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Posts posted by TimeTraveler

  1. What does it actually cost per month to run a fish room ? I bid a job once at a house that the owner said his monthly power bill was 1500.00 per month. He had two huge reef tanks not sure the size maybe 800 gallon each plus he said the food was 500-1000 per month with all the corals and different creatures it seemed nuts. He was easily based on what he said spending 2k a month on those tanks. 

  2. Well the poor little guy died. The fungus grew rapidly in size even with the meds and salt. I even had some java moss in the quarantine bowl with him. I guess his hiding with the illness caused me to miss the window to treat the issue. 


    I would still like to know what happened to him in the main tank as all the other fish are healthy. I did a big water change on the main tank, cleaned the filter (rinsed sponges in removed water) and vacuumed the loose detritus on the gravel but did not disturb the gravel very much. I didn't want to disturb the tanks digestion capacity for its bio load. (last time I cleaned the gravel very well and changed water I lost my only sail fin molly after). 

  3. Thanks , I just read the blog Post on aquarium Co-op. It said Maricin, ich x, and salt. 


    If your fish has a white- or gray-colored growth on its mouth or body, it could have a fungal infection. Fungal outbreaks are...

     Think I should do salt for a week or hit one of the two meds first in the quarantine tank? Currently I have 1 tablespoon per gallon of salt in with the fish. 

  4. This poor fellow was hiding in my decor and I found him today. I have him quarantined with salt. Can anyone identify this illness? It looks like a fungus to me. 

     My tank has been set up more than a year and is 78 degrees. Other fish are healthy. 

    I would love any fish disease book recommendations to add to the library. 





  5. Well there are no more fry 😞 I took the female out of the breeder days ago and the fry were growing out in the breeder. I came down today and one of the females managed to jump in and she ate all the fry last night.... Lesson learned I need a breeder with a lid it looks like. 

  6. I just started as well and wanted to have live plants and after watching videos I got anubius and java moss. and both are growing great. Both are super easy and you can grow them on basic gravel. The Java moss honestly can just float around it does not root. The anubius roots and I tied mine to small pieces of wood until the roots grabbed the wood. It grew so much I split the rhizome and have a few just with the roots in gravel. Just be mindful with anubius not to bury the rhizome.  

    The fuzzy ball ones are java moss, and the leafy plants are Anubius I had one and it grew enough to split it into 5 parts. 



  7. For what its worth since I am new back to the hobby I did a fish in cycle. I got three sailfin mollies for my 20gal unfortunately in my case 2 of 3 died and I found out that they need more salt and are a harder fish to keep overall. If I had started with 3 guppies they probably would have been fine. 

  8. I have a good understanding on the Nitrogren cycle and ammonia, and nitrite are always good, my nitrate climbs like normal but I get that with water changes. The water stays green even after water changes I was thinking about a UV sterilizer as well for the free floating algae. I am overtstocked and I have been trying to form a relationship with my LFS since the guppies are so prolific. 

    I have given away about 20 and separated males and females to slow them down. 

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