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Posts posted by jillybeans01

  1. Ph:7, Kh:40, Gh:150, nitrite 0, nitrate 20, ammonia 0. temp 80

    I am a new hobbyist with a betta fish that I rescued from bad conditions. I have him in a 10 gallon with a few plants and a mystery snail. 
    My fish has white spots that are seeming to spread over his face and being a first time fish mom I really need help diagnosing. He still is interested in his food and doesn’t seem lethargic. I added crushed corals to help the alkalinity hoping that might help, but the alkalinity is still really low. 

    the first picture is when I first added him to the tank, the next is 2 weeks later and the last photo is yesterday. I’m really worried about him and I really want to be careful when medicating him and would appreciate any advice. 




  2. I rescued this Betta from a friend who was keeping him in a 1/2 gallon tank with no filter/heater. The water was brown and disgusting. I have set him up in a 10 gallon tank with a few plants and a mystery snail. It has cycled. The water parameters are all ideal except low alkalinity despite having crushed corals in my filter. Ph is 7, I was hoping the crushed corals would help raise it a little as well. The corals have been in there about a week. My fish has developed a white coating/fuzz around his left eye, I have researched ich and concluded it is not that, however I am not sure if it is a fungus or something. I wonder if his previous tank was so cramped he could have cut his face on the sharp plastic plants that were in there and that this may be the wound healing differently due to different water? I am not sure, but I tried fixing my water parameters first and it is still seeming to progress. It appeared to grow, shrink back and then grow again. I’m not sure how to add a photo of him, but I have a pretty clear photo that I am willing to email to anyone that may have any ideas. 

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