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Posts posted by ExtraBennett

  1. I get all the reasons against rimless tanks. Especially since I have one. I tried for a while to get a special lid but was unsuccessful to find something that I thought was aesthetically acceptable for my room.

    I have had a few little friends jump out, mostly been saved. I do have to add water to it between weekly water changes. Yet I think I would buy it again if I were starting over. It’s a nice looking waterbox. 

    i would just Recommend knowing the cons before you go into it to decide if the aesthetics are worth the negatives. For me it is. 

  2. Hi, I am excited to join this forum, and hang out about fish. 
    I have one 10 gallon tank of my own, and I help my son with maintenance of his 2 larger aquariums. We have fun constantly learning and trying new things.
    I find it amazing that I can keep and enjoy a little underwater world in my home! 


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