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Posts posted by SpicyFin

  1. On 2/18/2023 at 2:36 AM, TheSwissAquarist said:

    Ever thought about breeding it separately? You could get a whole colony going! 

    Yes exactly my Purple Assassin snails are in their own tank away from the regular black and yellow Assassin snails and I have to say they seem to be breeding  true and only producing  the purple version 

  2. So last year I found an odd colored assassin snail I swore it looked purple and white instead of the normal blackish brown and yellowish. Then I found another and another so they went in their own tank instead. I probably have a dozen now some aren't as bright purple as this one but I have to say this one might be my favorite. 

    So has anyone else ever seen a Purple Assassin Snail 💜?

    I think they are quite stunning.







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  3. I've had my assassin snails for a couple years haven't had to buy more as they are breeding up a storm. But anything new coming into your fish room is good to qt ... plants included

    On 7/22/2021 at 3:49 PM, Leo2o915 said:

    Do you QT assasin snails 


  4. On 3/11/2021 at 8:27 PM, Cmike15 said:

    Thank you for the advice, I've watched Simply Betta's YouTube before so I'll go look for some I missed, it's been a while. I'm not expecting miracles but a fun home project that i think will be rewarding. i plan on taking lots of pictures and in time journaling it on this site. Hmm, I'm glad I am setting up more tanks since I think I'll need before long. 


    I have an idea of two buyers i liked also that i could buy from to add in similar colors in the future. The biggest thing for me might be catching the ones i don't want in my main tank before they all breed together. 🙂

    I swear catching the guppies you want to cull is the worst lol I swear the ones I want out seem to know it and hide and the ones I want to keep literally swim into the net lol

  5. Well the guppy strain I am creating JL's Blue Marbles is coming along nicely. I have more coming out like Dad the original Mr Marble.  They still throw a few pinks and here and there a male that looks like the F1s. Overall the majority look like they are supposed to and I am pretty happy with my results so far only 10 months into this project. 

    I've attached a gif of a bunch of males I caught with the original Mr Marble.

    Let me know your thoughts.

    Stay Spicy my friends!!!


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  6. 3 hours ago, Paul_Obermiller said:

    @SpicyFin Thanks for the advice. Not to get my hopes up but I've seen one of the fry chasing the other one (the one doing the chasing has a lot more color too). So hopefully I have a male, I've been trying for almost a year now to get this strain going, I even drove for 2 1/2 hours to get some females because mine passed away. When I get my phone back (I am still under 18 so I can still get grounded) I'll show you guys some pictures of some endlers that I've been working on. I am calling them the Rainbow Flame endlers ( their not like LRB's rainbow endlers) or Violet Flame endlers.  I got them from the guy I got the female guppies. Some males have the color but not the right tail I want. The dad has a tear drop tail with ridges in it a d purple hue around his chest and face the rest is orange. He also has black dots/ pattern that I really like. But none of his sons have the tail :(. Since you have some experience in strain breeding I was wondering if I should let the son with the closest color and tail breed over or would that be a bad idea? The son has the right purple and orange, and a slight point to his tail.

    Well pictures would really help me help you with an idea of what your trying to accomplish feel free to reach out once you have some pictures and ill try to help the best I can.

  7. 10 hours ago, Paul_Obermiller said:

    Whenever you start selling them let me know, I'll take them any day over my blue dragons. I've been struggling with them really hard and if 1 of 2 fry aren't a male I am going to give up on the strain  because I've just spend too much money on them 😞

    I'm so sorry to hear of your troubles with the blue dragons I do love that strain but I'm partial to all blues strains :).   I found since getting back into guppies heavily that some just do not thrive here but if I'm lucky enough to get fry from the trio the fry do much better. I have learned to ask more questions about water chemistry. Fish and shrimp I have purchased that come from chemistry closer to my own seem to do better. 


    I don't think selling is allowed on this forum and I'm grateful for that honestly. So I would have no way to let you know once I start letting some of the Blue Marbles go. But thank you for your interest that means a lot more than you know. I value this forum for what it is and can't Thank Cory enough for that he's done for the aquatic community. He is the reason I took my guppy breeding to the next level and got into live plants for the first time  just 2 years ago after 22 years off and on with fish tanks.

    Best of luck in your guppy adventures. Stay Spicy!

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  8. Honestley Guppies in general don't have many "rare strains" once a new strain gets out there everyone wants it breeds it and soon everyone has it and its old hat. 

    You dont see as many of the albino strains as they are weaker genetically so they don't normally hold up as well. 

    On a true recommendation for guppies is buy something you like from a local breeder so the guppies are use to your local water! 

    I absolutely love guppies and can't wait to buy a house so I can have more tanks and more strains lol

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  9. They are gorgeous!!!  Rb are a great show tank guppy!

    Do you have any males not showing the ribbon fin gene?  Just incase you are not aware the ribbon fin  males cant breed some can as juveniles but once the gonopodium gets too long breeding is out of the question. I'm not a fan of ribbon fin if trying to breed that is and because not all sellers will tell that side of rb fins and sell pairs and trios with the male expressing the ribbon fin gene. I've seen a lot of people wonder why they arent getting any fry from their RB guppies so just incase you didn't know figured I would share that info with you.


