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Flyin Jawaiian

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Posts posted by Flyin Jawaiian

  1. Aloha everyone. Been a while since I hopped back on the forum been trying out different types of fish. Lately I've been loving rainbows. Grew and bred Pygmy dwarf rainbows then got lucky and my buddy sold me his group of kali towas which have been spawning for me nicely, and lastly I just got a nice group of 12 some new Mairasi rainbows from my local fish shop buddy. Now I'm down to 11 sadly, one jumped and I caught it too late so now I lowered the water level down an inch (lesson learned with these guys) and I'm just seeing if anyone has had these rainbows before, they're the same family as the kali towas so I'm guessing their living and breeding habits are the same? Any info or advice or input is much appreciated, aloha! Kea. 






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  2. Aloha guys! Hope everyone is having a great start to their holiday weekend! So over the past few days I’ve been noticing one of my super red long fin plecos getting abnormally larger in the belly area compared to my others, it seems as if the stomach is enlarged to where it looks uncomfortable but the fish seems to be acting fine, I haven’t seen it poop nor really watch for that often but I’ve read online there’s salt baths, salt solutions, or feeding them peas? Any suggestions or experience on this would be very appreciated. 






  3. On 9/28/2021 at 6:43 PM, Dean’s Fishroom said:

    Look for a new video coming out from the Co-op. We made a DIY one about the fry boxes I make.

    Woohoo!!! I can’t believe the man himself is here on my thread 😎🤙🏽 Awesome can’t wait. Love every single one of your videos dean!! 

  4. I recently found these at my local Lowe’s. Are these real natural slate? Even with the multicolor? And rust stains? If anyone could let me know ASAP as there’s only a few boxes of these left. They don’t look like the perfect stone I see in some peoples videos but it does say all natural slate. And natural stone. 

    10-Pack Multicolor 12-in x 12-in Natural Natural Stone Slate Floor Tile https://www.lowes.com/pd/Anatolia-Tile-10-Pack-Multicolor-12-in-x-12-in-Natural-Floor-Tile/1001042626

  5. Hey guys after years of searching and patiently waiting, I was finally able to get myself a group of zebra plecos from a buddy who was unfortunately forced to moved and thus get rid of a lot of his personal breeders. These were his personal group of 5 he’s been growing out. 4 are older he said he believes two are for sure females I’m looking for assistance on tryna sex them as well if you guys can tell or give me any pointers on what to look for. He’s had them for about two years now, they haven’t bred for him though he said they should be ready within this year to next year so fingers crossed! 







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  6. Awesome!! Thanks for the info I might grab a few pieces of that slate to play around with. Yesterday I was fortunate enough to have one of my buddies go to his friend who’s a tiler and countertop guy, he gave him a bunch of large slabs of natural stone. It looks like quarts and other mixes crystals they both said it was aquarium safe but the backing has fiberglass my buddy said that’s aquarium safe too I can either leave it or remove it but do these look good to cut and piece together to make some caves?






  7. On 9/21/2021 at 6:13 PM, Hobbit said:

    Funny you should say this…


    Making this tube was super easy after watching Dean’s muck bucket video!

    The part I can’t figure out is the bottom. I know I want an airline attached to the end, but I haven’t quite figured out a way to do that. It may involve an elbow like this, but how to attach it? Not sure superglue would be enough on two pieces of plastic.

    Imagitarium Elbow Airline Connector - Carousel image #1


    Woooow that looks soo perfect!! If you know the dimensions of the tubing, I think you may be able to source a type of cap, then I would drill a hole large enough for that elbo and use 100% silicone to seal that then you can drill holes on the bottom of the cap to allow water to be pulled up. That would be for the bottom I’m thinking in my head lol. The top you would probably want a way to somewhat restrict the free flow so maybe another can with more holes that way it’ll regulate and aerate the water better for the fry. Where did you find that tube?  It looks like the one they sell at Disneyland for the flavored powder candy😂

    On 9/21/2021 at 6:13 PM, Hobbit said:

    Funny you should say this…


    Making this tube was super easy after watching Dean’s muck bucket video!

