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  1. I so appreciate this thread. I want to have Honey Gouramis in my tank. Because they are more easy-going and community easy than other gouramis. I understand that other species are not as friendly. I bought a male gourami and now realize it IS NOT a real Honey! Sigh! Perhaps that explains why he is being aggressive to the other fish in my tank. I am still looking. Today, I was at my LFS (PetCo), they had "Honey Sunset Gourami".... According to what I have learned, They are NOT true Honeys. I am grateful to know the difference now, but irritated at how these are being labelled in the stores. Be careful folks, read this again, save it. I have made some keys notes to keep handy so I will remember what to look for when I am in front of the tanks! Thanks again!
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