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Posts posted by Mariac007

  1. 1 minute ago, James Black said:

    Most root tabs have an outer shell that will go away very quickly after putting them in the water. Now this leaves the minerals and other nutrients, after time the minerals/ nutrients will all be used up by your plants therefore no you do not need to dig around for them because yes they will be consumed by the plant.

    I suggest using aquarium co-ops easy root tabs or tropicas root tabs

    Awesome thank you!! I am using aquarium co ops root tabs and I was a little worried I wasn’t gonna be able to locate the tabs cause I forgot exactly where I put them 😅

  2. Just now, Kirsten said:

    Nah that's just platies being a little gross. All mine have been eating and pooping well for months, and I know they're pooping well because they've got long, glorious strings of poop dangling from them at any given time. My partner and I have been known to give a firm tap on the glass on occasion to get them to clean themselves up a little.

    As they get better-fed, the poop should resemble the color of their food (wow, super gross!) but it's also handy for seeing at a glance who's not getting as much food as their brethren.

    As long as it's not wriggling independently (in which case, it's worms!) I think you're okay.

    😂 they’re so cute and tiny who would have thought they could produce something that long!! 
    Thank you 🙏 

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  3. 6 minutes ago, Keeg said:

    If you're seeing a single large piece of fecal matter, I would not assume that they are constipated. If they become bloated and you are sure they aren't pregnant, then I would be worried. In my opinion, your fish looks healthy. Because you just got them, I'd keep an eye on them to just be safe, good luck! 😃

    Thank you so much for the reply. I see no bloating at all! I will just keep an eye out to make sure nothing weird happens. Just sorta freaked me out cause all 5 decided to go to the bathroom at the same time and looked like that😅

  4. 1 hour ago, LaurieinIA said:

    Thanks!  I agree that the “range” on the strips is pretty broad, but at least I can tell if stuff is within acceptable limits. My LFS has been great with doing tests for me, too. Between the 3 methods, I know my stats are good, but it can be inconvenient.

    I can’t recall the brand of mine, but I think I’ll try this one when I need to get a new one. 

    Yea I’m sure you’ve got a pretty accurate range of you’re using two ways to test 

  5. 2 minutes ago, LaurieinIA said:

    What kind of test kit are you using?  I struggle to read mine because I often can’t tell the colors apart.  I’ve been using Tetra 5 in 1 strips as a cross reference, but this looks like one I might be able to read with more confidence. 

    I use the API freshwater master test kit! I find it to be pretty accurate and have read good things about it. Kind of expensive but worth it in my opinion! Ived used test striped before and they were always hard to tell what exactly they indicated lol


  6. 1 minute ago, H.K.Luterman said:

    Plants would lower your nitrates. If you're nervous, you could wait another day just to be sure ammonia and nitrite stays at 0 and if any nitrate shows up. When you do add your fish, you can not feed for a couple of days and then slowly ramp up feeding to make extra darn sure the system can handle it. 

    Thank you! I may wait another day and see if the levels are the same! 

  7. 1 minute ago, Socqua said:

    Also make sure your two tanks are similar. I assume the pH and all that are similar, but I'd make sure the temperatures are equal and all that too. It's probably overkill for me, but I often drip acclimate for a couple hours when moving between tanks. (I've also just plunked fish between them without issue so 🤷‍♂️).

    Yes yes! I am gonna look up a video on drip acclimation, never done it before. But both my tanks are at the same temperature- I will be sure to check the PH as well. Thank you! 

  8. 15 minutes ago, Fish Folk said:

    Depending on how far you’ve got to go, you could prep a fish bucket with tank water, move your fish there, and carry to new tank. If it’s just across the room, maybe just net and walk over. We use a larger sized net. 

    I’m not moving him very far, may just try a net and get him to the tank quickly sounds like that’s my best bet. Thank you for your knowledge I appreciate it a lot! 

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  9. 17 minutes ago, Fish Folk said:

    We love Eco Complete. It really helps to push through the cycle faster. I agree with all above, you should be very close to adding fish if you do a water change to dial back the nitrites / nitrates. Our recipe for going from 0-60 with aquarium cycling is (1) Either Eco Complete Substrate -- contains beneficial bacteria, or Substrate from another established aquarium + (2) Primed Sponge Filter or filter media for HOB + (3) Tank water from another established tank + (4) One piece of wood from inside a tank at our LFS + (5) Live Plants and snails + (6) One bottle of either FritzZyme or Dr. Tim's beneficial bacteria. Once that settles in for a couple days, it's ready to roll. Of course test water . . . but, the bacteria are "baked into the cake" this way. Some people really discourage using wet wood from tank at an LFS. We've never had problems, but it is a gamble. You get what they're carrying! 

    Thank you for sharing! I have so much to learn, the tank my angelfish is in now is small and no live plants/: quite sad but I’ve been saving up slowly but surely to give him the tank he deserves. I’ve just been using seachum stability and some fish food to cycle it so far so good! Can’t wait till all my nitrite and nitrates are good, however I am nervous to move him. Never really moved a larger fish. I figured I’d just pick him up and move him over? Any ideas

  10. 1 minute ago, Fish Folk said:

    Excellent! I also enjoy jailbreaking HOBs. Ceramic media is a good idea we've never tried. Is that Eco Complete substrate?   

    Yes! I have never used any filter media other then the ones they come with so it is exciting! Yes it is eco complete substrate, I read it was good for beginners and I have had no problems with it so far looks great in the tank as well

  11. 2 minutes ago, James Black said:

    Congratulations! Your tank is cycled! I would do a waterchange to lower the nitrites and nitrates. You will want your nitrates at 10-20ppm and nitrites at 0ppm.

    I had this exact thing happend to my tank, all I did was a waterchange, and that did it.

    Yay! I have a decent sized angelfish I have been waiting to move into this tank, should I give it another week before moving him? 

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