    The part I can’t figure out is the bottom. I know I want an airline attached to the end, but I haven’t quite figured out a way to do that. It may involve an elbow like this, but how to attach it? Not sure superglue would be enough on two pieces of plastic.

    Imagitarium Elbow Airline Connector - Carousel image #1


    I’m just basing my ideas off of this design, I figure if it works then try to mimic it and that design should be achievable as well. If it doesn’t work then it will just need some minor adjustments as with any other system that’s homemade right? Lol I think of us as pioneers until it becomes commercially made 😂


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  8. On 9/21/2021 at 12:55 PM, Tihshho said:

    The outside tube idea is actually pretty novel idea if it doesn't take up too much space. Would also reduce the need of having a water pump to fill the tray. You'd just need to find a way to make the tubes with the right bend and you'd be good to go. 

    I was thinking of something around this design? I love my hang on fry box it just sticks out and looks really ugly lol I wouldn’t mind dedicating a 29gal or even just a 20 long to be just a fry tank, keep the larger grow outs on the bottom then keep multiple fry trays on top. Then all you would need is air splitters above, and have your airlines run to each box’s tube. 


  9. Would anyone know if marble slabs are safe? Or any other type of tile? The I think I found the right one at my local Lowe’s, this one says natural slate tile. I can see the layers of rock in the cut. And one piece I grabbed literally broke apart and I see some red rust and possibly mixed minerals. Is this the right slate? Also found some nice granite would those be aquarium safe as well? 




  10. On 9/21/2021 at 7:21 AM, Tihshho said:

    Funny you said this, I toyed with this idea a few years back. The issue I ran into was the flow generated in this. For larger and robust fry this isn't an issue. For tiny and delicate fry, you're going to run into issues of too much flow and adding a trapping point for them with too little flow. The other thing about it too was that it wasn't quick to pull and swap tubs as you had to disconnect the airline from the sponge setup. For a holding tank I would say this is ideal, for a fry system you'd want to make it as 'dummy' proof as possible so that your order of operations are simple and quick as to not risk the fry. The other issue with the hole in the bottom method is that you cannot pull the tray easily without the risk of it draining unless you silicon the tube in place. That as well is that if you have something protruding you can't pull the tray and sit it down on a flat surface in a stable manner. 

    Brooo you nailed my question right in the head! Lol. Now it just made me more stuck on what I could do. I was thinking of possibly making some type of u bend on a small piece of plastic tubing similar to how the python hook hose attracted to the side of the tank, then adding the stone on the bottom just like how the fluval hang on the back breeding tank, how their water cycle system works just gotta figure out how to implement that onto a container inside of the tank. I also Feel as if I’m possibly overthinking it like how you guys said earlier the easiest and dumb proof setup it probably the best lol. 

  11. All of these systems though would require a drain through system right? I see everyone using the drip system to cycle water through the tanks. I was trying to think of a way of implementing a sponge filter tube then glue it to the bottom of the box and have the bubbles push air up then have the excess flow out through the sponge filter cutting 

  12. I was in the search for slate to create my own pleco caves, “recently became the proud owner of a group of L046 zebra plecos and trying my best to make them feel most comfortable. I was reading online that slate was the best material used to make caves and having prior experience in carpentry and flooring I could easily cut a few pieces of slate tile and make some caves. I checked out my local Home Depot and searched every piece of tile available and I found one that’s said to be 100% natural stone and it was slate rock so I purchased two pieces. I also noticed the back end was gouged and indented to make the hold while flooring better, but it was also coated or cooked it looks like a terocotta pot type of back. Would anyone have any idea if this is still safe for the aquarium or I’ll have to keep trying to source the correct piece. 



