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Posts posted by Michelle

  1. I've had one for a few weeks alone, happy enough with a group of tetras. He grew beautifully but when we did decide to add another one I have to admit the colors on our first improved and it seems to provide a lot of interest for them. Once in a while they chase, but not a problem at feeding time and a joy to have two. I know that people recommend keeping them in a bigger group 3-4 or more, sometimes 2 is a problem for chasing but it really hasn't been for me. Hope this helps!

    • Thanks 1
  2. I had to euthanize my betta, can I leave the tank running for a month or so, preform weekly water changes and have all the "whatever needs a host fish to live" die off? What should I do before it's ready to house new fish, thinking about substrate and plants in there (java fern, stem plants and moss ball) as well as it housing the same sponge (in hopes of keeping it cycled) in the HOB filter. Should I sanitize everything in bleach solution and rinse the substrate or throw it out?

    Here's the history of the tank and betta below if it helps. 

    I had a betta that developed a moldy ventral fin, I added "tetra all in one" tabs, I think two, but stopped after and kept up increased water changes and it was all looking good. A few weeks would pass and saw maybe only 4 ich spots or so show up, I preformed water changes at the sight of anything and we were back to normal and what seemed healthy. Then some time passed and he was at the bottom of the tank breathing really heavy, tested the water all was good, no ammonia, no nitrites and super low nitrates, but did a water change added aquarium salt.. after some time that did not resolve and I had to euthanize, heartbreaking. Now the tank is running with some plants, a moss ball and fluval stratum. I syphoned all the water out (as low as I could) and added fresh with prime of course. I'll add that my fear is that I introduced something to that tank from another when adding a plant. I had gotten a sick glowlight tetra, breathing super fast since I got it but stayed like that for weeks, looked maybe malformed, I never really knew. I've since euthanized that fish in fear of other inhabitants in the tank (this is a separate tank), but all other fish have been doing well for some time. Maybe my betta was old and low immune system (don't know the age we were his third home).  Should I be scared of fish TB (possibly from glowlight tetra infecting both tanks), or unlikely the case?

    Thank you for reading, I've tried to learn as much as I can and I don't want to be too stress out that it turns me off fish keeping. I really appreciate any input. 


  3. Anyone willing to share their experience keeping a honey gourami pair M/F. Are they generally peaceful or will the male chase the female off too much. I have no desire to breed. My tank dimensions are  24 L x 12 W x 15.5 H" with one female honey gourami and 8 glowlight tetras in a planted tank. Any other stocking options and opinions welcomed, or am I fully stocked already? Thank you! 

  4. James Black, I would be surprised if stressed. Always out and about pecking at plants and the log in there, greeting us at the glass. Out to eat with the others, pretty happy fish, quite lovely to watch. Pearl Gourami's are so lovely..but for sure not pearl.

    Thanks everyone! 

    138559891_188253549695865_3702562883096514830_n (1).jpg



    I've had my honey gourami for a month now. When I asked my pet shop to order one for me, I have to admit I was expecting a yellow fish. I really questioned if it was a female honey gourami and they told me they only get males and the order form also states males. So is my gourami one of the more wild (looking) type that have been bred? Will the fish change color with time? I was told he is 5 months at time of purchase so 6 months now.
    Just give me any info on what you see. Oh and Clyde is a great little fish, not shy as they sometimes are and a joy to watch.



  6. I have a 16 gallon tank with 8 glowlight tetras and a honey gourami. All are doing well, but one glowlight tetra from the day we got it has been breathing rapidly (mouth opening and shutting, gills going too and fast enough that it's easy to spot the fish). I've been watching it closely and it's been over 2 weeks or more with no new symptoms (no redness or white fuzz.. etc.) and the fish is acting and eating well. Could it still be gill flukes or anything else I'm not thinking of? I do have a quarantine tank but don't want to do more harm than good with isolation and meds. Also I live in Canada so meds are limited here. I did buy the Jungle Lifeguard all in one tablets in case, but have not used. Would a salt bath be safe for a tetra or a good idea in this situation? 

    Water has been tested multiple times and all parameters are good, with low PH 6.3 or so and good water oxygenation. Also the fish is never hanging out at the surface and is on the same water level as the others. 

    Is there something I should be doing? 

  7. Love the pic. I'm really enjoying the glowlight tetras, but I'm feeling so cautious (especially with a small tank) and now thinking of stocking 5-6 of them as a species only tank to keep things guaranteed peaceful. Thanks for the recommendations, it's given me thoughts that more could work too! 

  8. Hi,

    I have an 8.5 gallon tank set up for 3 weeks or so now, with plants, and used filter media from another tank with bottled biological starter. We've just added 2 glowlight tetras. 

    I was thinking 5 glowlight tetras and a female betta. Would that be over stocking or a good idea for someone willing to do consistent water changes?

    Also how would you recommend adding fish following these 2 glowlight tetras (little by little or 3 to 4 next week or so?). We can stick to an only glowlight tetra tank, (if so how many??) but my son would love to see 2 species in there so wondering if possible. Any suggestion is welcomed!


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