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Posts posted by Grapevine89

  1. I got a 10 gal tank with 5 ember tetras, a female betta and a bristlenose pleco. Can i add more tetras or is this one at perfect? It also has some moss, moss balls and a banana plant. My big 30 gal has 2 betta females who seem to get along. And 6 harlequin rasboras, java fern, a dwarf water lily and some crypts What else should i add? I also have a betta in a 5 gal but she just has snail friends.

  2. 1 hour ago, Socqua said:

    Was just reading back through some random old posts and was curious if you ever resolved this, @Grapevine89?

    So i planted some crypts in the tank and they are growing new leaves. I added some of the medias from my 5 gal Im finally getting nitrates in the cycling process. The ammonia still comes up high but that happened in my 5 gal til the plants took off and now that tank reads 0 so ithink with time it will work out and until then its just one spoiled beta

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  3. This sounds like what happened in my tank.. If I had to guess you added to much to soon and with the illness and the throw off everything just collapsed.  White fuzzy stuff could be fungus as well. I would do a good vaccum and then just monitor your ammonia levels. umm another thing I had to figure out. If you have plants especially. If your using a good water conditioner chances are you have ammonia but it's already been neutralized with the conditioner. Give your tank time to rebalance I promise it will bounce back. Took me 4 months and to many fish to realize you need to just have patience more then anything. Maybe try adding some media from your small tank again then do your water changes and see if good things happen.


  4. I have a 30 gal and a 5 gal and I notice both tanks have cold spots in them.. They both have sponge filters but i went to plant a new plant in my 30 gal and noticed the spots directly around the heater are warm.. the thermometer reads 80 but there are spots that are just freezing too! how could I circulate betta tanks without creating to much. I thought of putting a bubbler under the themometer but when i doo I see the poor betta struggling to swim. My 30 gal has a mariland for up to 30 gals. My 5 gal has a preset for 10 gal and still is having cold spots


  5. So I got this baby boy betta.. well he is growing but the fins are not.. I got it with the big hope of those beautiful fins oh well Boo is still cute but now I want to add a bit more visual to the tank. I know I can't really put schooling fish in there without over loading I had thought of something like pygmy catfish? Any suggestions besides snails.

    my tank.jpg

  6. 3 hours ago, Hobbit said:

    What a saga. I feel for you @Grapevine89. Hang in there!

    This makes a lot of sense to me. I don’t think your test is wrong—I think you just have a lot of ammonia or ammonium in that water. I’m interested if you follow @Brandy’s idea of doing a 50% water change every other day and seeing if it goes down. It should. Just be aware that with that test result your ammonia could be a lot higher than 8ppm—8 is just the highest the test goes. So if you don’t see ammonia drop after a water change according to the test results, that could just be because it started a lot higher than 8.

    One question just to rule out another variable—are the rocks/gravel you’re using specifically for fish tanks? Depending on what they’re made of, rocks can dissolve and leach things into the water, and that can cause problems.

    The gravel I have is the natural gravel at the pet store. I had a decoration in there where I saw paint had chipped off so I removed that last weekend. I think im done with painted decorations for sure.

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  7. i didn't know if it could be possible that non harmful ammonia was created? I had seen a couple videos on how you can have 2 different kinds but they both show on the test.. but when i take the same tests o my new betta tank everything turns out great with no ammonia and nitrates and nitrites.

  8. ok here is my tank now.. last weekend I had a huge fake plant in the back I took out because I planted like 4 crypts and added frogbite. I also glues the ferns to the chola and moved all the substrate to do a good vacuum and it kicked up a bunch so then I did a 25% water change about 3 days later no gravel movement and that when the smell came.


  9. 4 minutes ago, Brandy said:

    The fertilizer should not cause problems, and dying brown plants will contribute to ammonia, while healthy plants should help. "Liquid carbon" I would not mess with at this point however. (called flourish EXCEL, it can be confused with regular fertilizer, ask me how I know...lol)

    I will say my java fern was fine but the anubias were looking kinda off and then did great and came back wonderfully with some fertilizer. For all intense and purpose though the ammonia test was showing so high all the time my fish looked great til I started messing with additives and couldn't understand why the ammonias were so high,


  10. 1 hour ago, Brandy said:

    Ammo lock should not keep the ammonia from being consumed by the bacteria. 

    I also only got the ammo lock last weeks because nothing was getting the ammonia down Idk I went in and cleaned the sponge filter as Cory shows in his video and I added a bubbler because the other filter I had wasnt pushing air anymore besides that i'm just going to do another water change on sunday and see what it looks like.. Do plant fertilizers do anything weird? I had been adding flourish this last couple weeks too because my plants were getting yellow and brown and then they got better with the fertilizer.