  13. Aloha everyone, I’m having this problem it’s been about a week now, it first started off with little white patches on a few of my orange laser corys, I started to treat them with Hawaiian hillbilly’s BSD treatment but after daily water changes everyday on the third day directions say to take a day break so after the fourth day I noticed the fish still had the fungus in their fins and a few more fish had it. I retired the dosage again for another three days and still to no sign of improvement. I’m noticing there’s more of what looks like fungus growing on the fish’s barbels now too I’m not sure if this is from then digging into sharp substrate which I thought wasn’t true, or the fungus is spreading even more. If anyone has any idea what else could cure or help this that would be awesome! 













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  14. Hey everyone I’ve been tryna figure out where dean has been getting his fry breeder boxes that he places on his tanks in his videos with the white bottom but water is still able to flow through with a sponge as the filter. Any ideas is his custom made or ordered??

  15. Aloha all so long story short, I got two remaining angel fish from petco, started with 6 lol we know how those fish go all 4 were being treated till they just gave up but I have two left and I may have just got lucky enough to have gotten a pair out of them all,(or so I pray). Now this is where I need some serious trained eyes to help me identify these two specimens. By going by all traits I’ve been collecting online about what separates them in sex and to me I think they might be but this would be my first pair to attempt to breed and I just want to be sure. They swim together pretty much all the time I notice there’s very little aggression except for when I feed them for ex. For the first time today while feeding they were starting to peck and chase til both faced off and legit held each other by the mouth and were kinda in a tug of war type of deal not too sure if this is common with pairs? I know from what I could collect online for info, the one sure fire way to identify a male and female is by breeding tubes and they only protrude those out when they’re nearing ready to breed which is hard with just two angels haha 😆. Anyways I really hope we can shine some light on these guys and get to moving on my next little project. Thank you for taking the time and helping out much mahalo and Aloha 🤙🏽







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  16. So some seems to be alive. I’ve thrown them on the ground to see if they would start moving the first time I didn’t, 5 minutes later I looked again and it was gone 🤦🏽‍♂️ so I tried again the next time and this time I could see it moving around and what looked like to be a tongue protruding out and in kinda freaky to me now. We do have a lot of fruit trees around us being in Hawaii we have about 3 mango trees and various other fruits and veggies. Though I do have an aquaponics system running on the side and that hasn’t seen anything unless my comets are tackling them. These seem a lil too big for any of my fish to feed on

  17. Found some in my breeding tanks this time! These are on the top of the rack open tops no lids just the light but there’s no build up I a iPhone left over food out daily since it’s bare bottoms and just a sponge filter with a few artificial decorations. These look like they could’ve been in the tank for at least a day or two and I overlooked them or they’re a catapillar type of worm we have here with spikes all over it’s body but they’re colored and which is even more weird  Is we’ve recently built a extended roof below their deck so it would block more rain and adds more extension from the edge of their patio that the maggots were walking off the edge before. Here’s more pics as well of the area and building 








  18. Have you guys ever found a maggot or multiple maggots in your aquarium?? I’ve been finding them almost daily in my guppy fry tank recently and it’s occurred before but not consistently like this. Just curious if this is a natural thing other people experienced before or it’s a me problem and something I gotta fix with my setups. It could also be from our upstairs renter, they have a patio that over hangs our lanai room give us a roof but they’ve left trash out before and I’ve had maggots fall through the floor and end up on my sidewalk but we talked and it pretty sure he wouldn’t do it again.(I really hope) but I don’t have pics totally spaced on taking them but next time which shouldn’t be long they appear I’ll get some pics up. Aloha and thank you. 🤙🏽

  19. 2 hours ago, Fish Folk said:

    Bummer! Kind of wish my bettas would’ve breed in the first place.

    Some things to carefully evaluate—I’m guessing it’s something here:

    (1) WATER QUALITY. Exactly how bad is the water you change out of the fry pail? 

    (2) NOT ENOUGH / NOT FREQUENT ENOUGH FOOD. Do you hatch baby brine shrimp?

