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Posts posted by killifish_guy662

  1. 1 minute ago, DShelton said:

    I would put a sponge on the intake strainer, so that I would only rarely have to open the canister to disturb its media, but definitely do not change the poly-fil.

    I have a sponge for the intake as well. I was waiting to attach it to let as much bacteria build up in the canister. Mainly got it to keep the sand from going into the filter once I move my Yoyo’s into the tank. The extra surface area for bacteria is a bonus. 😎

    • Like 1
  2. I’m on the tail end of doing a fish-less cycle. I’ve been running a canister filter during that time. In the canister is that fine poly-fil, polishing type of media. Since there is no actual fish to gunk it up. Would you replace it as if there were fish gunk in it or leave it until there are actual fish in the tank to gunk it up? It’s been about a month + a week since day one. Trying to figure out a game plan for when the tank is ready for fish. Leave the media in place and reset the maintenance clock to zero after adding fish or go through maintenance like normal when you have an established tank before adding the fish?

  3. 4 hours ago, Betsy said:

    Why, thank you!! 🤗 Her name is Figgy and she's a total wild card - she'll climb on anything!  In fact, she's climbed the tubing before...but she didn't make much of an impact on the biofilm. 

    Weekly cleaning seems to manage yours well!  I haven't been able to convince myself to touch that tubing yet! 🤣

    I don’t blame ya, does look a little gnarly.

  4. 1 minute ago, CT_ said:

    This happens to me too on air line and on suction cups.  I think there's some bacteria that like it for some reason.  My otos eat it and haven't died so I assume it's okay :classic_biggrin:

    Haha! The first time I cleaned it, the particles went all over the tank. My fish began to eat it (looks like flakes) and I was like, I’m so sorry if I’m about to kill you all. Nope, they were all good! Phew 😅 

    • Haha 4
  5. 3 hours ago, Betsy said:

    It is definitely not just you!!  Haha!  

    Here's what my black airline tubing looks like in the school tank...mine might even be an algae + biofilm combo! 😅

    That weird looking worm thing is a dog hair trapped under my background...one of these days I'll redo it!  And, this picture makes me realize how dirty my tank is!  Oh gosh...So much algae!  So much muck!!  😂


    It's not an appealing look.  I haven't tried to clean the airline yet...I'm considering rubbing a wonder shell on it...I wonder if that would do anything in terms of biofilm prevention... 🤔🐚

    Wow! Your tubing looks like mine, but in more advanced stages. I’ve been cleaning mine weekly. I think I may just let it go and see what happens. Beautiful snail btw!

  6. 3 minutes ago, Manny said:

    @Killie_fish_guy_662 Down here in Florida, I get this all over all my tubing. I believe it to either be hard water stains or biofilm buildup. Either way, it’s harmless. Good luck! 

    I was thinking hard water too bc my house does have hard water. I have a big piece of driftwood that I thought softened the water while it’s releasing tannins. Oh well, piece of mind knowing it’s safe. Thank you!

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  7. I bought the black air line tubing and it works. My concern is this "white" build up that seems to only affect the tubing. I don't see it anywhere else inside my tank. It comes off easily when I'm cleaning but, builds back up quickly. I'm thinking mineral/calcium deposits like you find on the rim of the tank after a while? I do get that kind of build up on the rubber gray connectors on on my canister intake/output hoses. Insights always appreciated. 


  8. Should I bag and re-acclimate my Gardneri Killi from QT to main tank or net and drop in? He had an injured pectoral fin. He’s just about healed up, waiting on the fin to grow out some more before returning him to my main tank.

    The water parameters are different now in the QT from doing wc vs main tank wc from when I started the quarantine. Temp in main tank is 78 and 77 in qt. 

    Main tank has live plants, driftwood with tannins in the water.

    QT is bare bottom with a plastic decor to hide and small Java Fern. Dosing with Seachem Stressguard to encourage healing.

    Any advice is appreciated.

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