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Posts posted by Sliceofnature

  1. If you think you know what type of worms these are please let us know. I posted a short youtube video at the bottom of this post.

    I netted some floating plants out of one of my tanks tonight and then set it over a container so that it didnt drip all over my desk. Later when i went to dump the net out i realized the net had strained all of these worms out of the floating plants ans down into the container seeking water.

    I have no idea what type of worms these are. Apparently they were living in the roots of the floating plants i would assume eating the detritus that is caught there.

    Anyway they are pretty interesting and actively seek out bits of floating plants when i added them to the container.

    Im wondering if i should add them back into my tank or not. They seem like they would be a great live food source for small fish. Let me know what you think i should do.

    Aquarium Mystery Worms Video - Youtube 


  2. On 8/2/2021 at 6:18 AM, TMartins said:

    I just purchased 1 Hillstream Loach from my local LFS for a 20 gallon high Aquarium.  I know it’s been just a few days but every time someone walks in the room she goes and hides.  I know she comes out when no one is around and does her thing because I’ve sneaked up on her and watched.  Has anyone had this experience and is buying 2 more the answer??  Is 3 Hillstream Loaches OK for a moderately planted 20 gallon high tank??Right now I have 1 Bolivian Ram, 2 Platies and 5 Albino Cory’s in the tank.  She’s not bothered by the other fish, I’ve witnessed one of the Cory’s come right up to her.  It’s a cycled tank with 0 Ammonia/Nitrites/Nitrates, 7.4 PH, 6 kh & 6 gh.

    Theyre pretty social, i definitely recommend keeping 2-3. A planted 20 high is plenty of room for a few hillstream loaches. When i first purchased a single loach i had the same experience with him being a bit shy. When i added a female to the tank he absolutely went nuts, it was so cool. I didnt know that a fish could be so obviously and visibly excited before that. 

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  3. On 10/16/2020 at 6:24 AM, Fonske said:

    I love everything longfin, but never thought they would look so good from above. Gives me ideas about my longfin danios...

    Ive had my longfin danios in a pond for a year now and i love it. I think they look great from the top. I wish i had better pics.




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  4. On 7/28/2021 at 8:08 PM, Doug_E said:

    I have gone down the nano rabbit hole. I was planning a 10g shrimp tank but now want to do two 4 or 5 gallon tanks. I saw a few rimless tanks and the prices were not horrible. The "bending" options (curved glass corners in the front, no silicone joint) look even better and work for my office setup where I'll usually be at an angle. I am trying to find one that goes back about 10" (width) to get more distance front to back for aquascaping. ANd if thats not picky enough, I prefer the low-iron glass. 


    I've looked at ADA, Mr Aqua, Up Aqua, UNS, and Do! Aqua. The bending are very rare (Up Aqua and Mr Aqua) but 7-8" wide. I would probably prefer to get one that is closer to 10" and give up the bending.

    Am I putting too much value in the distance from front to back? I see 2:1 length to width, but I tend to prefer a bit more width. 

    Are there others I should look at? 

    I bought a tank at a local big box store that sounds like its just what youre looking for. Its not as fancy as a mr aqua or ada im sure but it also wont cost you anywhere near that amount and i was very impressed with the thick glass especially for the price. Its on my post here:

    Frameless Cube setup

  5. On 7/12/2021 at 9:53 PM, Jungle Fan said:

    What kind of substrate is in your pond? Are you supplementing with root tabs? Amazon swords are heavy root feeders, they need a lot of iron, and potassium. Snails will only feed on non healthy leaves, so if your snails are eating the leaves it's because they aren't doing so well to begin with.Years ago I had some Amazon swords in a deck pond with laterite to which I added root tabs and the swords were growing great but they need their iron, either from root tabs, laterite, red clay, or added chelated liquid form like Easy Iron:


    I put an ez root tab in the planter with it when i moved it out there but other than that i think the water is pretty low on nutrients. Ill pop another root tab under it and might pick up some ez iron as well. Thanks for the suggestions.

