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Warren Peace

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Posts posted by Warren Peace

  1. In my area, a lot of LFS, and Mom & Pop stores were willing to take them in. I made sure to visit them beforehand to make sure they were in good hands, and that the fish stores knew their stuff. A majority of the LFS knew what they were doing, some not so much.  Like one of the fish stores, on the call, they were nice, and seemed like a good place. They asked if any of the fish were sick, so on and so forth. However, when we actually went there, it was filthy, and there were dead fish in the tanks, and looked like they haven't had maintenance ina while. I guess it really depends on the hobbyist and/or Fish store receiving the fish.

    As for your specific fish, as long as their peaceful, healthy, etc. they will most likely will be willing to take them in. The bettas with the cardinals together is a little iffy. The bettas might get territorial with the cardinals. Also, the cardinals might get nippy. I guess it depends on the personality, and even so, you might encounter problems. 

    I'm not sure about the fish stores in Phoenix, but mine were happy to take them in. I hope this helped in any way. 😀


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  2. If it smells like rotten eggs, it's probably Hydrogen Sulfide. Hydrogen Sulfide occurs when there is decomposing organic matter (fish food, dead plants, waste, etc.) Usually, anaerobic bacteria is the culprit. It occurs when there isn't enough flow. Since there isn't enough flow, and or, oxygen, it might be the anaerobic bacteria taking over, and using the fish waste, as the Hydrogen Sulfide is one of it's by products. That explains why it only happens when you gravel vac. Since the gas is being released from the pockets when you disturb it. Try adding a powerhead, or getting a more powerful filter to help circulate the tank, and get rid of the anaerobic bacteria. Hope this helped 😀

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  3. I recently found out about this cool online scaping simulator. I am planning for a new tank, and decided to give this a shot. While it isn't perfect, it was certainly fun to play around with it. I could have done this for hours! Here's the scape I did on this website. I have to say its pretty cool. It's called scape-it.io 


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  4. The puffer looks gorgeous in the sunlight. I don't know. There is something about the natural light coming into your aquarium that is just so appealing. I have a tank on a southern window. the plants in the tank start pearling whenever the sun starts to hit the tank. My neon tetras have almost an iridescent glow when placed in the sun! 

    Though its quite a pain to balance it.

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  5. Hmm... Not so sure. I'm still a newbie to this hobby so take my advice with a grain of salt. With angelfish, if their eggs turn white, it usually means they are unfertilized. I'm not sure if this is the case with other cichlids. But, the unfertilized ones might rot in a few days. Hope this helps.😄

  6. Hmm... I don't know. I as a newbie, still haven't tried any nightime lights in my tanks. When I read up on it, I had conflicting messages. Some say that blue light is perfectly fine, and others say that having it on is harmful to their sleep. Some say that red leds are okay. Here are a couple of the articles. However, I would do some more research and come to a conclusion myself. 

    https://petfishonline.com/fish-sleep-blue-light/#:~:text=Fish cannot sleep with blue,transition between light and darkness. 


     https://jaljeev.com/why-does-an-aquarium-have-blue-light/. Hope this helped! 🙂

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