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  1. @Colu I haven’t noticed any white spots on them just that mucus build up on them, no white specs or nothing. They eventually get clamped fins and then they stop eating and also yes they do flash around once in a while. I don’t notice any red marks on them aswell and there breathing seems ok.
  2. I’m hoping to find some help here. My tank is currently cycled it is a 36 gal 0 ammonia 0 nitrite 5ppm nitrate 7.2ph i have recently gotten some angel fish about a week ago and I noticed some of this slime/mucus on the fish almost like the slime coat. What makes me think it’s slime disease is that it spread to its eyes and now they appear cloudy. It’s almost like a mucus build up of some sort. Anyways I’ve gotten 4 angels and 3 of them have slowly died, one of them appeared fine but when the 3 died I could see that it has spread to my last angel and he’s now in quarantine being treated with melafix. I have 4 corydoras that were in the same tank as the angels at the pet store and they are fine. One of the angels at the pet store looked like he also had this disease and was basically looking like mine did before they passed. So my questions to you guys is what do you guys think this is???
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