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Everything posted by JBeehler

  1. The Squish, our fahaka puffer, has been added!! Immediately went to hunting and now we will get him grown out as fast as possible!
  2. Gh might be low but Ph and KH are still showing liquid rock. Pulling alll the substrate out and cleaning up mulm. Anything else I need to be looking at? @Colu sorry to tag you specifically but with searching your name was prevalent in just about all lengthy logged disease posts
  3. I have 3 strains in 3 separate tanks with something going on. I had black metal lace guppies a few months ago with the same issue. They were housed in tubs outdoors over summer. Attacked by a rogue golden top fin minnow that came in from hornwort. Tried kanaplex and Maracyn 2 that time. Neither helped. Lost 30 fish in a month. Slow spread slow die off. 20gallon tanks 30-70 fish 1.25gallon water changes ever 6 hours. Tanks 75-78 degrees. No ammonia no nitrite less than 5 nitrate. Midwest hard water well water. symptoms start with clamped fins, loss of tail movement, heavier breathing and drooping tails. Then they Typically 1-4 fish at a time have it. Takes about a week to perish once signs show. Running ich x currently this go round as I feel it may be a form of Tetrahymena and all I can find is to treat it like ich. please help me figure this out. Don’t want to lose while strains of fish out of the fish room plus worries it will spread to my other tanks/strains.
  4. Ok awesome I will start looking into setups and figure that out. Thank you!!
  5. I will look into those. White worm generally requires a starter culture? Daphnia I will look into but from what I remember it blanched veggies in sealed water container in sunlight?
  6. Going to be setting up live foods for the fish room. What are the top 3 choices? fish to be fed are guppies, swordtails, mollies, multifasciatis, kribensis, and leopard/glow light danios, and bristlenose. number 1 obviously is brine shrimp. I am looking for a couple self producing options. Something that you feed the colony and it should have a fairly continuous supply.
  7. It is a Dutch aquarium systems tank from some time in the 90s if I had to guess. It is 270 gallons. 33” wide on the narrow run and 44” wide in the big “circle” 6.5 feet long and 19-20” deep. it was a display tank at a local store that closed down.
  8. We have fish in the 270! We did a 100% water change cleaned up the water, dropped in 3 sponge filters from cycled tanks, shut down one of the 40 gallon stock tanks housing fish for this one, and added them in here. Current stocking is 20 leopard danios and 20 kribensis chiclids. Also planted a few swords and added anubias. We have a couple more pots of swords and crypts to plant from the pond. Going to order in some more uncommon swords and bolbitis to add into this tank!
  9. We have lights!!!! Ditched sun sun canisters for oase biomaster Thermo 600s. Will add a cross flow wave maker to get water movement to the end of the tank. Just need to add rocks to weigh down the wood(attached to light diffuser panel under all the sand currently) and sand to cap the dirt sand mixture. Fill it up and finish cycling!
  10. Is there a compiled list of colors, fins, etc? Breed like colors and fin types to keep true like guppies? I have a green dragon/phantom that is full size that was given to me, super reds that I assume are female and a few different lemon blue eyes of different fin types. Just haven’t sexed any of the lemons out and. Keep them all separated currently edit: googling now.
  11. It’s local school but while he semester is going I work 58 hours a week and go to school from 530-830ish Monday through Thursday. I get my water changes in and feed tanks but that is about all the time I have, at least until the auto water change system for the rack is done. That will free up an hour and a half or so. I want to try keeping live food/brine shrimp but haven’t got that far yet and worried of the time commitment. I may just track down more strains. Tlindsey from monsterfishkeepers, howdy!
  12. I have a rack of tanks with a few empty tanks. I currently have a few 10 gallon tanks empty. I love seeing baby fish and I have a local pet store I wholesale the fish to. I want easy fish. The leave it and come back to babies type as I am in school for the next year and time is limited. Currently have 12 strains of guppies, multi shell dwellers, Taisho swanke koi swordtails, some gold mollies, and a pair of Mickey Mouse platies that may not be a pair… waiting to see. Are there any other neat or interesting fish I should get? Or should I just get more strains of guppies?(I do love guppies!)
