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  1. So - crazy thing - I suddenly have Diamond Tetra fish fry! Huh. Did not try for that *at all*. And some are teeny tiny, others are a bit bigger, so I think it's at least 2 different batches.
  2. @Robert - it was so nice to meet you, I've watched enough unboxing videos that I feel like I had already met you haha. I'm LOVING these Diamond Tetras, they have way more personality than I was expecting, they definitely notice me when I hang out watching them and they are just gorgeous. Hard to get a good picture but I think I got a couple good shots! They're my little disco balls. ❤️
  3. Hi @Robert - Thanks for the answer! Wanted to double check please - are the Diamond Tetra going to be available tomorrow or Sunday as expected? You're about an hour away so want to make sure before making the trip. Thank you!
  4. When will the diamonds tetra be available? 1 month? Those guys have been on my wishlist for a really long time but I was told you guys don't usually stock them so I had given up. 😁😁😁
  5. Do you have any Crystal shrimp available for purchase this weekend? (Or do you even sell them, looking back on new fish posts I'm not seeing them?) Thanks!
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