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Posts posted by bomby587

  1. 2 minutes ago, gardenman said:

    Making Repashy is easy-peasy. I make small batches at a time so I use a teaspoon of Repashy to a tablespoon (3 teaspoons) of boiling water. Stir it up to blend and then let it set up in the fridge. When ready to feed, cut off however much you want and plop it in the tank. I have about 30-ish Super Red Bristlenose plecos of various sizes with another 50+ eggs hatching out and mine are mostly carnivore. They inhale freeze-dried tubifex worms, and shrimp pellets. They'll eat Soilent Green Repashy but I don't think they love it. They also love canned green beans. (I buy them the $0.50 cans at Walmart and they eat a full can a week and that's just giving them some every other day.) Algae wafers are largely a no go for them unless they're starving. I wouldn't worry about them getting constipated or having issues with the food. Your pleco would probably like the Wardley shrimp pellets. They're a nice cheap sinking food that my guys (and gals) devour. Freeze-dried Tubifex worms are a favorite of theirs also. Press them firmly against the glass and the plecos swarm them.

    i thought bristlenose are mostly vegetarian, However im slightly happier about bottom scratcher because it does have algea ingrediants in it.

  2. i have some repashy bottom scratcher coming today


    The fish ill be feeding it to are bolivam rams, bronze cories, java loaches and a bristlenose


    im now reading that this is a more carnavoirous food and i should maybe hav went with solient green or morning wood


    my pleco doesnt really like algea wafers and vegetables and goes for fluval bug bites i put in for rams and corys. the bristlenose also seems to like frozen foods


    will bottom scratcher cause the pleco problems since 45 percent protein


    its not going to be all it eats


    im worried itll get constapated


    Whst sbout the other fish mentioned?


    Also should i ground up algea wafers and add them to the repashy?


    and How do i make it ive ordered the smallest pot?

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