallon has Black Neon Tetras, Lemon Tetras, Varitus Platys, Pearl Gourami, and some Salt and Pepper Corys that are going to be joining the main tank soon.  I am slowly building up the number of Pearl Gouramis to four fish.

    I was wondering, as my last fish, could I add an Angelfish?  Would it get along okay with the other fish in the tank?  The tanks is heavily planted, so it provides plenty of cover for everybody.

  20. I have a female Pearl Gourami that I recently moved from quarantine to my main tank last week.  She was doing fine, but recently has started to glass surf on one side of the tank.  She doesn't do this all day as she does sometimes break off to swim around the plants and she loves to eat during feeding times.

    This is a 55 gallon tank that is heavily planted, including a lot of frogbit.  The side she has been doing this is the side with my HoB filter, which doesn't have the floaters.  I have lots of wood and rocks all over to provide places to explore too.

    I checked my water parameters, and nothing was wrong there.  The tank at the moment is not heavily stocked either.  All my other fish are doing fine right now too.  Some of my Black Neon Tetras even decided to come over and see what the commotion was, but got bored quick and swam away.

    Is there anything wrong with my Gourami?  She never displayed this behavior in the hospital tank, and was one of the most docile, tame fish I have ever seen.

  21. I finally got around to ordering some Corydoras, and decided to get some Peppered Corys (C. paleatus) because I liked the way they look and are good beginner fish.

    I ordered six, and sadly one did not make the shipping, but the other five appear to be okay and are in quarantine.  Now I have some questions.

    The fish I got were really small, less then a half of an inch.  I was expecting them to be a little larger.  With them being so small, I am actually a little worried about doing a de-worming treatment, after the trip and with them being so young, would that be too much for the little guys?

    Any idea how fast these guys grow?  My main tank is a heavily planted 55 gallon with lots of wood, and currently has four Varitus Platys, six Lemon Tetras, six Black Neon Tetras and one female Pearl Gourami.  Everyone in the main tank is very peaceful, the gourami is one of the most docile fish I have kept, but I am worried about the little guys being overwhelmed when I add them to the main tank with them being so tiny.

    I added some rocks and little shelter areas in the hospital tank, but the Corys mostly seem to ignore them right now and stay in the open.  Is this normal?

    Also a number of them seem happy to go to the top to grab food, but I want to make sure everyone is eating.  I am limited right now for getting live food, and the only frozen stuff I have are some blood worm cubes and some shrimp cubes.  I have a ton of different freeze dried foods (daphina, bloodworms, brine shrimp and bug bites) though.  Any food items they would really like?  I did get a pack of catfish wafers for them too.

  22. I have a question for the plant experts here.  Now I am going on vacation starting tomorrow for a week, but have a couple plants that I have in my quarantine tank, both arrived Wednesday so they have been there a couple days now.  The plants in question are a Water Wisteria and a Moneywort.

    Would it be alright if kept them in the rockwool filled pots they came in and keep them housed in the quarantine tank while I am away?  I would give them a dose of Easy Green today and then plant them in my main tank when I get back. 

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