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Mad Mike

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  1. Vinegar eels will move about in the water column..... but they DEFINATELY enjoy the surface most, especially where they can wriggle against something at the waterline IE the glass or a 🍃, etc. Very small, but they also love to bunch together, climbing all over one another, and even moving above the waterline, so you may sometimes see larger fish grab a mouthful of them.
  2. While checking on some cultures recently, I noticed a black spot floating against the glass of one of my 1/2 gallon jars. On closer inspection I saw a couple similar specks flying around in the jar!! I quickly unscrewed the lid to find that I must have somehow ripped the coffee filters while screwing it on last month. This was one of my experimental cultures... 🍍 rings in 100% 🍍 juice that had been mixed with acetic acid to 5% acidity. Some eels and yeast finished it off and it went on the shelf. The flies flew off, and I removed the dead one. I replaced the coffee filters and screwed the lid back on thinking all was well.... The following day? or possibly later, I looked at this culture again and was surprised by the number of eels above the waterline. I grabbed my favorite vinegar eel toy, a 100X lighted digital magnifier, and leaned in for a look. There were indeed a great number of eels, but what I didn't expect to see was maybe 3 or 4 maggots. One was safe, we'll above the waterline. The others were not so fortunate, each of them absolutely swarmed in eels. I never imagined my humble vinegar eels would, or even could, consume the maggot, but I didn't have time to wait and see. When I was able to get back there, the maggots were nowhere to be found.
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