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Tampa Jack

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  1. My 2 favorite creations. ( yes, horrible glare comes free with the photo 🤣). 29 gallon “aquascape” and my 55 jammed packed with only Italian Val and 200 neon tetras
  2. I agree with this. The body shape and markings point to Trinectes maculatus for me. The Achirus seems to have a more rounded back half that these don't possess.
  3. moving them to brackish was the best thing that happened for them. They started to grow immediately and become much more active, especially at night. Super cool fish, I just hate not being able to keep plants alive in my brackish tank. Ive tried sooooo many plants and while some tolerated it for a while, eventually they would just stuggle to grow or look good. A smart man would go down to the river with my salinity test, find whats growing in 1.008 and bring it home lol
  4. Bringing this back up!!! Calling all flounder keepers! I have had a pair of these guys for over 7 years. I have always labeled them as “Trinectes Maculatus”. If you know these fish, and know them to not be that, let minnow! I housed them in freshwater for the first 6 months but after that they got moved into a 40B that has sat between 1.006-1.008. The bigger fish is right at 5.5”. I have often left livebearers in the tanks along with some other brackish tolerable species. I have only really had them eat live blackworms or frozen bloodworms/tubifex worms. Sometimes I will dumb some “ghost/whisker” shrimp in if leaving town but have never visually observed them eating, chasing, or striking them, even though I’ve watched for hours shrimp walk across their backs. The lack of available information on these guys is still astonishing to me becuase I have seen them sold in big chain pet stores. 7 years I’ve had them and love em!
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