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  1. It's more like 2years and 3months since I got him+ 6-12ish months before the petstore brought him in.
  2. I'm in need of some help here. My betta is probably 2.5 years old now. He lives in a 10G with two nerites and three amanos. I've noticed the last month he started to be lazier than normal, but still excited to eat and see me. Then in the last week I caught the amanos eating his tail. They've since been separated. He is now going down hill. His fins are messed up, this morning he has gone more pale, and just stopped eating this morning. His gills are breathing fairly heavy. No pineconeing that I have noticed. Plenty of almond leaves and places for him to rest, but I don't know what to do next. He won't eat blood worms or pellets today. What would aquarium salt do? Or other meds? Here are some pictures and my parameters: 7.8 pH 10-20 ppm Nitrates (prior to 40% WC) 0 ppm Nitrite= 0 ppm Ammonia 360 TDS (10GH) 6KH 78 F
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