    (3) LABYRINTH DEVELOPMENT. Do you maintain a closed off, consistent humidity above the water surface to allow the anabantid  labyrinth organ to develop?


    Hmm for #1, I’ve never tested that water I will next round Though. My process for daily water changes is as follows:

    1. Use a turkey baster feeder tube to slowly suck out poop from the fish and snails and excess food which only totals to very little water. 
    2. Goo with my straw sized siphon and siphon 50% of the water. ( I have gallon lines marked on the edge of the tub so I know exactly how much water I’m taking out at a time. 
    3. Mount my jug of day old water above the tub and run the same siphon down but I tie a loose not and let the water drip into the tank so it acclimated and creates a little surface disruption which the fry always comes up and checks it out and normally swims around more. Maybe that’s my issue? 

    as for number 2, I do hatch baby brine shrimp and also have vinegar eels but I’m more on the edge of feeding vinegar eels because even using the filter floss technique if sat long enough the water on top seems to collect vinegar as well I can smell and taste it before I give to the fry so I discard it and give micro worms which I feel most comfortable. Then I do feed brine shrimp when they’re about 5-7 days old. 
    and for #3, I do keep the lid on the tub I notice it builds humid as everytime I lift the cover to feed there’s condensation on the top. The front is sealed good but the back is a little cracked to give the heater chord and air hose room 

  20. Alright guys having a little trouble now. Not sure if it’s something I’m missing or whatnot but I’m gonna be going on my 4th batch of fry soon and need more advice. Every batch of fry I have seems to diminish slowly over time til there’s none left. So to start off, I use a 5gal storage tub to breed, a cycled sponge filter but I don’t turn it on til the fry are larger I just leave it to cycle, heater, and fake plants. Once the eggs are layed, female is pulled out, make then takes care til they hatch. Once they’re free swimming I pull the male out and the next day I start my water changes. I do 50% water changes daily, make sure my heater is always working (lost one batch cause I didn’t know it was off yet still plugged in) and I start feeding micro worms at about 2days in if free swimming. Now this is where is gets weird. They seem to be doing fine and growing older, I’ll see a few die off here and there which I think is normal then all of a sudden they seem to start crashing where more and more start to die, check my water parameters and they’re all perfect, I’m adding tanins into the water for every water change, checking temps all the time and doing 3-4 small feedings a day to ensure I’m not over feeding. What am I missing from these guys I really want to grow out at least one batch of fry to say I’ve successfully bred bettas then move onto my next project lol. 

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  21. 29 minutes ago, Chlo said:

    lol, I've never kept guppies before, they are cool but if I can I would like to get tetras. Maybe if I lower the panda cories to 5 and get 5 black neon tetras?

    That would be a great setup. Nice amount of groups anything less than that then they may stress a bit. But that sounds like a great plan. Just hope your platies don’t have any babies lol 

  22. What you could look into would be other live bearers like fancy guppies? I’ve recently started transitioning over to guppy strains and it’s been a blast! Soo many varieties and colors. Just some extra thoughts to make your decision even harder than it is 😂😁

  23. 5 hours ago, Chlo said:

    I would be willing to increase my water changes if I can get more fish (I find water changes really fun for some reason lol don't ask). I've never heard about crocodile tooth tetras, do you know if they go by any other name?

    Oh and also here is a picture of my tank, I know it's really bare and not the best looking or anything but I don't have money to buy more plants yet lol (and also ignore that floating java fern near the driftwood)


    Wow that's a lot! I have only females but I guess it is very possible some of them could still have babies, but if they do I was planning to either keep only a couple and give most if not all of them away.

    Oh and also I was told one of my platies was pregnant when I bought her, but I'm not sure how they knew. 

    Ohh also what could help too is run a sponge filter there’s some really good ones on aquarium coop I got a bunch mostly nano size and I run them in everything from 2.5s all the way up to my 10 gal.  for a 20gal a medium would do wonders 

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