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Posts posted by Jennibird

  1. On 10/1/2022 at 9:02 PM, Bev C said:

    i tried Reverse Respiration with Soda water as linked above  and it work very well  with the snails and the algae ..  i like it better then Alum dip But i have only  done on new plants  out of the tank  in a tote but i have not  redid my whole tank ,,I am sure someone knows better then me and can help with the directions for  treating a whole tank 

    Thanks everyone. I will try the reverse respiration technique. Sounds like no matter the method I will have to cycle the tank. Just nervous about it because I am heavily stocked and don't want to risk losing anyone. I've mostly done fish in cycles, but didn't have as many critters in the aquarium at those times.

  2. On 10/1/2022 at 9:02 PM, Bev C said:

    i tried Reverse Respiration with Soda water as linked above  and it work very well  with the snails and the algae ..  i like it better then Alum dip But i have only  done on new plants  out of the tank  in a tote but i have not  redid my whole tank ,,I am sure someone knows better then me and can help with the directions for  treating a whole tank 

    I'm not actually treating the whole tank, just the plants and some decor. I just need to know if I dip the sponge filter in alum, if it will destroy the beneficial bacteria causing me to have to recycle the new  set up, verses putting in the old sponge filter with established bacteria.

  3. I have a question for you all about getting rid of pest snails. Unfortunately, I believed a plant seller on Ebay when they said they didn't have any pest snail only mystery snails, and so I didn't treat the plants. Now I have exploded with ramshorns, because I have to feed heavily because of my many many neocaridina shrimp. I am fixing to just tear apart my tank and start over, which is fine, I have been wanting to do a rescape anyway. I was wondering if you know, if I treat the sponge filter with an allum soak, will it destroy my beneficial bacteria? I don't want to risk carrying any snails over to the new tank. If it will destroy bb, what else can I do besides totally starting over with a new cycle? Any other suggestions? Thank you 😊

    - info- many neocaridina shrimp, 4 amano, 1 mystery snail, 1 nerite, 6 emerald eyed rasboras, 3 norman's lampeye killifish plus hundred + tiny ramshorn snails (grrr)

  4. On 6/9/2022 at 4:02 PM, Odd Duck said:

    That definitely looks like a super red bristlenose pleco. Should be fairly easy to rehome locally.  They are typically in fairly high demand.

    If there are no takers, my offer stands any time to pay for shipping to me in Texas. I have other super reds her fish can hang out with. 

    Truly appreciate the offer and will definitely consider it if there aren't any locals interested. (only because it's safer than shipping)

    • Like 1
  5. Ok, so thank you for the well wishes. Cancer is horrible, but hopefully her treatments work well.

    Sorry it took so long to get back to everyone...

    Ok, so apparently, it's currently in a 10gallon tank and is on the small size. I don't think she knows the exact species, however I sent her some pics and she said it looks like this ...



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  6. On 6/8/2022 at 10:35 PM, ChargerstoLA said:

    If you could find out what size tank it is would help us narrow down what kind of pleco it is. If the tank is 30 gallons or less, we can “assume” it is a super red. But then again, you never know. 

    I do believe it's in a 29 gallon ...

    That's true, you never know.

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  7. On 6/8/2022 at 7:19 PM, Ken Burke said:

    A picture might also help.  

    I've asked for a picture but she said it's super shy and hard to get a pic of. I don't know how she wants me to help without more info 🤷‍♀️


    On 6/8/2022 at 8:34 PM, Odd Duck said:

    That’s an excellent size pleco for many tanks but quite uncommon rare in the trade.  Super reds are a lot more common and are an overall orange color.  I know it’s a lot to ask under the circumstances, but a picture would be very helpful.  Lots of people on here have significant cumulative knowledge about plecos.  We would like to help.

    I'm trying to get a pic, but she said it's really shy. I suggested to look for one online, but I think she's just overwhelmed with dealing with her cancer.


  8. On 6/8/2022 at 5:18 PM, Odd Duck said:

    I’m not in Washington but I’m not sure what you mean by an orange pleco?  Can you clarify?  Might get more takers of people know what species and can understand what size it might get.

    Well wishes for your friend.

    I haven't seen it myself, so I can't say for 100%, but I think it is an Orange Spot Bristlenose Pleco

  9. Hi,

    A friend of the family rescued an Orange Pleco. However, she was recently diagnosed with cancer and asked if I could take it as she's trying to downsize and reduce care load while in treatment. I only have room for my one 10 gall tank and it's at capacity. I said I would put feelers for an experienced aquarist that might be interested in taking the Orange Pleco. She wants it to go to a good, experienced home since it's already been rescued. Anyone in Western WA interested?

