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Posts posted by Sleepybear88

  1. So I have had some cherry chrimp and some blue shrimp about 4 of each, they are in a 16 gallon planted tank with a betta and some otto and 2 guppies. Water parameters are good 7ph 0ammonia 0nitrite 0nitrate the co2 I have is the fluval set up from petsmart and I have a fluval indicator to make sure no excess co2 is present. And so far I have lost about 5 shrimp the last one was a red one whom still had some red, usually I just find the white dead body.. and I noticed also that there's baby red shrimp in the tank now.. the only thing that has changed is that there's some algae in the wood but that algae has a while of being there, it's the brown type. Wood has been there since the beginning though so not a new addition. I just don't know why they are dying. Fertilizer is seachem flourish safe for shrimp and water changes i use prime. At this point I am lost. Any help is appreciated 

  2. In my opinion I would try it since shrimp aren't really that big. But it would be up to you. I have 6 active tanks and I have a clean up crew in all. Even in my 6 gallon I have a betta with a corydora and a pleco to try and keep everything clean. In my 16 gallon I have a few plants and 1 betta 4 guppies 1 Cory 1 pleco and 2 snails. I added 5 shrimps because I noticed the snails tend to just stick to rocks or glass only. And I want to see if the shrimp will keep the plants clean.   

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  3. So this snail has been in this position for almost a whole day.  Is this normal? Also in different tank my assassin snail seems to have dug itself in the soil and hasn't been out in about a day as well... am I killing snails here?? (No pic of the assassin snail cause it's burrowed lol)


  4. Love the set up sounds interesting only thing I can suggest although I may be wrong and hopefully more seasoned people here can let us know but algae control in plants is better with shrimp not just snails alone... this I say from experience my snails stuck to rock and glass but not plants much, which is why I have now added shrimp to my small tanks and ottocinclus to my bigger tanks. I also like how planted tanks look with some shrimps in there. But either way good luck and hopefully you post pictures up to see the set up in its glory 

    • Thanks 1
  5. I threw in a couple of small yoyo loaches in a tank where I have a pest snail infestation, currently like over 50 small snails 6 bigger snails and over 20 egg sacks all over the walls and stuff. Will those 2 be enough to maybe cut down drastically the amount of snails or is it just way too many at this point? 

  6. I need advice on how to handle a bully situation, I have 3 dalmatian mollies that I bought at the same time they are just about the same size too. I have them in a 50 gallon with some plants and I have a female beta in there and a female guppy that needed a break from being chased all day by 3 male guppies. I have noticed recently that one dalmatian bullies the other fish in the tank. The beta keeps to herself in the plants, so I mostly see the dalmatian bully the other two and sometimes the guppy specially when feeding time comes.. what should I do? Add more dalmatian? Other type of fish maybe? Or just remove the one fish to another tank?

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