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Status Updates posted by dasaltemelosguy

  1. I'm not sure if that's a fish tank or a MOMA exhibit! 

    Obviously it's BOTH!

    Masterfully done. 

    1. Odd Duck

      Odd Duck

      😆 🤣 Thank you!  It’s my feeble effort at imitation of your beautiful tank!  Yours struck such a strong cord with me that I knew I had to give it a shot  

      I wasn’t at all sure about how it was going to turn out with less than half as much space for the bamboo, but then I lucked onto those giant swords and ran with it!

      I’m just glad the fish seem happier, too. They’ve messed with the Vals a bit but they’re all growing now, so I hope they get ahead of the fish fiddling with them. I need to post a new pic soon since the Crinums are also showing some new growth. The pothos are, too, but they’re so mixed in with the other plants that I’m the only one that would be able to tell they’ve grown.  😆 

      I appreciate your input on how to do the bamboos, it was very helpful and made it all possible. 

    2. dasaltemelosguy


      Well your design is gorgeous. My wife likes it better than ours! But she's stuck with ours because that Lucky Bamboo is really growing fast and is now deeply rooted. I think it's a foot taller in a month! Oddly and fortuitously, the stalks are not getting wider, it just gets taller...and taller...and taller! 

      It must be a fast growing plant, of which I was uncertain if so. I base that on the nitrates dropping from 40ppm to 5ppm in 2 weeks! If it 'eats' that much, it's gonna grow!

      Yes, please do post any updates. I'd truly love to see it. 

    3. Odd Duck

      Odd Duck

      The Vals were growing nicely, then I went out of town for a whole 2 days so nobody got fed for 2 mornings (just Fri and today).

      I got home this afternoon and somebody (Jacks, I’m sure) have ripped up the smaller Crinum and a couple Vals, but they also chewed up a bunch of the Vals that were starting to look pretty good.  I didn’t have a chance to get pics of them showing growth and now they’re trimmed back down to nubs!


      At least the Vals are settled in and growing, so tomorrow I’ll offer some softened kale to the Fearsome Foursome and replant the now floating plants (too tired after traveling today).  If they leave the Vals alone, they should recover pretty quickly now that they are showing growth if I can just stop them tearing at them.

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