    Thank you!

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  10. I have 1 little CPD who's just laying on a plant not moving. I thought it was dead but I got a different angle and can see it's gills moving. The other 4 seem fine, and yesterday all of them seemed fine. I was thinking I should pull it out and put it in a hospital tank with air stone and heater. There is nothing obviously physically wrong with it, so aside from maybe some aquarium salt? Not sure how to treat it. And I can't remember how much salt to add to a gallon? I have both aquarium salt and Epsom, and I have heard people use both, but not sure which would be more appropriate in this case? Any other suggestions welcomed ...

    PS I can't take water perameters yet, as I am disabled and don't have help for a few more hours. I'm just trying to get a game plan for when I do, if it's still alive. 

    PSS I do have multiple different antibiotics on hand if needed - Kanaplex and API MELAFIX, plus another that I can't think of the name.

  11. On 10/15/2021 at 2:17 AM, Jennifer V said:

    If I remember right, nitrates need to consistently be in between 10 and 20 ppm for plant health. Also, do you have root tabs? The plants you mentioned are root feeders so they'll eventually need root tabs like Easy Green

    I bought several crypts when I started my tank in December, some took several weeks to grow new leaves after they melted back so as @DannyBWellmentioned, patience is the best thing to have in your plant arsenal. In a few months, I'm sure you'll have beautiful new growth. 

    I do have liquid easy green and root tabs. But I thought with the substrate I put in, I wouldn't need to put tabs in for a while.

  12. On 10/14/2021 at 9:05 PM, DannyBWell said:

    Took my plants 3 months to start growing back patience may be key here. Know if you still have good roots? If so you should be ok.

    The Lucens I can see a little of the root sticking out, and it looks ok, so that's probably good. The others? I can't tell without digging them up.

    • Like 1
  13. Hey everyone ...

    I put some new plants in my 10 gallon. At the time (Sept 26th) it was still cycling. I put in Cryptocoryne LucensCryptocoryne TropicaDwarf HairgrassCryptocoryne Wendtii Green. Since then 2 of the Lucens, and the Wendtii Green melted. My mystery snail ate the melted plants. Now it's been at least a week to 10 days since they've been completely gone. My question is, how long before there should be regrowth if any? And at what point do I give up and assume they're not coming back.

    info... on 10/10/21 perameters were: ammonia - 0,  nitrites - 0, nitrates were 10, did a water change,  10/12/21 same except nitrates were 0

    Substrate is Fluval Plant and Shrimp Stratum capped with a pea gravel 

  14. I went ahead and put him in a gallon bowl with a heater and air stone. Added epsom salt for now, and tomorrow will be getting Kanaplex if we can find it locally. He won't eat right now unfortunately.

  15. Pretty sure my betta has dropsy. He stopped eating 2 days ago, and acting more lethargic, not wanting to swim or move, and hanging at the top. Now today I see he is starting to pinecone. I am going to quarantine. I have read salt helps ... I have aquarium salt, but I just saw a video that said not to use aquarium salt, and to use epsom salt instead. Is this true? If so, how much per gallon? Also I am going to get some meds to treat. Any suggestions on the best kind? I realize the chances or low, but I feel like I have to try! I also realize I may need to euthanize ... I don't want him to suffer if I can't help him.
    FYI, he is kept in a heated 5gal tank with sponge filter. Water tested at 0 for ammonia, nitrates, and nitrites.
  16. On 8/31/2021 at 9:45 PM, Yanni said:

    Fluval stratum will take a couple days to actually take effect. It might only lower your water ph to about 7.0. I would definetely try to do another setup while you put in the fluval stratum because it might leech out some ammonia which might affect your fish. 

    I already have them in their current 5gal. The new set up is an upgrade to a 10. Ok, so maybe I will just keep them in their current set up while I get the new tank going. Thank you!

  17. On 8/31/2021 at 8:54 PM, Yanni said:

    If you're water is at 8.0 ph, the effects of fluval startum will slowly wear off much faster. Instead of taking making 1-2 years for the effects to wear off, it might take 3-6 months instead. In reality, I think that neo's actually like the higher ph. Fluval stratum will really help some of those root feeding plants, but it looks like you've got a lot of rhizome plants. I would try to fertilize and that might help.

    I do use liquid fertilizer for my anubias and they are doing ok.

    What I really need to know is, do I need to let the new set up run for a while before putting in the plants and fish/shimp/snails? I have 2 established sponge filters. But I don't know if the Fluval Stratum will lower ph immediately? or over a few hrs/days?

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