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  1. Had them about 9 months, coming up on 10. Maybe they just need more time.
  2. Thanks all. I actually bought these as fry from aquaculturestore.com who catches and breeds them, along with many other natives. So I don't think they'd be all females. I take it from your response @WhitecloudDynasty that you don't think these fish look ready to breed? Thanks.
  3. Hello Everyone! I'd like to try to breed my rainbow shiners. I've had them for just under a year now; 17 fish in total. I don't know how to tell if they are old enough to breed, though. I've attached pictures below. Could anyone with experience tell if these look old enough or ready to breed? I'd also greatly appreciate any tips or recommendations on how to actually breed them. I'm pretty experienced with breeding Malawi cichlids, but I'm totally new to egg-scatterers. Thank you for the feedback,
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