  11. the dechlorinator makes sense I did a minor water change this morning and im just gunna give it time and see what happens at this point with the one fish and do some less feeding i bet feeding got out of hand from feeding the Beta one food the frog another and the tetras something else.

  12. Oh man i feel lime i have been giving so many opposing ideas man! So i woke up and found all the tetras gone but the betta and frog doing solid. So my plan is to go back to my weekly 30% changes... And add nothing til something balances out. The frog and betta shouldnt make too much waste and hopefully the plants can just start catching up to balance everything. I vac the gravel every water change then someone told me not to that i must be removing good bacteria. So i stopped and started vacuuming every other change and everything just hot worse. I also notices the media filter i had isnt pushing the media anymore.. So sigh i guess this is just gunna be a super awesome beta tank for awhile. Oh and the bacteria question i had someone tell me to put a small bottle of quick start in there to eat the ammonia so i did.. And didnt gravel vac for 2 weeks im sure that caused the spike when i did. 

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  13. ok It's a 29 gal tank. I have 5 neon tetras a betta and an African dwarf frog.

    My other tank only has a small sponge filter with a beta I just started so I dont want to mess with that yet.

    I have some drift wood and rocks with gravel substrate.

    nothing has died since August but every time I test the water im at 6 or 8. 

    And nothing has died since the reseal.

    I think it's not cycling because the Ammonia is so high and I have no nitrites or nitrates.

  14. Ok I bought a 32 gallon about 4 years ago.. When I started I got an angel, pearl gourami and a albino common pleco. I left the tank 2 weeks using the bottle my pet guy gave me and doing nothing else 😛 I put them all in the tank and they grew and were happy with my sponge filter and hang on the back and so on. Well I was an armature.. I scrubbed, I cleaned with new water I freaked at algae you name it I did it but the main fish lived. Well a few months in I think ok I'm adding mollies and guppys and corydoras everything died in a month. Then it got bad and my angel started laying eggs and anything I put in the tank she was killing and she eventually started attacking the gourami. Now I was still new and didn't really know what route to take here so I put the angel fish to sleep thinking the gourami is fine and my problems will be ok. Well she also died due to so much injury. Now I have a fresh tank with nothing but 1 catfish cool right.. I give it a good clean and run out and get 6 guppies and 2 African dwarf frogs. Then the tank starts leaking! I get a 20 gal tote I move everyone over Including there water. I reseal the tank and all is good. I put all the decorations back and fill the tank.. But I didn't give it the time it needed to reacclimate so i take 20 gal of brand new fresh water dechlorinated and transfer all the fish over. immediately they are gasping for air and within min I killed them all! I'm not at all feeling like the fish witch. So I take it slow this time I put a new sponge filter in the tank and take out the over the hanging one. I put in the canister media one I and had had in the previous tank and I got some seachem prime and i'm good right? Go get 2 more frogs just start simple... I got some java fern and a few Anubis like ok plants are good been watching lots of co op videos and KGTropicals videos and i'm thinking I got this. Add 5 neon tetras and everything is great no issues everyone is happy. Then I think ok I want a betta for the center piece fish here it's in my daughters room and she will love it. I finally get a test kit.. yes just now. OMG my ammonia is at 8!! I immediately start changing water at like 50% every other day for 2 weeks. And you guess it I look a frog.. So umm asking other fish people now I have got ammo lock to use, I have 3 crypts the java fern and 2 Anubis and some frog bite in there. I have dumped mass amount of bottled bacteria to simulate it's growth. I checked my own water no ammonia.. MY TANK WONT CYCLE! I now do 25% change every week sometimes 2 times if the ammonia gets to high but it is almost always 4 or above when I check.. My 5 gal betta tank no issues runs wonderful has perfectly cycled with an adorbs baby in it. I know places I went wrong but i'm on 3 months with the same fish, adding plants and doing regular water changes shouldnt have cycled?

  15. Another option could be a Betta with African dart frogs maybe corydoras. You could get about 4 frogs and they are a hoot the sprint to the top for air and they live peaceful with a Betta so you could be very low fuss and see how a tank would go before making a huge investment add like 10 pygmy corys and see the fun man. I would also say get plants! if you make a planted aquarium you will have way less and then he can watch the movement of the plants as well. Another good point is the diet is very similar so if you fed some frozen bloodworms and the betta doesnt eat them all the frog will and so on.. Just cycle your tank with the plants a good month then add your frogs for a few weeks then your Betta and give it a few months. Make sure your using the test kit and get a preset thermometer Good luck!

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  16. I got a baby boy at Petco. He was the last one and I made a wonderful 5 gal planted tank so I thought this will be the best for him. I got him a lily, banana plants, some crypts and frogbite. There is a sponge filter and an air stone. I got some fluval betta bites. and I have frozen baby brine shrimp, frozen blood worms and dried bloodworms. Any other tips?

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