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Posts posted by TifNee837

  1. Hey all. So I have this one plant ("El Nino fern" / Bolbitis Heteroclita (I think I spelled that right!)) and some of the bigger leaves have been looking worse and worse!

    I have done absolutely nothing different until 2 days ago when I added a full spec light to the tank so I know that's not what did it.

    I've had the plant, in the same spot, for a year now. I dose with Easy Green weekly (just today started dosing with Easy Carbon).

    It is a 60 gallon planted tank

    The temp has stayed the same, and the pH is the same.

    What did I do / am I doing wrong?


  2. I got into this hobby about a year after my sister passed away..and I honestly don't know what I'd do without it!

    It keeps my mind preoccupied so my anxiety is much less! Having to figure out things like - whats wrong with my fish, or where should I put my new plant, and omg! New fry! - I ALWAYS have something to look forward to and to do physically!

    Plus, sitting back and watching my aquatic babies swim about is therapeutic all in itself!💖

  3. I have had this twice since the beginning of the year. First time I lost 28 fish in 4 and a half days! Absolutely NONE of tge fish showed any physical symptoms whatsoever. Majority lost were platy.

    I treated with Maracyn 2 (as it was the only meds I had that treated gram negative bacteria) - this was January

    Second time took longer to kill but all fish that died DID have physical symptoms. Classic "saddle back" symptoms followed by the mouth. I lost 26 in 2 weeks. Majority were Molly fry and almost ALL of my endlers.

    I treated with Maracyn 2 first - to no avail. Then treated with Kanaplex - this was mid-March.

    I'm also thinking I'm dealing with it for yet a third round. No physical symptoms as of yet, except the fish that die, their bodies start to curve downwards, approximately 3 days before death.

    I'm currently treating with API Triple Sulfa - this was recommended to me by someone who has dealt with columnaris NUMEROUS times over the last 10+ years.

    Just be sure your temp stays below 75 degrees F - this slows it down giving you a slight bit more time to treat.

  4. Hey hey all you lovely fish ppl!
    I'm Tiffany, and I'm from MD (Maryland)

    I've been in this CrAzY hobby for 3-4 years now. I have 3 tanks :
    A 60 gallon community tank - stocked with guppies, endlers, platys, mollies, 2 juvenile BN plecos, a few corys, and a few Heterandria Formosa females (and assassin snails);
    A 5 gallon hex tank - stocked with 2 Heterandria Formosa females, and 2 very young juvenile endler females;
    And my betta tank (which is temporary while treating her - she was a 100% legit rescue as she was found still her cup in a pet store parking lot! and no one came to claim her {yes I called more than once!}). I found her on the fourth of July and her tail just happens to be red white and blue! Her name is Liberty!
    It has been a long bumpy ride, but I love every second of it!
    I think the best part about this hobby is it seems no matter how long you've been in it, there is always something new!




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