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Posts posted by jahoo008

  1. Hello I’m Jessica from Southern California! I got into the hobby because I wanted to save a dying betta from a flea market. It was in one of those plastic critter tanks with dyed blue water that was so low the poor thing was sideways! Unfortunately I had no idea how to take care of bettas and it passed away after three days 😞 I wanted to save all the sad flea market and pet store fish from bad conditions but now I know not to help raise demand for these neglected and abused fish. I got my one and only tank in Feb 2020 and I’ve learned so much about taking care of aquatic animals. I know there’s still so much to learn, and I look forward to learning from such a supportive community like the one Cory and Co are making 🙂 

    first pic is when I first started my tank (I thought you had to acclimate plants too haha) 

    second pic is the current state of my tank



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  2. I got into the hobby because my friend had a tank with shrimp and that was the first time I ever saw anyone keep shrimp before. I eventually got my own shrimp and more fish and I find them so interesting. I love learning about them before I get them and learning about all their interesting characteristics when they live in my tank. Not to mention they are all such beautiful creatures 🙂 

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  3. I only joined CARE yesterday, but so far I love the feeling of community here. I think I've already spent a couple hours just scrolling through the replies from various posts, but I could definitely just keep scrolling and reading about everyone's fish keeping adventures. Everyone is very open to sharing. I enjoy watching all the big fish youtubers, but I love seeing the everyday behind the scenes stuff that everyone else goes through. I'm loving all the pictures of tanks and fish being shared 🙂 It's nice to see others like me who don't have as many tanks or are still learning. 

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  4. I'm sure none of us are entirely perfect when it comes to fish keeping. Some of my confessions:

    -I don't quarantine new fish since my parents only allow me to keep one tank.

    -I plan on getting a South American cichlid even though my water's pH is above 8.

    -I don't temperature match water when I do a water change. I just guess based on touch.

    I think I'll get better as I invest more money in tools that will help with fish keeping.

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