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  1. Heh. Yeah my inlaws are always digging themselves out. I love snow, so I'd be happy. 😄
  2. Thanks for all the nice comments! The tanks you see represent about 6 months of growth after trying lots of different "easy to grow" species of aquarium plants--and finding which ones do best in my conditions. I like to do some propagation here and there to make everything look abundant. I'm waiting until everything is absolutely overgrown before I start my 55 gallon tank--so I have some nice things to put in it right from the start! Money is tight and though I'd love to keep trying lots of new plants, I've found I quite like how the different textures of various anubias, java fern, pogostemon, amazon sword, crypts, and water sprite look all together. And all of those are VERY easy to grow and propagate. In case you're curious about things that didn't grow well for me: bacopa, java moss, and monte carlo. That's not a bad track record. A few other things are just sort of surviving, fading, or extremely slow growing for no apparent reason, like guppy grass, and dwarf sag. There are still a few species I haven't tried yet!
  3. I have not! I mainly shop at Elmers in Monroeville. I'll check out Wet Pets and maybe set aside some time for a visit. I'm guessing you are in Erie? It's beautiful up there. My husband is from Erie.
  4. That is an ivory mystery snail. They love to eat duckweed--which is the only live plant I've seen them munching on. Mystery snails come in: ivory (light food, white shell), gold (light foot with golden yellow shell), chestnut (light foot and brownish shell), black (dark foot, dark shell, wild type), blue (white shell with a dark, bluish foot), magenta (light foot, pinkish/purplish striped shell) and purple (dark bluish foot with pinkish/purplish shell). I think that's all of them. Ivory, gold, and chestnut are very easy to find in the trade. Blue, magenta, and purple are more difficult to find.
  5. Howdy! I'm back in the hobby after a decade away. So many things have improved! Better lighting! Plants! Invertebrates! I like fish fine, but for me invertebrates are where it's at. Specifically shrimp (amano and dwarf) and Mystery Snails. I have a 9 gallon Fluval Flex with a school of ember tetras, a beta, 6 amano shrimp, and a nerite snail. Also a ten gallon with blue velvet neocaridinas and mystery snails. I also have a 20L with blue velvet neocaridinas, a few amanos, and lots of mystery snails. I have a 55 gallon tank that I haven't set up yet. Can't decide what I'm going to put in it. I'd really like to breed Mystery Snails, but my LFS isn't interested in buying them from me, even for store credit. And I have a chronic illness, so shipping would just be too hard. So, I either have to keep the males and females separated or keep tossing the egg clutches. And each clutch is soooo many snails. No way do I need so many, no matter how much I enjoy watching them grow.
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