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Everything posted by alcidmr

  1. To @nabokovfan87 and @Odd Duck i angle the heater and it drop to 81F instead of 82F and I have it set to 79F I guess that's close enough just thought i let you know thanks again.
  2. Oh ok yeah I had it laying down but the cable it's so thick that it was kinda bad for the aquarium lid. But I'm going to try it laying it down because it's kinda long for the 5.5 aquarium ok thanks @nabokovfan87 Nad @Odd Duck
  3. Why is my heater 50w for my 5.5 at 82F and I keep changing it to 79 and and still gets to 82F for my betta I heard from creative pet keeping on YouTube that 82F is perfect for a betta but I'm worried that I can't get the heater were I want it and I calibrated but now after a a while is doing this is. It's there nothing to worry about any suggestions, Oh is a Eheim aquarium heater .Thanks
  4. Does anyone know about bettas I just got one for my 5.5 gallon tank. unfortunately I got it from petco because I have no mom and pop shop around my home. But he looks so wash out lol like a white film on him and his face look rough is that how a mermaid male betta supost to look? I did the trio ICH-X, Meracyn, Paracleanse. For prevention he is eating and not lethargic he is moving around. today is his second day at home ill place a video of him hope you guys can see him, thanks.
  5. @nabokovfan87 yeah thats the othere thing that happened i think. i took the dead snail out and cleaned i guss tomuch and forgot to not clean the two sponge filters at the same time like a nubby that i am lol. then the ammonia was like 1.0 ppm then everything went wrong but now that I did a water change looks good nitrite is blue at 0ppm but will see tomorrow thnks for your help.
  6. Oh ok @Flumpweesel and @AndreaW thank you.
  7. Is it bad to do water change if my cycle its in its last stages?. I finally have 0ppm ammonia and 0.25ppm Nitrite and 20 to 40ppm Nitrate. I have live plants anubias nana pati. Javafern and two aquarium co op sponges with ziss air stones. I found my snail was dead for 3 to 4 days I guess got ammonia spikes so then I noticed that everything was out of wack. so I had to start the cycle again I guess. I'm with 0 Ammonia and 0.25 Nitrites, 20 to 40 Nitrites shuld I leave it along till the bb takes nitrite to 0 or shuld I do 20% water change? Thanks
  8. What would be a aggressive fish to put in there? Any suggestions
  9. I have sunburst variations platies and from the pet shop she was pregnant i guess but she had baby’s and she had more males then female’s so now I have tamales harassing females so I moved the females but now males are fighting and harassing the males. pet shop don’t want them it’s policy I guess. I don’t want the fish been harassed to die any suggestions please. Thank you.
  10. Ok thanks @Coluand @Guppysnail
  11. My platy are eating damaging my scarlet temple, is this normal? I feed them they always want to eat gosh they don't touch the anubias or the java or the cryptocoryne I don't know why they are doing that.any input anyone lol.
  12. Ok guys thanks for all your input , My nitrite are gone I added Fritz zyme 7 also and everything seems to be back to normal.
  13. I'm using easy root tabs from aquarium co op
  14. Yeah I been adding eazy green also for my Java and anubias but just Ike one time every other week and never had this problem now I'm kind worry if I should have put only eazy green lol
  15. Hi I added some root tabs, 5 to be exact to my new plants. (Cryptocoryne perva) (Cryptocoryne wendtii green) (temple scarlet) and some Java ferns and anubias pattie. I know the Java and anubias don't need tabs only the otheres I mention. Just giving an idea of what all I have all a total of 10 plants in a 20 gallon H. And i just finding out I have nitrite spike in my tank. aquarium is 11 plus month old and all the sudden I got nitrite I'm thinking are the Root tabs I know I need to do water change but should I take what ever is remaining of the root tabs. And I think is the root tabs because my 5.5 aquarium also al the sudden has a nitrite spike after adding 2 rot tabs I put some fritz conditioner till I find out what is the cause tomorrow ill do I a 60 water change.
  16. Can I plant live plants live like cryptocoryne wendtii green and stauragyne repens and if I can, how deep should the gravel be? I tried bacopa monnieri and it kept floating, so I still have it floating lol. That’s why I was hesitant on getting live plants lol any suggestions, will appreciate it thanks.
  17. @Colu my parameters are 0ppm ammonia - 0ppm Nitrite - 40ppm Nitrate so just made a 60% water change. and I'm going add some ICK-X
  18. yeah ill check again last week it was at 0 ammonia. 0 Nitrite. Nitrate 25 or 35 PH always the same 7.6 L 7.4 H I'm about check again.
  19. Oh ok can I treat the whole tank because the other corydoras barbels are short I guess because when I had molies with them the molies were fitting for food so I thinking they maybe bit off some parts of it. because all my 4 corydoras have missing barbs or what ever it's called. But there is one that it's worse with fungus or cotton on his mouth the othere don't just missing barbs.
  20. I just noticed one of my corydoras has fungus on its mouth I have it I a spaceman container not sure of the picture is clear. Can anyone know what to treat with because it's looks like is bad like cotton on his mouth so thinking is not just started thanks
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