  13. Just following up on updates. I have 24 tanks in the garage setup and running, working on auto water change setup slowly. Was worried about flooding out the septic tank/system so I have the tanks setup to be draining into a tote with a sump valve ump to evacuate it out of the garage through a window. The garage stays within a degree or 2 of the house thermostat setting and has been room temps at 68-70 as low as mid-20s for outside. Running individual tank heaters at 5w/gallon as the 2.5w/gal struggle to maintain 78 degrees in the guppy tanks. I will be buying inkbird thermostats for the tanks slowly next for redundancy and safety of the livestock. I have (14) 20 gallon tanks, (1) 60 gallon tank, (5) 10 gallons and (4) 5.5 gallon tanks. There is (1) 20 gallon in the hous that will come out to the rack once the big tank is done for the baby fahaka puffer we have (3”-4”size currently, just reached the status of larger than our spotted Congo puffers) Picture is old, new circuit for electrical added and more tanks on the top shelf
  14. Well I am slowly trucking along on this with slow progress. The large tank is in cycling/leach ammonia/floating wood to try and sink it. I replaced room lighting over the tank with track lighting so we can have ferocity down pendants with grow lights. Replaced the light switch with a smart switch so I can have the lights in a timer. I still need to get the lights hung (waiting on pendant adapters for the track light) waiting delivery of the filtration and wave maker for flow. have a couple uns posters to hang. (always looking for more fish related posters for the room) also have a mini pond in this room and 2 40 gallon stock tanks with fish awaiting the setup of the big tank to be complete.
  15. That’s not a bad deal! I am on propane and would love to see some savings out of that!
  16. I will try and keep it updated then. For now I will finish up the tank lids and see what I can do to insulate the garage a bit better.
  17. I like this! The walls are concrete behind and beside it and then an interior wall. My garage is in my “basement” the lower level is at ground level in the front and the top level is at ground level in the back yard. I was just thinking I could throw up walls and a door but like the vinyl curtain for ease of getting in and out of it
  18. Sounds like we have some options! Thank you!!
  19. That will work. I have some poly carbonate twin wall on the 10s. Plan on making more as time permits. I am on the ragged edge on breaker for the setup. Have someone coming to look and see if the other side of the garage is on a separate breaker if not the box is 3ft from the rack and I can grab a split breaker and add a circuit. 15 20g 5 10g 4 5.5g 1 40g 410ish gallons.
  20. I have an ac/dehumidifier combo unit I can run. The garage will be heated but just by central heat and air. I plan on closing some up stairs vents in o push a little more air toward the garage to keep it warmer and I am running 5w/gal of heaters on the tank and plan on buying inkbird controllers slowly overtime to double redundant the possibility of stuck on heaters
  21. I am in Kansas. We are going to see freezing temps this weekend. The garage ranges from 65-75 now but we haven’t ran the heat in the house yet.
  22. I am going to have 20-30 aquariums in the garage. It is attached to the house and has central heat and air ducted to it. looking for recommendations for heating them and insulating them as the garage door will be accessed all year though. how would you handle heating?
  23. Here is the stand completed and setup. Still have to contain the wires, plant them and get them stocked. This is the first of 4 of these stands for the room.
  24. The big tank is a 270 gallon “touch” pond. It’s 6.5 feet long, and 44” wide at the “circle” and 21” tall. It was a display at a now closed local fish store and the new fish store finally let me get it from them. They have 1 more the same size and 2 170g ones that are just the “circle”.
  25. Just wanted to keep this updated. The tank plans have changed. I will be resealing some leaking spots in our new to us large tank for the fahaka. And we settled on UNS 60t/u for the other tanks. Adding what the stands will look like for the smaller tanks and picture of the replacement for the 125g
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