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  10. 5 hours ago, StephenP2003 said:

    Wow... is all I can say.  So how many tanks does this require? 1 for mating, 1 for fry, 2 more for separating males and females, and a cull tank?

    To do it correctly you should have the set up you stated x 2 or better yet x3... I have a tiny apartment so I am very limited on space and so I'm doing colony breeding....my guppies do not eat fry because I feed heavily they all learn they do not have to chase fry so I only remove anything that is an odd ball...these still throw the occasional half black and pinks so those are pulled immediately and put in my true cull tank to sell to locals.  I'm still getting a few males that look like the f1 males that are typey but not close enough to keep in the colony these go into my secondary cull tank with female culls and im letting them breed to see what happens.This is not the standard or correct way to do it but it working. This project only started in June with Mr Marble and 3 random females. Mr Marble was in my cull tank and I believe he's from my other project line blue dreams which are a blue with light white body markings pictures attached.I called JLs Blue Dreams..1st pic was a few months ago before the tragedy. The 2nd picture was more the beginning stages of the blue dreams strain.


    I recently lost almost the entire line of these blue dreams I had been working this for just under 2 years now and im supper bummed. I almost lost them a year ago when I moved then got them going again I stupidly bought some fish that came in sick and somehow cross contaminated my qt tank with the blue dreams it wiped out almost the entire tank I only had a few fry left I had one male in the 1st picture hanging on but he didn't make it. 

    So for this reason is why you want multiple tanks of the same line. Also incase you add something to the line...outcrops etc  and inadvertently mess it up not all is lost




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  11. 25 minutes ago, ArneDoug said:

    I’m might ask in the breeding section but you guys might also be able to help. I have some black Moscow guppy’s and they are not coloring up all the way why and is there something I can do? There getting more color just very slowly


    Is the father completely black or only half black?

  12. 22 minutes ago, James Black said:

    Okay, that is the most stunning guppy i think I have ever seen! As soon as I saw it, I sware my jaw dropped open, and I couldn't close it. Congrats on making the most stuning guppy strain I have ever seen! Gourgeous! 

    Thank you so much 💓  thats the  best compliment ever. I wondered if people would like them since they are short tails. Thank you for your feedback

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  13. 1 minute ago, ArneDoug said:

    Wow I love that and want it 😂 they are amazing!!! Do you plan on selling?

    Thanks these are still very early in development I cant claim a true set strain they are still throwing some odd balls I am sure it will be a few years before I claim them as a set strain.  But  I would love to one day see JLs Blue Marbles in other people's fish rooms.

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  14. Here's an update on the blue marble guppy strain I am creating. Im getting more and more males coloring up like dad. I caught dad Mr Marble himself as well as several juvenile males in different stages of development of the body pattern and a young female that is getting white on the top line too.


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  15. 2 hours ago, Jeeperscreepersmyth said:

    I like your blue dream, would you be interested in sending some to Tennessee to go with my blue dream shrimp?

    Thank you. I so wish I could I lost almost the entire line when I moved.  I got the numbers back up and things were going great that picture is just a few months old. And then I purchased some fish  plants and snails. New fish went into qt tank and were sick with something and only one male survived. I must have some how cross contaminated because my blue dreams tank all died accept one male in the picture and a juvenile female. To top it off I lost  my cull tank too.

     I am thinking it must have been when I was feeding bbs with a pipette somehow.

    So im on a mission to bring these back a 2nd time.


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  16. I love shrimp but am newer to keeping Neos red blue,orange and yellow are my favorites lol but I also like crystal bee caridina.

    I just started an orange Sunkist neo tank. I have fire red and Blue Dreams on the way. I purchased yellow backs and they got lost in the mail and most died in transit the few remaining didn't last  a few days. I also have a skittles tank so that will be where I throw my culls

  17. As others have stated if a female guppy has been with a male at all shes pregnant. Lol

    I never move my females or the fry ....the fry are raised right in the tank with the parents. My guppies all learn there is never a shortage of food and do not got after their fry. When I've purchased new strains I've noticed some will go after their fry at first but after being with me for a little while they get fat and lazy..... why chase that fry when food lady feeds us multiple times a day lol

    If you do want to do a breeding net puts some live plants in there stress can cause a female to either abort or hold her fry.

    Good luck. In a few months you. Should have more guppies than you know what to do with!


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  18. 2 hours ago, H.K.Luterman said:

    Honestly, so far, just more water changes. The nitrates have never shown that I NEEDED to, but I'm guessing the plants in the tank were eating up all the minerals, as I was seeing heavy erosion. Now that I'm doing water changes every 7 days like clockwork, im seeing these really nice, smooth shells. I think my next step will be to get some crushed coral. I do want to breed mystery snails so I think it's a good idea to figure it out on my ramshorns first.

    What colors do you have in Ramshorn?  I got some in some plants 2 months ago and have nice colors.

    Do you use any crushed coral in your tanks? Thats what I use and their shells are perfect.





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