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Posts posted by S_Bone

  1. Super funny you’re posting about these guys now! I have 6 of them I ordered to my LFS that came in today and will be ready to take home Friday. I’m a little concerned though because they are tiny little guys (.5”-1” max) and I was expecting them to be much larger (the size of the other pseudomugils they stock). They’ll be going in a pretty heavily planted 20 gallon with a few guppies. 

    I have had an awesome experience with my red dwarf Lilly bulb from aquarium co-op if you’re looking for an easy plant that gives surface cover. I have to remove 1-2 pads per week if not more to allow light to reach the rest of my plants!

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  2. 2 hours ago, ChefConfit said:

    I'm not sure which plant in the picture you are referring to but that's exactly how you propagate Java Fern. Usually they are easy to pull off once they've gotten big enough though. 

    Well this is good to know! I’ll take that as a good sign the plants are happy. My tank has only been set up for a couple months (recently getting back in the hobby) and I’ve literally never been able to keep plants alive, let alone growing. Easy green and co-op root tabs seem to be doing the trick!

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