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  1. Is expel p equiveland to Kanaplex ? OR API general cure .. I have both of these
  2. Do you mean one table spoon of Epsom salt daily for 5 days ? I have video of her eating a bit but not much. Do you think she may need a mate ?
  3. My PH and KH are on the low side 1 drop changed API color, my GH is high 12 drops to turn the color, other than this everything is perfect. Water changes weekly not ammonia not nitrates or nitrites .. I try to feed different types to get her to eat. Brian Shrimp , blood worms and flakes. I haven’t seen poop at all , she swims active and perfect balanced , no floating, she tried to eat yesterday and then spit the food again. 5 min later she picked a piece of food and didn’t spit.
  4. My Angelfish, just bought like two weeks ago, I haven’t seen her eating, I thought it might be transportation stress. please look at the pictures and advise if she bloated or full of eggs? She is quarantined now in 5 gallons tank, I used melafix for 4 days now, two doeses of 125 mlg of Kanaplex and 2 spoons of epsom salt .. she is active swim fine but just no eating or pooping. please advise. thanks
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