  6. Some great ideas here. My mini pond/aquaponic garden was inspired by this same idea. The pond itself is an old wine barrel. The filter was made using an empty plastic drink container as well as some extra gravel and bio rings i had with piece of coop sponge and runs on solar. The main focus tho was reusing water. The pond and aquaponic plant containers reuse all of my water change water from my tanks. In return the pond plants and aquaponic plants benefit from the nutrients in the water.



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  7. Well… not really hacks but maybe alternate uses? Im sure some of you have done similar things but I thought these were worth sharing even tho they are very simple because theyve worked out for me.

    If you have a tip or just an unconventional use for a product thats working for you feel free to share here. 

    Like many of you i keep floating plants and they can really make feeding a pain. I picked up one of these Coop Worm Feeder Cones for $2.99 and found that if you pop the cone out it makes the perfect plant free feeding ring. You could make a floating ring for pretty cheap but this one stays in place thanks to the suction cup and is hardly noticeable. As an added bonus it doubles as an actual worm feeder cone

    The second tip is you can turn your coop EZ Planter into a Kuhli Loach Motel or Fry hideout by just adding some holes. Because theyre hollow you can easily drill holes all around and give tiny critters or in my case my kuhli loaches more access. My kuhlis love the planter and i get to watch them popping in and out of the planter holes all day.


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  8. A cichlid pond would be awesome. Id like to do something similar one day. Unfortunately the winter temps in your area are probably going to make that difficult but there are always solutions for that if you want it bad enough. Maybe you could install an inline pond heater? Or you could always do some Rosy Barbs or Rainbow Shiners. Some shiners are absolutely stunningly colorful. 

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  9. D931869A-9EE7-409A-BF74-20FFA3B37D3B.jpeg.43b09d092462added633dd8c0ca88bee.jpegHey, i moved a big beautiful amazon sword to my pond a couple of months ago and ever since it looks like something is eating the leaves. All of the leaves are chewed up like this im worried its not gonna make it much longer. The pond just has LF Leopard Danios, MTS, Bladder and Assasin snails as far as i know. 
    Anyone have thoughts or suggestions let me know.10D52706-4AFC-4A2C-B004-429953B00994.jpeg.bc5226e6beed5e94bcb929c8db7cd6af.jpeg

  10. On 6/28/2021 at 2:38 AM, Johannes said:

    Some pics!











    Those are some very cool fish. What species of swordtail is that?


    On 6/26/2021 at 5:26 PM, Colu said:

    Love the group of hillstream loach just relaxing of the rocks and your blue apisto borellii looks amazing

    Thanks, its really tough to get pics of the borelli that are close to how blue he can look in person for some reason so i appreciate it. 

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  11. On 6/26/2021 at 7:33 PM, benchilton said:

    @Sliceofnature I agree. The first fry began to swim today, in the QT tank (eggs I put in a breeder box a day before I deliberately spawned these other ones). They are so tiny. I'm squirting water from my lettuce infusoria jar but I'm not sure there's really anything there...


    Hopefully that breeder box works better for you than it did for me. The fry are so tiny they kept swimming out throught the cracks when i tried to use it.

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  12. On 6/26/2021 at 3:07 PM, Colu said:

    In my experience Tetra like this breed frist thing in the morning just before tank lights go on if you add some gound cover plants like Javan moss with the catappa leaves you add you might get a couple of fry to survive

    Perfect. So far just been waiting on the java moss to grow in further. Im trying to grow it in sortve a matte on the rocks and then also up into the driftwood for hiding spots.


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  13. Starting to get the first signs that things are going well(i hope). The male has finally taken interest in the females. He sortve swims over them to push down on them from above. So far i havent seen either female show any interest but i think its best to leave them both in after all so that he doesnt exhaust either of them.







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